2/23: So all the Blue 460nm diodes on one of my blurple LED lights burnt out......I don’t know what went wrong it so I took it down due to fear of it maybe catching fire. I ordered me some Optic 4XL LED lights the issue is I’m not going to have them until at least mid-March due to shortage in stock so I’ll have to stretch out with what I have for the time being
2/26: Did a little bit of training
Hey Mark It’s just a mixture of Roots Organics original blend, some brick coco coir from Home Depot, peat moss and a little bit of mycorrhizae (Great white)......
@Bloom_Room_By_Jared, Does your soil/medium contain any feed for the early stage of growth?
Thank you for choosing our Ocean Grown Cookies for this adventure on the grow diary platform 🙏
We will keep dropping in as you update 👍
All the best ✌️
She still got a good 15 maybe 20 day's to go mate 👍
Plenty of time to pack more weight on 👌
Keep the updates coming my friend 👊
Stay safe in these crazy times 🙏
All the best ✌️
I'm liking the training work being implemented 👌
Fingers crossed your new LED arrives soon 👍
That will make a massive difference 🤗
Keep the updates coming my friend 🙏
All the best ✌️