At least 50% of the pistils are now orange and curled in, she can't be far now!
Noticeably more pisitils have curled and darkened.
Leave your guess in the comments how much the yield will be, be interesting in seeing peoples estimates.
Found a single small clear winged fly in there, crushed it and looked around for more but I never found anything else.
She's starting to grow further out and I wished this grow would have been shorter then the last!
She is now 8 weeks into her flowering cycle -10 weeks of you count from schedule switch- and about 55% of her pistils are now orange and yet I fear she's got a little more to come...there is new spontaneous growth coming off the top buds almost like a foxtail except it's not lose or whispy which tells me I can expect a nice harvest.
very nice buds man, towers of joy! ;) Just be careful on your humidity levels...anything above 60% for too long and you'll get the perfect breeding ground for mold. Try and keep it between 45-55% :)