
4 * Sticky Beast auto, LED (first grow)

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks 3-6
weeks 5-7
Grow medium
25 L
Pot Size
1 L
Grow Conditions
Week 7
18 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
ActioPauliana ActioPauliana
5 years ago
This week, there were a number of problems I had to deal with, but all in all, the girls progressed nicely: buds are swelling up and despite a few dying leaves, everything looks quite healthy. The buds are looking more frosty every day and smell increases. Vertically, they only grew a few centimeters. They fully switched from growth to flower. I started the week on day 43 with some defoliation and a water & feeding session. Since I already removed most leaves that were in the way of things in week 6, I didn’t defoliate too much. Just a leave here and there. I gave them plain pH’ed (to pH 7) water until 20% runoff. The pH of the first runoff was at 6, while 7 was going in. After that, I gave them 2 liters of nutrients mix, which was still very light at 0,1 ml/l Gro, 0,5 ml/l micro and 0,5 ml/l bloom. The next day, day 44, when I opened the tent, it was clear there were problems. All the leaves from the top 1/3th of the plant that were exposed to light, were looking pale, more lime green. Some leaves in the bottom were also showing (interveinal) chlorosis. A few leaves had some small brown speckles on them. Like half the leaves had red stems (although, this was already the case for several weeks, even as a seedling some of the plants had a red stem), but also some complete side stems were turning red. The edges of Benthes leaves, were also turning red (like a very narrow red line on the edge of the leaves). My first reaction was to raise the lights. It seemed the only logical thing to do immediately, since the symptoms were the heaviest at all the exposed parts of the plants. I also noticed the temperature of the soil was only 14 degrees Celsius, while it was 24 degrees in the tent on canopy level, but only 20 on the floor. It had been a very cold night after watering. The floor got really cold that night: the wet fabric pots filled with 25L of soil, just didn’t warm up. Hence, I isolated the floor with some left over isolation material. I took the rest of the day to study the symptoms and do some research. The next day, day 45, the affected leaves at the middle and bottom of the plant, looked worse, but the paling and chlorosis at the top of the canopy didn’t look worse. After some research, it became clear for me the plants were seriously underfed. Because of the N excess in week 3 and 4, I drained them with plain pH’ed water every time before adding limited amounts of nutrients; I was flushing all the buffers away and not adding enough to the mix. The cold soil didn’t help and probably impeded intake of the already barely available nutrients. Because of this, the plants were no longer able to cope with the bright light. There were calmag issues showing, maybe a little shortage of N and probably also a phosphorus issue (because a few leaves at the bottom were turning dark and some fingers of the leaves got brown and died). Basically, there was a shortage of all macro and meso nutrients. I’ve added some pictures of removed leaves that show the progress of the deficiency. Since pH was in check, it just had to be underfeeding, with the cold root zone and the bright light as catalysts. Hence, I gave them all 2 liters mixed with 0,2 ml/l gro, 0,7 ml/l micro and 1 ml/l bloom. I made sure the mix was a little warmer than normal (25 degrees Celsius instead of 20) Since then, the temperature of the rootzone has been at about 18 degrees Celsius, they just needed that temperature boost after a very cold night. The next day, day 46, progress of the problems was definitely slowed, but not completely halted. On day 47 I gave them another 2 liters of the same mix. After that, I was out of town for a few days. When I returned on day 49, things looked ok: the already affected leaves had deteriorate further, but new growth (some sugar leaves) looked good and the problems hadn’t spread to other leaves. The pots were already light and the top soil dry, meaning they drink a lot. About 1,5 to 2 liter every day. Today, day 50, I gave them a full water and feeding. I didn’t water with plain pH’ed water, but instead gave them all about 7 liters of nutrients mix (0,2 ml/l gro, 0,7 ml/l micro and 1 ml/l bloom, which is 50% of recommended quantity, except for gro, which is even less, because I don’t want to add too much N in this phase), which resulted in 1 to 2 liters of drain. pH of the run off was a little on the acid side (5,5), but the nutrients mix I added was close to 7. The next days will be important: are the problems effectively dealt with, or do I have to take more measures? If the symptoms do not spread any further, I can slowly move the lights a little closer. Hopefully, the girls will reward all my efforts and use their last few weeks to swell those buds.
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BigBeautifulWeedcommentedweek 105 years ago
This is one of the best diaries I've seen here, your set up is state of the art (I take note of the automatic fire suppression system, safety first) and my next grow will probably be Sticky Beast so I'll take this as reference. And I think we probably live in the same country, too, so odd. Great job, amazing yeld! 👏
Cheeba_Inucommentedweek 85 years ago
Great first grow, you should be proud of what you have achieved so far! The USB microscope is a good idea for checking harvest time, just make sure to ignore amber on the leaves and focus on the calyxes. You're going to have some nice fat buds by the end! 🔥🔥🔥
thenewdudecommented5 years ago
@Cheeba_Inu, because of this thread, I will try both, one will be flushed for a week and one for 2, will see the difference in smoke and yield. and let you all know
Cheeba_Inucommented5 years ago
@ActioPauliana, sounds like a good idea, it's usually better to underfeed than overfeed especially when you're getting into the final ripening. I didn't directly read that research project (although I'm going to give it a good look now) but I heard about it through other sources. What I heard about it, and the lack of any scientific evidence to the contrary, influenced my decision to not flush too much or for too long. So I think you're making a good choice! So much of the quality beyond genetics/grow environment is determined by the dry/cure, so I usually focus more on that than worrying too much about the flush.
ActioPaulianacommented5 years ago
@Cheeba_Inu, thanks, that's a sound advice. I've been torn between the two schools of thought regarding flushing. My original plan was to do a short flush as you describe, but got scared by a YouTube movie claiming not flushing could cause headaches and other negative side effects. Therefor, feeding light seemed like a good compromis between the two schools. However, the absence of scientific prove, is a heavy factor for me (being an almost fanatic rationalist, haha). Have you seen the recent researchproject from RX Green Technologies? It compared flushed en non-flushed plants and showed that there were a few minor differences in chemical profile. More interesting: a blind testpanel rated the consumption of non-flushed and flushed plants. The latter scored worse: I'll go with the short flush, as you suggest. Thanks!
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Resin_Randycommentedweek 95 years ago
good job man 🍀👌🏼
ActioPaulianacommented5 years ago
@@Resin_Randy, thanks man! My own Tegrity farm 😆
F4m0u5commentedweek 75 years ago
You are doing an amazing job ! Keep it up!!!
ActioPaulianacommented5 years ago
@F4m0u5, thanks, really looking forward to harvest :)
MadeInGermanycommentedweek 65 years ago
Look very healthy... keep going like this :-)
ActioPaulianacommented5 years ago
LuckyLukecommentedweek 105 years ago
Great Grow!
OimRauschcommentedweek 105 years ago
Wow, amazing job👌👌 Congrats 👍👍 Señoritas look beautiful...
HazeyBobbycommentedweek 105 years ago
Congrats on the harvest! I had to laugh at your first enjoyable hour of trimming... that was a similar experience for me last year. But the months that follow make it all worth it :)
VovaFarmscommentedweek 85 years ago
Cool info ℹ️ 👍👌
oneskunkyboicommentedweek 85 years ago
Your buds in w4 of flowering looking way more matured than mine in the first day of w5, I’m jealous. Very nice garden !
JP148commentedweek 15 years ago
It sounds like your ready for some serious growing. Its quite the set up of equipment for first grow room. Your first girls are looking good. Go easy on the power of your lights till you now what they can tolerate. Good start Good Luck