2019-11-01 - topped and began LST training
2019-11-02 - Topped up with 1 liter of water. After topping up the ppm was 377 ph was 6-6.5.
2019-11-04 - PH of 6.5 and a ppm of 372. Snapped a branch partially doing LST on white widow hot glued it back.
2019-11-06 - The hot glue fix for my snapped branch is looking nice. Since last top up the plant consumed 1 liter of water. Water in the bucket had a ph of 6 to 6.5 and a ppm of 372. PH is stable, ppm is stable and water is decreasing...exactly what we want. Buckets needs 1 liter of water used berkey filtered water with an initial ph 7 ppm of 117. I dropped the ph to 6-6.5 using 2 drops of ph down. I treated the water with 1.5 cc of FF grow big and 1.5cc of FF big bloom the water then had a ppm of 576. After adding the treated water to the bucket the ppm of the water in the bucket rose to 390.