Jour 59, j'ai limité le bio grow à 0,5ml/L et l'excès d'azote se régule progressivement, les feuilles sont moins crochus. J'ai par contre une carence de Mg, j'ai les capteurs du bas qui jaunisse et se couvre de tâche pourpre assé significative. J'ai donc ajouté du Calgreen de METROP à 0,2ml/L, j'espère que cela sera suffisant, car je dois la rincer à la fin de cette 9eme semaine.
Jour 63, toujours trop d'azote malgré la grosse réduction de biogrow, mais je la rince demain et la laisserai finir ses jours tranquillement sous les lampes.
@mr_h_kovert, Yeah, I know you're not having any problems right now.
I meant in case you go up to 11 or 13L. That was a guess.
It was to give me an idea of how much room you have to grow. To find out if you had more height, or more surface area.
@WILLIAMSII_Fr_Farm, i have no worries my friend and i am more than happy to pinch n twist as and when required - the banana kush has already been abused!
@mr_h_kovert,Hello, Your worries are about the height of the floor/lamps or rather your floor surface? Because regarding the height, you can always pinch the apexes of your plant to limit its size. Its energy will be distributed in the lower parts of your plant and it will take volume, rather than height.(I didn't do it on my Mamba Negra and look at the result)
Afterwards if it is a problem of space on the ground it is another problem and in this case it is better to limit the capacity of the pots. I have the problem at home and I limit myself to 8.5L pots.
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