just keep swimming, just keep swimming ..
day 91 week 13
def not a quick strain ;) hopefuly the reward will be worth it :) my guess is that theyll come down at around day 100 .. (well they will go down even if they would need some more time at that point. tent needs to be hidden by 15.-16. 4. thats the latest term my gfriend gave me)
Im also in the war with the heat again as the outside temps got too high ( orig. I thought that the tent will be hidden by now, before the hotter part of spring hits.. ) so Im thinking about switching to MH but will see how it will look today. Im hitting 27 with the ambient temps .. so not much I can really do for the inside of the tent (Im def not buing AC for one week ;) and I cant stuck a ducting through the whole living room), Im glad even for those 29-31C, expected like 33 ..
Next round will be under quantum board so Id love to think that Im fighting the temps for the last time with this setup ;)
Damn that's one thick lady you got there. Happy and healthy bush for sure. Great work. Keep doing what your doing and best of luck with the rest of the grow.
@Doktorholland, i noticed that Youre running on 12/12 and by the pics Youre ending soon ;-) 12/12 probably best choice for couskush until they get this strain more stable ...
Btw nice plants.
@Doktorholland, in the end its pretty tasty, but in the end its not stable genetics. ... check highndry, he even needed to put his grl under 12/12 to flower ... To this day Ive seen like 5 phenos .. but if youre lucky and dont mind long flowering times its banging hard ;-)