Week 12, 26/1/2020 - 2/2/2020, almost finished 50% - 60% of pistils have turned orange, buds have a purple shade, checked the trics and are cloudy, and the smell is exotic and awesome. This will be her last week with nutrients, next weekend will check trics again and probably will start cleaning, so she will be harvested on 9/2/2020.
I grow Smoothie too and i think she has problems with more than 18 hours of light. My leaves look more fucked then yours but it looks familiar. I hope i have enough leaves left to finish the grow. Good look and happy harvest.
@@ShotGunBob, hello Bob, untill week 6 I wasn't sure if I was going to keep her. If you check this diary at week 4-5-6 you ll see that she looked like she had cal mag issues. Although ph was at the right range, and the dosage was the max recommended by AN. I would suggest (at least its what I did and worked) a flash with H2O2 and then start again slowly to increase the nutes.