I did the Defoliation this week, by cutting off all the fan leaves that are below the 40% of the plants height and only some that being a shade on the top.
Also now we're in the full flowering stage now, I feed my plants a Wicca Grow nutrients Bloom formula and more addition nutrients like Emerald Harvest's King Kola and all others
@Cheesebearger, the drooping leaves, discoloration and bushy way its growing is a warning. You have to leave it and hope it gets better. Let the soil go dry on top. I hope it pulls through for you.
@NexusDevil, Thank for the recommendation, I planned to do the Scrog later, that's why I'm trying bend down the bigger plants on the left side to make its height the same as the others in the right side.
I brought the seeds from the Linda's, It's the same strains but I guessed the genetic didn't quite stable at all.