
Shoe-string indoor CBDream grow

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 6-7, 9-11
weeks 9-12, 19
weeks 9-11, 13, 23, 25
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 1
24 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Commented by
OnTheMoon OnTheMoon
5 years ago
After the outdoor Fall harvest, I really began to miss having any plants to be tended. On December 6, I set up 1 CBDream seed following King Seed's sprouting directions. In 2 days I could see that the seed had broken open to reveal the white sprout. I dropped the seed into the Miracle Gro soil in a solo cup. The first 2 leaves appeared above the cotyledons. I don't have a grow room or a tent. Maybe someday, but that is not today. The little sprig spent 2 days in the sunniest window. It needed more light as I am in northern hemisphere and the daylight is very short and weak. Now it is happily getting light from a 24W LED on the floor in my bedroom. Have not had to water since making the soil wet before dropping the seed.
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Grow Questions
OnTheMoonstarted grow question 5 years ago
This week my 4 week plant has been sickly and grew very little. The second leaves began to curl and when I touched them, they felt very brittle. Why? What I am trying is to increase the humidity, and moving the light further away. Little nitrogen has been given.
Leaves. Curl down
ActioPaulianaanswered grow question 5 years ago
I strongly advice to invest in a growtent, as temperatures are way too low, even with the heater. This has stunned your grow definitly. Humidity gets this low because of your heater. Its raising the temperature, but doesnt add moisture to the air. When air is warmer, it can contain more moisture, therefore, when you heat up, RH goes down, unless you add moisture to the air. And the low humidity is a problem, it should be above 40, preferably above 50. Therefore, invest in a growtent, it is much easier to manipulate temps and RH in a tent. And the plant is definitly experiencing heavy N toxicity, its darkgreen and curled down tips are clear signs and its looking bad. Flush her good or even consider transplant. Giving the recommended amount on the bottle in this phase is WAY too much. Start with 0,5 or even 0,25. Less is more. Probably your soil had already some nutes in it, hence you dont even have to add nutes the first few weeks, even when the soil is a light mix. I had/have a N excess while only feeding 0,5 of the recommended dose just twice and only 3 liter in total on bigger plants and in a light soil mix (see week 3 of nu diary). I havent add nutes since then and my plants are growing fast, but they are still showing signs of N toxicity. The low humidity makes things worse, as it causes the plant to damp more, therefor taking up more water and thus N, increasing toxic levels in the plant. She's not looking good, I'd invest in a growtent, study some basic guides and probably start over, but maybe you can save her, I have too little experience to make that call. Goodluck!
OnTheMoonstarted grow question 4 years ago
What causes leaves to feel dry to the touch and curl down? These leaves are in the lower branches. Misting these lower leaves each day with water seems to help.I have been careful to not over water. Is it a problem with nutrients or humidity?
Leaves. Other
1 like
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey there, it unfortunately is overwatering, you can tell from the puffy space between the veins of the leaves . That downward curling is due to some kind of water mold. Basically it's not your fault, happens all the time with the plastic pots. keep not overwatering, probably wait an extra 18 hours than you normally would, the main idea is to water just before lights on aswell, that will help just a bit. To fix the root zone issue , you need to break down problem roots with a chelation agent for example enzymes or humic acid, or even beneficial bacteria like bacilus subtilis or thuriengiensis . Just start adding either of those (not all three!) and the problem will stop spreading almost immediately and the plant should fully recover within ten days. Hope this helps ! 🚀

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Mr_Weeds_Autosweek 2
I would go with 48 to make sure you don't give it light burn
@Mr_Weeds_Autos, I think you are correct. I will lift the light as the leaves are a very dark green. 😃
ShotGunBobweek 19
She looks awesome!😊good luck with her and if you like then check my grows out💯💚
Bloombusterweek 1
Приветствую, бро! жирные листики! желаю поднять жирные шишки! Лови первый лайк! 👍
Kid_Colombiaweek 1
interesting strain, i've always been curious how this strain would grow, look forward to staying updated. Im in week 2 right now and excited to see how it goes
wawasgardenweek 4
Well yeah dude your using advanced nutrients 3 part base nutrients and only giving it one. Give it 4ml/L of all 3 micro grow and bloom. Theres your first problem you need to use all 3 parts of the base nutrients at the same time in order to get the benefits.
@OnTheMoon, then it's probably a lock out from over watering or pH problem. Make sure it has good drainage and give her a flush check your soils pH.
@wawasgarden, I used all 3 parts but could not find the names of part 2 and 3 in the drop down list of Advanced Nutrients.