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Gorilla ZkittleZ LETS GO

Approved by Barney's Farm
5 years ago
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
70 %
21 °C
18 °C
4 L
1 L
101.6 cm
Nutrients 1
VeloKelp - Remo Nutrients
VeloKelp 2.642 mll
4th run has started!!!! The tent is going to have 3 strains from Barney's but this diary will be devoted to Gorilla ZkittleZ. The Germ went smoothly and we are on the way to some beautiful plants i'm sure!
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Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
500 PPM
60 %
21 °C
18 °C
4 L
1 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 5
VeloKelp - Remo Nutrients
VeloKelp 2.642 mll
Remo Micro - Remo Nutrients
Remo Micro 1.321 mll
Remo Grow - Remo Nutrients
Remo Grow 1.321 mll
Ok sooooooo I think I figured out why my yield was a little lower then expected on the 3rd run then I expected. I noticed on day 7 when I transplanted that the roots seemed a little small but didnt worry too much about it. After 2 days in the bigger pots the growth didnt take off as expected and they didnt seem very healthy as i'm used too. Didnt look sick but just not super healthy. When I was making the nutes I noticed the PH seemed to be different then before when the PPM was so low. So I decided to check the PH meter with a calibration solution annnnnnd OH MY F(#K the meter was reading about .45 higher then it should. meaning I was adding PH down for no reason AHHHHHHHH as soon as i calibrated the meter and provided proper ph'd nutes, the little ladies responded immediately 😄 Huge explosion of growth as there should have been a few days prevously. I hope this doesnt cause any long term effects and only consequence is the 3-4 day set back. My guess is this would explain the low yeild. Man there is alot to learn and stay on top of, wihch makes me love this so much more. knowing how difficult it is to produce top notch cannabis run after run. I dont know what the next curve ball will be but i'll be here waiting for it lol
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
15.24 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
700 PPM
60 %
21 °C
18 °C
4 L
1 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 5
VeloKelp - Remo Nutrients
VeloKelp 2.642 mll
Remo Micro - Remo Nutrients
Remo Micro 1.321 mll
Remo Grow - Remo Nutrients
Remo Grow 1.321 mll
NICE! Ok so now that the PH meter is calibrated, the plants are very healthy. Huge growth shown this week. The ladies are certainly on the right track. Topping will happen in the next couple days and well start setting up the scrog!!!
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Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
15.24 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
700 PPM
55 %
21 °C
18 °C
4 L
1 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 5
VeloKelp - Remo Nutrients
VeloKelp 2.642 mll
Remo Micro - Remo Nutrients
Remo Micro 1.321 mll
Remo Grow - Remo Nutrients
Remo Grow 1.321 mll
lol part of the fun I guess but not really!!!! soooo now another issue. the 2 things I think it could be is over watering or too concentrated nutes. Only one of the plants in the tent has this discoloration on the leaves but it changed pretty quickly, over 2 days. 5 of the 6 plants in the tent have tips curling down now though! I noticed 2 of the other plants in the tent seemed to be over watered so I cut back on their water as well as the other plants as a precaution. Watering them every 2 or 3 days now instead of daily. but now I notice it on the 2 GZ plants as well?!?!?! the wieird thing is the smallest plant in the tent looks the healthiest now?!?! I have been watering it the same as the other ones, so if its not too much water for the smallest one how is it too much for the other 5? little bit lost on this one?? could it be nute burn?? I noticed the growth is still good but slowed down slightly too the last few days? The left plant is smaller then the right plant. both have been topped but the right plant is much healthier, did maybe some over nutes happen when I topped it? at a loss as why one plant has the discoloration and the otehr is nice a green but same nutes and watering sched
Used techniques
Grow Questions
JohnnyBlaz3started grow question 5 years ago
Discoloration on one plants leaves. tips curled down on most plants. watering every 2nd or 3rd day
Leaves. Curl down
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HighRoller909answered grow question 5 years ago
first of all,your grow looks really good,nothing to worry about too much for now.Stats are cool, 6 ph is OK, watering every 2/3 day is OK and you have perlites in your coco it is very OK too.With coco,overwatering with every other day watering is nearly impossible,yours are not overwatered.With coco/perlite it is quite impossible.Yours just have too much nutrients in growing medium.Those rusty spots generally related to calcium deficiency but since you also think that you overfed some until now,rusty spots will turn into crispy leaf parts slowly.Leaves have a solid dark color and very little signs of burn on the edges means yes you have overfed a bit but nothing to worry about as they all look healthy.As far as I know,gorilla strains are sativa dominant ones with fussy genetics.sativa leaning plants don't like much Nitrogen.That's why you see leaf tips curling down.this clawing is caused by overnitrogen,meaning nitrogen toxicity.But as I said,nothing to worry about because you have just noticed it and did a great job! All my sativas had this clawing,I treated them quick and it didnt have affect the yield. 3lt pots are too small,I suppose you'll transfer them into bigger pots soon.My advice ; do a flush with 5lt of water.check the EC of the runoff from starts.You'll see it decreases with more water.that's good.when you have more clear runoff with less EC,you are safe.Then feed them just like you fed until now.but add less nutrients please.Also,a critical advice , that VeloKelp thing seems to be some seaweed extract.They also have too much Nitrogen in them.Giving grow nutrients alongside things like kelp causes that Nitrogen toxicity.Use only kelp or grow for your plants as they seem to be not loving it that much.I would cut off grow nutrient.only kelp,no remo grow.and you'll have all your problems got away.this one is a well prepared,nice grow.good luck mate
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
35.56 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
750 PPM
55 %
21 °C
18 °C
4 L
1 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 5
VeloKelp - Remo Nutrients
VeloKelp 1.585 mll
Remo Micro - Remo Nutrients
Remo Micro 1.585 mll
Remo Grow - Remo Nutrients
Remo Grow 0.528 mll
WOW now that was a great week!! Night and day with the update this week from last. The plants are thriving and the whole tent is very happy. The GZ wowzers these is a hearty plant already. The Scrog has set up nicely, cant wait to transplant and get the net up (ordered the pots, just waiting on them to arrive, going with 10 gallon). You can see when the plants are happy just how well they respond to setting up for the scrog. Ah what a relief to be back on the right track. With much research I'm going to have to agree with the 2 guys about the issues at hand. I was over watering the plants but the issue was creating a calc def and nitrogen toxicity which I think is almost corrected. Cant wait to see how they respond to the transplant!! after a fairly slow month this is when the real fun begins!!!!!! Tahnks for the help guys. This is gonna be a monster crop I can feel it!!!
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
50.8 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
750 PPM
55 %
21 °C
18 °C
38 L
3 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 5
VeloKelp - Remo Nutrients
VeloKelp 1.585 mll
Remo Micro - Remo Nutrients
Remo Micro 1.585 mll
Remo Grow - Remo Nutrients
Remo Grow 0.793 mll
Transplanted 2-3 days ago and they are lovvvvvving it!!! The ladies are looking SPECTACULAR!!!! They are filling out very very nicely. WIll be tossing up the net tonight or tomorrow. Will be flipping the lights in a weekish is my guess.
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Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
5 years ago
15.24 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
750 PPM
55 %
21 °C
18 °C
38 L
3 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 5
VeloKelp - Remo Nutrients
VeloKelp 1.585 mll
Remo Micro - Remo Nutrients
Remo Micro 1.585 mll
Remo Grow - Remo Nutrients
Remo Grow 0.793 mll
Just call me SCROG GOD 😂😂 kidding but they do look absolutely spectacular!!!! I haven't raised the ppm in the nutes at all in about 3 weeks just more water. Im thinking Im going to flip the switch in the next day or 2 here so I dont run out of room. Yesterday i did a massive defoliation and cleaned up everything below the net on all the plants and cleaned up any weak nodes, basically the strong survive!!! These plants look like they are going to be massive!!! 😁 thanks to everyone whos been taking the time to check in!!
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
15.24 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
750 PPM
55 %
21 °C
18 °C
38 L
3 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 5
VeloKelp - Remo Nutrients
VeloKelp 1.585 mll
Remo Micro - Remo Nutrients
Remo Micro 1.585 mll
Remo Grow - Remo Nutrients
Remo Grow 0.793 mll
Smooth sailing this week as well. Flipped the switch 6 days ago. I did a massive defoil 4 days ago that has filled in nicely, the tent looks similar but theres many more nodes for colas now as ive continued to tuck and grow the scrog! 😁 The next update should definitely be showing some lady parts 😉
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Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
71.12 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
850 PPM
55 %
21 °C
18 °C
38 L
3 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 5
VeloKelp - Remo Nutrients
VeloKelp 1.585 mll
Remo Micro - Remo Nutrients
Remo Micro 1.585 mll
Remo Grow - Remo Nutrients
Remo Grow 0.793 mll
Another smooth week. Today is day 14 of flower and as of yesterday the little lady parts are getting quite noticeable. Ok there are these amber bubbles I see on the plants this week. My first thought was omfg pests. i see them on some of the leaves stems, not all but more then barely any. so i put one under the microscope and it didnt seem to be moving. checked another, same thing. put some leaves aside with them on a plate and next day they are in the same spot? they really dont seem alive but I dunno what they are. what they look like are sap bubbles to be honest but I dunno if thats a thing. also the leaves all seem very healthy, definately no signs of pests. so what are these things lol ok a couple people have mentioned they think they are egg shells but i looked very closely everywhere and see no pests, theres no sign of any health issues and this only started after i switched to flower so i'm not sure whats up. people mentioned about being white. there are white ones as well but mostly amber. they seemed to be more white ones before but now they are mostly amber edit: i added a different one that doesnt look so much like an egg,
Used techniques
Grow Questions
JohnnyBlaz3started grow question 5 years ago
what are these sap bubble looking things
Leaves. Other
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OutForRealanswered grow question 5 years ago
I feel like they are bugs eggs shells.
JERgardenanswered grow question 5 years ago
Mate, I think they could be cochineal insects (Family Dactylopiidae). Try to remove them by hand and use neem oil to prevent more individuals to arrive in your beautiful garden!
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 5 years ago
Although sap bubbles can happen, this doesn't look like one. They would be clear and see through and thick and liquid to the touch. This does look like some kind of egg but not sure.
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
1020 PPM
55 %
21 °C
18 °C
38 L
3 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 4
VeloKelp - Remo Nutrients
VeloKelp 1.585 mll
Remo Micro - Remo Nutrients
Remo Micro 1.585 mll
Nature’s Candy - Remo Nutrients
Nature’s Candy 1.585 mll
sooooooo still havent figured out what those crystal looking things are. I appreciate all the suggestions but have pretty much ruled them all out. I did find about a dozen fungus gnats over the week. Mainly in the one plant. I went and got some sticky papers but have only caught 4 flies or so and havent seen anymore so i dunno, hoping that issue isnt an issue. plants still all look very healthy and well into flower now! i have found many shapes and sizes. closed ones and opened ones and never found and bugs so i really dunno here. they really look like little sap crystals but they dont seem to be connected to the plant like that. anyhoo hopfully i never see any negative effects from them lol there is also this one super branch, its like 2 branches but connected together like conjoined twins, its massive lol and the bud on the top is gonna be huge i think
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
1020 PPM
55 %
21 °C
18 °C
38 L
3 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 4
VeloKelp - Remo Nutrients
VeloKelp 1.585 mll
Remo Micro - Remo Nutrients
Remo Micro 1.585 mll
Nature’s Candy - Remo Nutrients
Nature’s Candy 1.585 mll
ok that was a stress free week again. think i saw 1 more gnat but havent seen one for 5ish days. About a dozen over a week wasnt a big deal so i got lucky on this one. the little sap crystal looking things remain a mystety we may never know lol have about a month left until harvest! the flowers are starting to plump up now and the crystal has really started coming on
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Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
1020 PPM
55 %
21 °C
18 °C
38 L
3 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 8
HyperBloom - Terra Aquatica
HyperBloom 0.264 mll
Terpinator - Terpinator
Terpinator 5.283 mll
VeloKelp - Remo Nutrients
VeloKelp 1.849 mll
Ok now this is a canopy to be proud of! This looks incredible woot woot! Did a massssive and final defoil about 3 days ago and cleaned up anything that isnt going to be a smokable flower. Took some contortioning i dont care to admit but its all good 😂 So today I started using some koolbloom to start really plumping these flowers up. Also as expected, that twin stem cola is looking like its gonna be crazy big 😃 The whole tent looks very healthy and i'm hoping for a smooth sailing to harvest!!!
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
1020 PPM
52 %
21 °C
18 °C
38 L
3 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 8
HyperBloom - Terra Aquatica
HyperBloom 0.264 mll
Terpinator - Terpinator
Terpinator 5.283 mll
VeloKelp - Remo Nutrients
VeloKelp 1.849 mll
😍😍😍 Everyones favorite time has arrived. The flowers have started plumping and the frost caking on. The trichs are so long its crazy!! Like hair on tarantula legs!!! The flowers look great and appear to be getting nice and dense. I do want to see peoples opinions on when they remove added co2 from the tent. I should be about 14-21 days away from harvest with my guess closer to 21. I was told to take out the co2 two weeks before harvest by one person. Another says they leave it til the end, he has some damn nice flowers so its hard to argue lol what do you do?? Heres to a smooth finish!! One thing that i think happened was phosphorous toxicity in the one plant. I think thats what i read awhile ago for why it has the brown hairs like that compared to the other 5 plants. is that corrrect?
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
5 years ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
1020 PPM
52 %
21 °C
18 °C
38 L
3 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 8
HyperBloom - Terra Aquatica
HyperBloom 0.264 mll
Terpinator - Terpinator
Terpinator 5.283 mll
VeloKelp - Remo Nutrients
VeloKelp 1.849 mll
soooo purrrrrddddyyyy! I'm thinking i'm about a week out but well see. Today is 54 of flowering. Noticed the first dying leaves a couple days ago but its coming on slow. The trichs are just craaazzzzzy!!! lol i hope shes a potent as she looks!!! hahhaa so many !!!!!!! but i'm excited!!! hahahha well, i hope the finish is smooth and we have a nice harvest here 😁
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
5 years ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
909 PPM
49 %
21 °C
18 °C
38 L
3 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 8
HyperBloom - Terra Aquatica
HyperBloom 0.264 mll
Terpinator - Terpinator
Terpinator 5.283 mll
VeloKelp - Remo Nutrients
VeloKelp 1.849 mll
And with this, the ladies shall say good bye as the next post will almost certainly be the harvest. Sad but damn i'm excited!!!! this is a crop i am truly proud of. All 3 strains in the tent came out just incredibly nice but i'm glad i picked the gorilla zkittlez for the diary as i doubt i'll be seeing trichs like this again anytime soon. The pictures do a fairly good job ( p.s. just got the S10 and wow it takes nice pics even compared to the S9) but in person the trichs are so long its almost surreal. like it looks furrry and soft and fluffy. I hope she smokes as hard as she looks cause she looks like she gonna be putting me in a damn coma. The smell is very nice as well. Slightly sweet but still that strong strong dank smell. I CAN NOT WAIT TO SMOKE THESE LADIES!!! 😍😍😍 I've noticed some people are following along, I hope you enjoyed the run and I look forward to posting the harvest. Whats your guess for the zkittlez? of the 6 plants in the tent 2 are the GZ. my guess.........hmmmmm........350-400 grams The flowers on all the plants are DENSE. No fluff this time around so im thinking this should be a healthy harvest indeed!!! Shout out to amazing genetics from Barneys as well. those guys kill it! Started to flush yesterday. I think they will be done in 2-3 days. lastly, whatever those sap bubble things are, they werent eggs and are still a mystery lol
Used techniques
Week 16. Flowering
5 years ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
200 PPM
49 %
21 °C
18 °C
38 L
3 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 2
Flawless Finish - Advanced Nutrients
Flawless Finish 2.113 mll
Terpinator - Terpinator
Terpinator 7.925 mll
ok ok so my ladies made a liar out of my lol but not harm done, got some more amazing pics and also plumped up a little more hopefully. I'm almost certain tmr will be the harvest as today is the first time i've seen amber. Not a fan of couch lock cannabis so i'm hoping tmr will be the day and most of the clear stragglers will be milky. I didnt water them for 3 days hoping that would help but I dont think it did lol so i gave them some water when they woke up today as there was a few branches that lost their strength and started to bend. Had to bust out a bunch of yoyos. Got the next 6 ladies germed and a on the way to healthy roots about a week old. Thanks for following!! harvest report should be in about 2 weeks. Next grow I will be trying to a new product that is so posed to be amazoing for root health so lets see how that goes
Used techniques
Week 16. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
WOW the trichs on both plants is insane but on one plant in particular they were the longest i have ever seen. The smell is nice and strong, dank but slightly sweet hints. The taste is still coming as they have only curred about 2 weeks. Overall i'm very happy with this strain!!!!!!
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Spent 113 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
500 g
Bud wet weight per plant
113.5 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Hungry, Relaxed
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Herbs, Sweet, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Another crop done and curring!!!! The strain produced two slightly different looking flowers, one more green and the other a little off green with purple hues. both very pretty in thier own way. also both hit extremely hard. my seasoned vet friends have all agreed this hits you like a brick in the face but in a much more pleasant way lol This time around I altered my curring method a little. I let them sit in the big jars for 12 days, burping daily, once the smell started to come back around 10-12 days I switched them to 20 gram jars where they will stay until consumed. I found that near the end of the jar previously it would be dried out and losing flavor. This way it will be the opposite. The jars i get to last will have been sealed the whole time curring away. So each jar in thereory will keep getting better and better lol i'm sure many people do this but i'm sure many people dont as well. The plants got around 9 days in the drying tent before final trim. As far as genetics, man i love barneys, its gonna be hard to get me to stray from them. Already picked out the future strains from them i want lol Thanks again to everyone who was following along. This harvest overall was amazing, not super high on yield (227 grams for these 2 plants. just under 700 for all 6) but every flower super dense and beautiful. Hardly any crappy fluffy buds that go in the trim bucket. On to the next run!!! Already got some plants about 3 weeks old in the tent and just germed my first outdoor girls!!!

the end.
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