I'm seeing mostly cloudy trichs (I know the pictures are shit) going to start flush from now on.
Nearly had its week flush now, going to turn the lights off on Friday to plan harvest on Sunday.
@Fruitgrower, oh yes i like the high from this weed :)
i would be glad if my plants were already finished i'm so impatient 😅 they still grow until the end of february at the beginning of march
@Fruitgrower, yes it is one of the best aromas I've ever had from flower. I think I even said that in my diary. Taste same and I didn't get a huge yield either. About 2 oz from 2 plants.
I see it! Looks exactly like mine. People telling me it's common with fastbuds but if you look at my grow the turn out to grow some sexy buds. Look after them and theyll be alright man. I was so close to pulling them but thankfully I didnt do that