4th flowering week done 16.1.
One Papaya Road hermed so I removed her. Damn she was sticky as f***.. Well remaining does not show any signs of this and looks pretty damn good! 😎👌
Papaya Road has dense trichomes covered buds now starting to stack up nicely. This is gonna be straight fire!
As is Tropical Zkittles 😍 Can't wait.
I have now done my defoliation so now just watering and taking care that these babes finish perfect.
@LongJohn420, they look so good already, seems like hard genetics to get your hands on can't seem to find Southern soul online anywhere other then facebook or instagram.
@raptor65, thanks man! I harvested at 65 days. I just broke my phone two weeks ago so no pics and no updates. I will update last week and harvest thou. I have some pics.
But Yeah these came out really awesome! Big recommendation!