4/23: The girls are looking amazing! They have just a hint of smell. The new leaves are looking great with no new signs of overwatering. They're 21 days old from germination. I will see about when I need to top them. I know that most people suggest at 5-6 nodes and down to above the 3rd node. Having the humidity up has made them happy.
4/28: Watered the girls. (posting here so I remember)
4/29: Topped all 3 to just above the 3rd node. They're doing well and growing happily. I haven't ran into any more issues thankfully.
@neonnitelight, I went through the whole home made grow box thing. It was tough to control the heat and humidity even when running an exhaust fan. You can use a cool mist humidifier and put it near your fresh air in take. I eventually switched to using a grow tent because the box I built held too much heat. The thin walls on the tent allowed it to cool down better.