DeeCeecommentedweek 85 years ago
@AsNoriu, Yeah I certainly am learning the hard way. I wanted to get soil but the grow shop guy gave me Promix HP. I didn't even know it wasn't soil until I researched it at home! It is half perlite half peat moss and some lime added. Its also the Mycorrhizae added brand.
I was still getting the droopiness and beige spots at 6.5 PH. I'll go back to 6 to 6.2 maybe and see if I can dial in a sweet spot. I've also learned not to let them get too dry I think your right the deficiencies set in on soil less and I've been following a watering plan with a good wet dry cycle that probably works better for soil grows. At the same time I've been battling with the droop so I've been under the impression they are too wet. I've settled on smaller amounts of water more often. I also bought a 5g jug of RO water to see if my tap water is causing some of this as well.
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