Everything is looking good only battling humidity it tends to get a little dry I have 2 mini cool mist humidifiers that bumps it back up but I have to keep an eye out so it won’t become too wet so I am looking into the inkbird humidity controller. The feeding I posted won’t be done until two days after this post which will be the first feeding. I have only been giving water with a ph of 6.5. The nutrient measurements are based off of a half gallon of water and I will be breaking that down to .5 tsp of BB In a half gallon of water with a ph of 6.5. I am wondering if I should just feed it twice by using a quart of the mixture Monday, water on Wednesday, then feed the remaining quart Friday just so I can stay within the requirements of feeding twice a week like the schedule says. Comment if you have any suggestions or advice just ordered a Ppm meter so that should help. Well that’s week 2 update tune back in for week 3. PEACE ✌️