
The Amnesia Experiment

5 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
18 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
0.528 ml/l
Calcium Nitrate
0.528 ml/l
Magnesium Sulfate
0.264 ml/l
1+ nutrients after
Commented by
Ga4rd2en0er Ga4rd2en0er
5 years ago
Built an expandable custom 1-4 Dutch Bucket system utilizing 5 Gal storage bins located at Lowes, a 10 gal storage bin from Walmart for the res, ecopump 396, 6" riser, 2 riser adapters with 1/4" drip outlets, 1/2" ball valve, 1/2" threaded pvc elbow, various lengths for 1/2" pvc, 1/4" drip line, 4 pvc elbows, 2 - 3/4" grommets, perlite (use chunkiest possible), hydroton on the bottom of the buckets to keep the perlite from draining down into the reservoir. I made a hose out of 1/2 vinyl tubing to attach to the ball valve to empty reservoir for changes/maint. I purchased everything from local hardware stores, nothing from the hydro store except the hydroton. I am using Masterblend Professional dry hydroponic tomato and Vegetable formula, along with dry Calcium Nitrate, and dry Magnesium Sulfate. My listed measurements are actually grams per gallon. Trying the most economical way to grow hydroponically and for 6 gal res fill up and changes, it only cost $0.17 per reservoir change or $0.0283 per gallon. I do use RO water and I will be doing bi weekly hydroponic tea additions to the reservoir. I am not running any type of chilling equipment, I have faith in my hydrotea. For lighting I purchased 2 x QB288 with the heatsinks straight from HLG and purchased a meanwell 320H-1750A driver capable to power a 3rd panel if I need more light for flower. For Veg I am running at 60w per panel and will bump to 110w per panel for flower. These things are seriously bright. Day 5 moved the girls into their new home. Day 6 added hydro tea to res Day 7 I am a moron, in the midst of setting up, I forgot to rinse my perlite. I opened my res today and sediment everywhere and it wasnt the nutrients. It was also coating the bottom of the buckets. So I cleaned out the buckets, dumped and cleaned the res and refilled it back up. The ball valve worked like a champ to pump out the res into a 5 gal bucket. Instead of pure RO, I went with 50/50 tap and RO to make my base water 150 ppm. Upon further research, I was creating a calcium and magnesium deficiency and I do not want to have to add supplements or additional Epsom salts to keep this as KISS as possible for a hydro grow.
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Grow Questions
Ga4rd2en0erstarted grow question 5 years ago
This is my first dutch bucket run and my reservoir pH is rising quite a bit daily. I pH down to 5.8 to 6.0 and within 24hrs it's back up to 6.6 6.7. Rinse and repeat. Is this normal or is something out of whack. I know pH will drift a little in a hydro system but this much?
Techniques. Defoliation
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Grey_Wolfanswered grow question 5 years ago
@Ga4rd2en0er Thats a hard name to write , What is the ppm doing ? is it rising or falling or remaining the same ? usually it will rise like that if the plant has taken up a heap of water thus changing the ph of the now more concentrated solution

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Ga4rd2en0ercommentedweek 45 years ago
@Grey_Wolf the ec drops slightly per day and seems to be drinking about a gallon of water per day right now. Been topping off with nutes to keep it in the 1.7 to 1.8 range.
Ga4rd2en0ercommented5 years ago
@Grey_Wolf, last res change and it was clean as a whistle. I do 4 gal ro, 6 tbsp molasses, 2 heaping scoops of great white, and 3 to 4 handfuls of EWC in a sock and brew for 48 hours. I then add to my reservoirs at a ratio of 20 to 1. Aside from my indoor dutch bucket, I use it in my outdoor kratky tomatoes peppers herbs and lettuces and all have brilliant roots even with 80° res.
Grey_Wolfcommented5 years ago
@Ga4rd2en0er, how do you go with the molasses in hydro? I tried it once and the res filled up with a slimy foamy film never did it again lol
Ga4rd2en0ercommented5 years ago
@Grey_Wolf, that's what I was thinking just the sharp rise in pH alarmed me. I inoculate bi Weekly with a tea I brew with EWC, great white powder, RO water and fed backstrap molasses.
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Ga4rd2en0ercommentedweek 45 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow I ran out of hydroguard and have been supplementing my res with hydro tea every 2 weeks to build up benies since I am not running any type of chilling for my res, So for me H2O2 would be a no go. Tea has kept roots of plants outside in kratky setups bright white and happy with res temps in the high 70f to low 80f. I'm probably being a little over critical as this is my first true hydroponic run.
Ga4rd2en0ercommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, thanks Nova, I inoculate with great white myco powder and earthworm castings fed with backstrap molasses. I can see being myself being over critical, it's one of the reasons I smoke 😊. Thanks again growmie!
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@Ga4rd2en0er, yes to everything you said let me just add it might be a good thing to add bennies to the tea just to assure it's got that chelation power, but yeah most of it is probably being strict on yourself growmie 🏆 🚀
DinafemSeedscommentedweek 35 years ago
You look to be of to a nice start with our Auto Original Amnesia 👌 Happy and healthy just what we want to see at this stage of growth mate 🤗 Good luck with the grow ahead my friend 👍 I'll be along for the ride and watching with interest 👊 All the best ✌️ Mark..
Wicked_Stixcommentedweek 15 years ago
I love dutch buckets. I just got my new system running today. Good luck with your grow!
Wicked_Stixcommented5 years ago
@Ga4rd2en0er, gotcha. Good luck
Ga4rd2en0ercommented5 years ago
@Wicked_Stix, unfortunately I tried that and the buckets are far to wide mouthed compared to the 5 gal bucket. I'm setting up an outdoor Dutch bucket with reg 5 gal buckets and will definitely be using the strainers.
Ga4rd2en0ercommented5 years ago
@Wicked_Stix, thank you, I am excited as I finally have enough headroom to run a hydro setup. Thanks for stopping by!! Cheers
DinafemSeedscommentedweek 145 years ago
I love how you've named both plant's my friend, very cool 🤗 Lloyds time is nearly up with Harry coming down a week later 👍 Both plants look absolutely stunning mate 🤗 Well played 👌 All the best ✌️ Mark..
Ga4rd2en0ercommented5 years ago
@DinafemSeeds, thanks Mark. Great dinafem genetics as always.
Wicked_Stixcommentedweek 115 years ago
Glad you got the pH in check. Now you can truly enjoy the pleasure of dutch buckets. Good luck finishing them up
DinafemSeedscommentedweek 95 years ago
Things look to be going into overdrive mode now 🤗 Big fat buds dripping in trichomes, what's not to love 👍 Looking good in here 👊 All the best ✌️ Mark..
Wicked_Stixcommentedweek 85 years ago
They are looking great!! There is definitely something is your feed that is messing your ph up. The maxigro and maxibloom are the most stable nutrients I have found. My ph will hold stable for 2 weeks without adjustments.
PharmaZcommentedweek 75 years ago
When you ph adjust the res give it a really good mix the water then wait a few mins before you ph test > each adjustment
Wicked_Stixcommentedweek 55 years ago
The armor si can also cause unstable ph if you don't add it to your water before adding your other nutrients.
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 15 years ago
👌🏻 Nice techniques
PharmaZcommentedweek 75 years ago
Ph goes up because she’s drinking all the nutes our the water. Try running beneficials instead of H2O2 Hydroguard is good example. Best is to brew a liquid tea using compost molasses and strains of bacteria and fungi. You will have the pinnacle of health and flavour smell will be increased Rather than nuking your way to root rot then bud rot, try the natural approach XD Read your comments after I posted this... lmao
PharmaZcommented5 years ago
@Ga4rd2en0er, unless you’re adding beneficial to every feed you’ve got chance of brown slime especially in res temps over 18c. Wipe the side of your res with paper towel. If a load of brown slime on the side/bottom of res. I would go ahead and do a H2o2 bath in your res, get some new air stones and see if that makes a difference. As your in flower you can use phosphoric acid instead of nitric acid which is more common. 1 more thing this might help If you dump the water in cold then put nutrients in, the PH will change as the water warms up... Good luck, let me know how you get on✌️
Ga4rd2en0ercommented5 years ago
@PharmaZ, I've used straight ro, I've used straight tap, I've used 50/50 mix. I mix all my nutes for a while in a 5 gal bucket to ensure no precipitation of the suspended nutes and have a small pump circulating the water within the res along with 2 large airstones powered by a 10 w pump. First thing I do when I open the tent daily is check ph then adjust and work on plants (lst, defoil, etc) and check ph again when done. Not sure if maybe the tnb down is crap, first time using it as I ran out of trusty old GH ph down. I think after this run I'm going to build a platform to put my tent on and use a larger res outside the tent. My res is only 7 gal due to holes in the latching handles on the tote. Thanks for the input and keep the ideas coming!
PharmaZcommented5 years ago
@Ga4rd2en0er, im thinking something to do with the benificials, wether it’s good or bad bacteria it can cause Ph swings. Are you using RO water?
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Denzulcommentedweek 155 years ago
So many massive colas on this beauty. Nice work. 15 weeks is an old auto on here, but I think many people harvest too early. Yours surely shows the Benifits of patience. Congrats. Keep doing what your doing and best of luck with the rest the grow.
Denzulcommented5 years ago
@Ga4rd2en0er, praying to the ganja gods for ya
Ga4rd2en0ercommented5 years ago
@Denzul, they definitely tried my patience this run. But with the bad pH down I was using, they had a rough first couple weeks of flower so I think it elongated the flowering window. Fingers crossed this weekend and the last one will be done.
JP148commentedweek 155 years ago
Gorgeous grow. So many dense colas. Well done
Ga4rd2en0ercommented5 years ago
@@JP148, thanks JP!
JinksyGrowscommentedweek 155 years ago
Hell friggin ya buddy. What a harvest! Holy crap! DOTM contender for sure. Congratulations man. This is serious quality and a serious yeild. Unbelievable 😮. Great work, well deserved. Happy smoke my friend!👍👌☺️
Ga4rd2en0ercommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, it's a very happy smoke indeed. Thanks Jinks!!
Kid_Colombiacommentedweek 125 years ago
wooow looks amazing!! im on week 4 right now and i'd love some feedback from an experienced grower like you
Ga4rd2en0ercommented5 years ago
@Kid_Colombia, I am far from an expert but happy to share what I know. Stop by anytime!
JinksyGrowscommentedweek 135 years ago
Holy crap this is nice. Look at that frosting! You're in for one hell of a treat and you've done these genetics proud. Very happy to see you nearing the finish line. I'm genuinely excited for you, it just all looks so good.👏 Cheers and continued success my friend. Bring her home!✊👍
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 105 years ago
🙀🙀🙀🙀😎 looks really exciting for me , when can i taste?
CaptainCreamcommentedweek 155 years ago
How do you think Orginal Amnesia from Dinafem is more like Northen light or more like Amnesia ??
Ga4rd2en0ercommented5 years ago
@CaptainCream, she felt a bit more amnesia in smoke and bud structure vs NL. Great hash plant, lots of trichs everywhere.