4/7: Two seeds have sprouted! I was trying with the random bag seed, but they haven't taken so I popped 3 seeds I bought. I expect the third to show up today since it was a little late to the party. I always name my plants so they will be Phillis, Cora, and Thea. Phillis and Cora have both sprouted and I can see Thea's stem trying to poke through.
I have a small humidifier coming because I can't get the humidity up above about 40% in the box with the dehumidifier in the room running. The best one I could get only runs 6hrs max, but that just means I can check on the ladies more often. On the advice of the internet, I've been spraying the plants down as the soil dries out with water of a pH around 6.
@neonnitelight, I went through the whole home made grow box thing. It was tough to control the heat and humidity even when running an exhaust fan. You can use a cool mist humidifier and put it near your fresh air in take. I eventually switched to using a grow tent because the box I built held too much heat. The thin walls on the tent allowed it to cool down better.