Got them in 5 gal fabric within first week if not the first few days. One I have running a super soil, will get back with brand as it's store bought. The other is straight fox farm ocean forest. Super soil is also cut with fox farm ocean forest as well. Water minimally, no nutes for either, ph balance my well water for the ocean forest and straight well water for the super soil. My well water comes in at 6.8-7.0 pretty regularly, but super soils, I've been told, not to balance ph of water and allow the substrate to buffer.
@Saro01,I'm trying to get a full garden for my next run I only had 4 on my 1st and there where autos as well so gone for a few photos and gonna add a few autos as well and have it on a 18/6 light till autos are done and the flower the photos well I hope I goes like that any way lol
@Blueboy2019, thanks, I'd recommend based on the crazy terp profile on these. I've never smelled anything like it when I was cutting it down. Not the easiest to grow, but I would never say it was hard at all. Just a sensitive strain to changes, likes very light feeding and even lighter on the watering.
@Blueboy2019, yeah, i could have gone another week I'm sure, but full on cloudy trichs and I'm looking for an up beat high. 60-70 day window, chopped at 66 day.
@EZgrower, hey thanks a lot! Same to you. You should have fun, I've never grown an auto before. Plenty of growing photos, but first auto. I appreciate it!