@Paulolo03, Hello! Thanks for the nice comment. I have been told that the lengthy time is because breeders typically use a 24 hour light schedule. That causes them to finish much quicker than my 18/6. I have started my new plants on a 20/4 light schedule. A friend did 2 grows of the same plant on different schedules and the 20/4 took about 20 days less than then 18/6.
I am very new to growing. I have only harvested 2 plants so far. I don't think I should give advice on how to day anything. LOL Honestly, I just kinda guessed. I did a lot of tucking throughout veg and the first part of flower. I didn't start to remove anything (other than dead leaves and tiny bud sites way down on the plant) until these last few weeks. I started with the ugliest leaves that were covering the most buds and every couple days I removed a few more.
As for the strain, I have not finished one of the Seedsman Northern Lights Auto yet but I have completed a Seedsman Amnesia Auto and it was fantastic! I have already started another. It was my first harvested plant and I love it. It met my expectations in every way. VERY active high.
I plan to continue to flush a few more days then go into an extended dark period. Maybe 3 or 4 days dark. I would like the ratio to go from 80/20 cloudy/clear trichomes to 90/10 cloudy/amber.
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