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The Acid Queens

5 years ago
HID 600 Watt High-Intensity Discharge/600W
HID 600 Watt
HID High-Intensity Discharge/600W
Room Type
weeks 4, 7
weeks 6-9
19 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
20 hrs
24 °C
250 PPM
50 %
21 °C
19 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 5
CocoTek Bloom A 0.003 mll
CocoTek Bloom B 0.003 mll
CocoTek Grow A 0.528 mll
3/24 The Acid Queens - The Girls of The Who if things work out. This is our last grow of the cycle. Going to cease for two months July and August, as these should finish in June God willing, so we may concentrate on the food grows this summer. The tomatoes and beans will take over the germ tent and my 3x3 veg tent Moya. Been a long 14 months of constant growing with 12 of them documented here. Hell of a ride, I am tired and there is a lot going on. If we survive I will pick it back up with a Fast Buds CBD grow, both strains, in September. So lets grow some pot 😎 Four LSD-25 seeds into the water. Woodstock will keep them safe and shielded for 24 hours Then into the rock-wool if we got tails New germ tent light is working great can really do just about any job I wish by swapping bulbs. Heavy on the blue light for this job but some red. 3/25 All four seeds on the paper towel and covered. Rock-wool soaking in 6.0 PH distilled water with a very light dose of Kangaroots as only additive. It will soak until we see some tails. Not real happy with the seeds appearance, one is smaller than any Ive seen so far and another is having problems taking in water. See what happens, I have spares. 3/26 Two have tails, as expected, but the two problem children mentioned previously do not, No rush plenty of time. The two with tails likely going into rock-wool tonight or in the morning. Give the other two more time 3/27 All four have tails 3 being @1/2 inch so into split rock-wool they go, lights on, temp and humidity controlled... up to them. One remains on the towel for now tail being only 1/8 inch long. This is the one that didnt take up water right off. Just an observation; Just having grown the photos it struck me how different the auto seeds germinate. The photos just seem to leap out at the world racing to go while autos are much more subdued with tails taking longer to show and slower to extend. After they come up it's all the same its just during this germ phase the difference is really apparent. All planted now. 3/29 **** Day One of the grow. Meet Athena , Baba , Mary, and Sally - Girls of the music of the Who, the Acid Queens. Their garden bags full of coco await some growth, day or so to being potted. Still getting just a slight pass of Kangaroots and PH water. Soon as they are in the cups the feeding schedule listed will kick in. OK going to try prolonging veg by using the bloom nuets from the beginning when they are potted for 10 days, transitioning to completely to grow in over the following 10 days from there. Per usual when flowering begins the switch back to Bloom will be done. PK will be used three times, at first appearance of hairs, at the cotton ball stage, and then lastly at that final push in late flower. Wish us well this is new and not the usual fare. 3/30 Issue Holding off introducing nuets have an issue or two that I want to work out first. First off Sally is just weird as hell, may be twining may be just deformed. Going to need a new seed here I think. This is the one that didnt want to take up water at first. The others could look better as well as putting them on carefully PHed water and some H2O2 (10 drops 30% into one cup) only until I get Sally's replacement lined up. Rather not have too big a gap between them. New pack of seeds , not marked 5+5 so feel better about it. Up and at em again Woodstock 3/31 Gotta love H2O2 during germ and early seedling. They up and ready for duty. Fifth seed soaked and placed into rock-wool going to skip the paper towel things getting a bit more crowded than I like in there. Dang may have to come up with another name... maybe "Oriley " I dunno, damn I am bored. Hoping for some sunshine Saturday. 4/1 All four original plants in garden bags now, no sign of the replacement yet, be a couple of days at least. Feed as listed twice daily for now. 4/2 Since the photos are being harvested tomorrow I am changing the light schedule of the germ tent to be off during the heat of the day (HA!). Later on as the temps rise this will be a big help keeping them cool but not too cool during lights out. The germ tent is connected to the flowering tent and I wanted lights out to coincide as much as it could to the photos which were on a natural cycle. Autos could care less about stray light leaks you dont know anything about 😩 4/4 Ok not a good report The replacement plant for Sally came up really odd, the sac that covers the embryo was hard almost woody, attempts to soften and remove did not work and the root died. Not a happy man right now. Taking the others off the Bloom, they do not seem to like it except for Baba so going to Grow, same PPM Keeping the root goodies for now at light dose Deciding what to do with that forth plant, pop another or just hope Sally makes it. Will prob pop another in about an hour going to think in it first. See guys aint nothing you can do about stuff like this, we depend on our seeds and perhaps its time to see to making our own as a safety measure should things get worse. Really didnt want to do that but dire times ahead it seems. 4/5 We are going with what we have. I am sick with a stomach virus, wife caring for plants will update diary when I may.
Grow Questions
rhodes68started grow question 5 years ago
Anti-Thunderdome...? See the two pics of Sally. Did one seed enter ... two plants leave or is she just that messed up? Seed was very slow to take up water and sprouted slightly oddly on the towel, thought little of it at the time. So popping replacement just in case but WTF? 😳
Plant. Other
1 like
OGgrowsanswered grow question 5 years ago
hi @rhodes68 . these are genetic mutations. As a rule, the smallest plant will barely grow and sometimes even dies. I have already witnessed by a well-known grower that the two plants grow well without problems. It has happened to me 1 or 2 times, put the seed in the water and two root tips come out. only once did both grow up but the little one barely grew and ended up dying 😂. good luck mate 👍
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.62 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
300 PPM
60 %
20 °C
19 L
0 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 6
CocoTek Bloom A 0.003 mll
CocoTek Bloom B 0.003 mll
CocoTek Grow A 0.793 mll
Ok guys was down with a bug, hope to be getting over it barring some weird turn. 4/5 Pics of all Ok this is what we have to work with on this grow, one looks perfect, another a bit light, one super small from a small seed, and the twin. Ahh not what we had in mind but its enough 😎 Going to have reevaluate the seed situation as using more than had planned, looks like it will take a planned 6 seeds to make a good grow. Please no more seed give-aways it really effects the quality. 4/6 Excuse my aggravation, lot going on but still... Ok have two possible failures here. Mary may be genetically faulty as well as it remains small as crap. Doubt if she makes much of anything but am more than willing to be wrong as hell but dont think so. Sally... well Sally has split personality, think we will snip the small twin it has no growth tip. Really needed four good plants dang it. Increased nuets slightly 4/7 Two feedings with Recharge just to try and get some life into these girls. Not going on the list just a try to kick start some enzymes. Mary is worrisome and I may turn Sally over to my wife she is pretty good with these odd birds. We decided to let the small thing stay dont want to cause any rotting in the medium. Re-eval later Athena and Baba doing ok Seeing some results from the Recharge Vid 4/8 Good results on the Recharge with Athena, Baba, and Sally but Mary continues to be a project. She will be getting only H2O2 and water every other feeding (once a day) to try and get her going. Its the end of my tool kit so hope it works. We will be popping another seed on 4/20, the Fast Buds 20-1 CBD under my wife's diary, HisHope. She will be doing that one entirely by her hand and she has learned a LOT. So looking to be able to sit back and watch her for a while 😎 4/9 The two large girls are doing fine. Baba is Beautiful I have seen these light leaves, Sally and Athena, on LSD-25 in the past. As long as they are growing well there is no issue. Not a good sign nor is it really bad either Mary is on her own feed, propping her up with H2O2 and begun light feeding again at every irrigation. No idea what to do next, did not respond to recharge, and kangaroots did not seem to help so I am down to H2O2 4/10 Sally's Twin has a growth tip so we will have to expect to deal with it as things grow. Mary is responding so the little project may make it after all. Three bigger girls looking good! 4/11 The bigger girls are into their first growth spurt so everyone got a big dose of FishSh!T to get this party started. Athena and Baba go back and forth as largest, think Athena may take that race we will see. I am going to have to drop Mary from the grow, she is alive and improving but lets be honest... little if any production and focus needs to stay on the healthy plants. Letting my wife see what she can do, leave her as a project.
Grow Questions
rhodes68started grow question 5 years ago
Germed from very small seed (glares at QC) Mary is on her own feed, propping her up with H2O2 and begun light feeding again at every irrigation. No idea what to do next, did not respond to recharge, and kangaroots did not seem to help so I am down to H2O2
Plant. Too short
HisHopeanswered grow question 5 years ago
Well since no one has better and looks like she has responded looks like you were right hon. Just keep it up
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
10.16 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
425 PPM
60 %
20 °C
19 L
2 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 6
CocoTek Bloom A 0.003 mll
CocoTek Bloom B 0.003 mll
CocoTek Grow A 1.321 mll
4/12 Week 3 Just basic CocoTek, good growth from the girls. Baba is dang pretty, Athena is a BIG girl and then there is Sally and her friend 😳. Upped the nuets on the evening feeding to 4ml/gal , Athena seems like she is trying to make up the difference all on her own. Going to help her if we can Start getting the 5 gal pots made up tomorrow, wont be long to transplant. 4/13 pics 4/14 Athena is just busting to grow, transplanting today as keeping her in the germ tent would be holding her back. Other two are fine and more normal sized for LSD-25. Nuets remain as is for now. UPDATE: Athena Transplanted into 5 gal 30% perlite PREPARED coco, ppm from coco almost nil. Pot treated with kangaroots and fish sh!t to run off. Great root development even exiting the garden bag and the solo cup. Gave her a house warming present, kangaroots, fish sh!t, and regular feed 2 cups lots of runoff. Light at 20"ish for time being. 4/15 Pics Training day tomorrow for Athena, just LST bend and secure. Baba and Sally/Jane will be transplanted at end of week. 4/16 First bend on Athena Transplant finished gave them a shot of fish sh!t and kangaroots Root development in the garden bags is just remarkable. Upper nuets slightly Only using the Mars LED for now, no need to crank up the HID just yet. 4/17 Pics Just waiting on enough growth out of Sally and Baba to make training easier, could be today as getting good growth daily. 4/18 all trained
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
20.32 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
900 PPM
60 %
20 °C
19 L
2 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 7
CocoTek Bloom A 0.528 mll
CocoTek Bloom B 0.528 mll
CocoTek Grow A 1.849 mll
4/18 Week 4 start (day early but I had the pics) Decided if we are going to have any good yielding plants going to have to up the nuets. They should be very fine with this. Looking to work it up to 800 ppm if we can. Watching for any hairs showing as we hit them with bloom nuets at that point try and extend veg. Yeah prob not but no harm trying 4/19 First hairs are just showing so introducing Bloom nuets back into evening feed to try and slow it down a bit, start at 25% work our way up to 50% , any side bets? On an unrelated note I may have found the problem with small plant Mary. Seems a fungus set up in her and I never used a strong enough solution of H2O2 to kill it. Case in point, if it dont bubble it may not be strong enough. 4/20 I am down again with that same gastro-intestinal crud, seems my wife and I keep passing it back and forth, feels bacterial. She is caring for the grow in the mean time, just two feedings a day. Will pick it back up when I am able. Nuets changed to reflect what we are feeding them to try and keep them in veg a bit longer. Feeling better but this is getting old. If nothing changes thinking of cranking up the HID loaded with MH bulb tomorrow 4/21 Pic Feeling somewhat better so taking over for my wife, she did a damn good job! Hopefully that stubborn 20:1 seed on her grow will sprout a tail today. They look good, going to increase nuets again tonight, seems lights on is best time to hit them with a change. Leaving Bloom nuets at 3ml, but increasing Grow to 7ml/gal - metric system really should have provided something other than just liters, heck they no better than quarts. Considering adding a one time organic either fish sh!t or recharge for the humic acids on a side line: The grow so far: This has been rough, sick three times in the last 3 weeks kind of puts a damper on enthusiasm and the blasted germ process just went badly due to one seed that did not make it and two odd balls with only two decent plants. Just not happy, not blaming anything just time to take a new look at what we are doing. Our only really trouble free grows have been photos lately not sure why. Maybe I should just pop more seeds at the beginning and only keep the good ones. Fine with tomatoes but a little pricey on cannabis. The Mary plant is expressing true ditch weed characteristics, only half joking here. Must have been the stress but really not happy with this. Seriously may just go to all photos as just dont have these issues there. Changed the feed for one time only to half grow half bloom, tomorrow going down to two ml/gal Bloom until Flower. Level off at about 7ml/gal Grow 2ml/gal Bloom generally as we did on the Green Crack. Man being sick really threw me off 4/22 New feed ratios and added Si as the branching is beginning big time and want them strong. Hope we can keep them in veg long enough to help. If I can get another week we will be happy with that but will take more 😬 4/24 Gave them a shot of PK booster, one time hit due to the amount of hairs showing. Turned on the HID as well, MH bulb 300w setting. Tightened up training a bit 4/25 Growth has increased nicely since adding the HID, noticeably larger better color, get Pics later. Leaving feed as is till something happens to change it. Despite a very rough start the grow is coming along decently. Pics Still in veg(ish) as Flower is still encroaching but not yet there see how long this goes on. Stems showing no "wooding up" at all and no signs of colas formation so still in veg. Baba is a complete Indica pheno the other two far more sativa in growth as well as the light leaves. End week 4
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
48.26 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
1025 PPM
60 %
20 °C
19 L
2 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 8
CocoTek Bloom A 2.642 mll
CocoTek Bloom B 2.642 mll
CocoTek Grow A 0.528 mll
4/26 Week 5 Still have not gone more than halfway into flower, lets hope this extends a few days longer. Would like to know Feed is pretty stable, seems dead on from the plants response. Continuing for now. 4/27 Still going in veg although flower seems to be just sitting in the wings ready to step up. Growth tips getting a little hairy but still growth tips. Dropped lights a tad to increase growth leaving HID at 450w MH bulb Gave them a shot of Fish Sh!t and kangaroots get those roots going If I have to guess Baba is going to be the producer here, she is the only one that came up "normally" from the seed, no coloring or size issues. She will get favored placement in the light... sounds ritualistic dont it lol 4/28 Still hanging on to veg by the skin of their teeth but those are still growth tips, hairy but no cola structure beginning yet. Nuets to half Grow half Bloom late: Looks like Athena in is Flower , Baba is transistioning, and Sally brings up the rear but is going very soon. Changed nuets reducing Grow Inc Bloom 4/29 31 Days in Only Athena is in full flower, others transitioning. 4/30 Everybody is in flower but barely so giving a one time shot of PK Really focusing on Baba she is looking like a winner. 5/1 Pics Stretch going full blast overnight, had to raise the lights 4 inches Raised lights again 2 inches they really going after it. Should have turned on the HID/MH earlier (start of week 4), since its been on inter-nodal spacing is excellent. Could have reduced the stretch on Athena and Sally. Baba that is expressing Indica is exactly what you want in the strain. Buds will be green and very dense. Adjusted nuets expecting this to stop tomorrow. Since all three in full flower now will give another shot of PK in the AM 5/2 Going to fold in a low dose of Koolbloom PK for a few feedings, get those buds a going Stretch is still ongoing but is controlled with the extra blue spectrum in the metal halide bulb and Mars LED. Going to keep the process of adding Bloom nuets at first appearance of hairs as I think we got a few extra days of veg out of it. Increased HID to 600 watts raised to 16 inches, ditto for the TS1000 16 inches They shifting quickly to bud building, still some stretch going on, will keep Grow nuets in till it stops. Slight increase in Bloom nuets Athena may well prove to be the most purple we have grown to date.
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
55.88 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
950 PPM
60 %
20 °C
19 L
3 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 8
CocoTek Bloom A 3.17 mll
CocoTek Bloom B 3.17 mll
CocoTek Grow A 0.003 mll
5/3 Week 6 Last day for Grow nuets looks like stretch is stopping. Will confirm in the AM. Also be ending the round of PK tomorrow. Lights at full power and set to @16 inches to start. Leaving the MH bulb in place a couple of weeks Very light defoliation just to keep middle of the plants open, this strain does not need much at all. 5/4 Ending Grow nuets as stretch is playing out so no further need of the Nitrogen, lot in the pot still. Last day for the PK on this go round. Next time we grow this strain going to look at alternate methods of training, FIM is the likely candidate. 5/5 Back down to just Bloom A/B nuets Stretch slowing down as Baba and Sally reach the same height as Athena that started first. Everybody seems happy even the little one 5/6 Moved up the lights, was seeing some light stress on the girls, leaf praying. Bumping up the Bloom nuets for now see how it goes, getting close to next round of PK booster waiting for the cotton balls to develop sufficiently. Gave all a shot of Fish Sh!T this morning 4ml/gal. Pretty much all of it 5/7 Pics Raised lights further still have some praying leaves. Tomorrow should be PK day as the cotton balls should be formed by then. 5/8 Looks like the last the stretch has finally ended on Baba, thought she was going to be a good kind of problem but didnt have to raise the lights today so there is that. Have to be careful with these lights and watch for light stress more diligently than I have so far. HID at 600w is 17 inches above the rear plants, TS at 150W is 18 inches above the tallest front plant(Sally), seems to be working. Added KoolBloom back into the feed, 2ml/gal, the buds have become little cotton balls so its time. Cleaned up the lower end of the plants, was getting snaky down there. 5/9 pics Ending the week by doing a little bending on the tallest branches on Baba, they were a full two inches higher than any other. She is still growing a little but nothing to really notice.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
53.34 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
900 PPM
50 %
21 °C
19 L
3 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 9
CocoTek Bloom A 2.642 mll
CocoTek Bloom B 2.642 mll
CocoTek Grow A 0.003 mll
5/10 Week 7 beginning 2cd full week of Flower Making note of that due to extensive tricone building going on with the sugar leaves, very early for this. Due to Metal Halide I suspect. Going to reduce the Nitrogen by cutting back on Bloom A/B to 10ml/gal and retaining a small dose of 1-1.5ml/gal of the PK. I would be ending the PK here but want to try this for this strain only. Will be doing some training on Athena the evening and working on the canopy. 5/11 Trained down tall branch on Athena bringing her canopy level. New nuet levels HID to 300 watts just trying to make em happy. lot of light in that tent and we are learning. The question of potency when flowering under the UV of a Metal Halide bulb is answered as far as I am concerned, got tricones 2/3 the way down spreader leaves on the second week of flower. Damn 5/12 Dropped HID lights 2 inches as they are set to 300 watts and light stress has ended. Just looking for the sweet spot. Raised Sally's pot three inches for canopy. Switching PK boosters, going to the Soul Peak for a while to see if there is any difference to the plants. The Peak is more of an organic though it has salts in it so the dose is higher. Light defoliation Pretty sure this is how things will play out, Athena will be ready first along with Sally at about week 9 or 10, looking like 9. Baba is as much as a week behind Athena in Flower so looking at week 10-11. Jane (The Twin) is going to be interesting that little plant is determined to be all she can be now hitting 9 inches in height so week ? . May actually have to train this girl lol PM update Lowered the PK to 3ml/gal running low and who knows when I can get more. 5/13 Nuets- Gave a one time dose of Fish Sh!T - 3ml/gal Leaving lights as is for now. Jane is getting interesting, in pre-flower and may be doing a stretch she is hitting 10 inches and must be trained. New ground here for sure Major clean up and train Jane at lights on tonight. 5/14 After talking to my wife concerning her grow we are making accommodations to switch the Light to HPS for a while tonight. They need some red light 5/15 Too much to do today leaving everything as is till tomorrow 5/16 Ending the week and leaving things as is, changing that light now would so negatively impact my wife's plant(which we need and badly) going to take the hit on the LSD-25 yeild and stay with the MH bulb until Cleo goes into flower. Cannot believe how thick and widespread the trics have become under the MH bulb. Slightly increased the PK booster
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
71.12 cm
20 hrs
27 °C
550 PPM
50 %
21 °C
19 L
3 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 9
CocoTek Bloom A 1.321 mll
CocoTek Bloom B 1.321 mll
CocoTek Grow A 0.003 mll
5/17 Week 8 ... and the state of the grow is unsettled This grow has fought us since germ and it is showing no signs of giving in. Just cannot seem to find their "happy place" environmentally or nuet wise. They doing ok-ish this is not a big yielding strain no matter the ad copy but havent had this much issue with it indoors before. Starting at baseline with the lighting HID 300w 16 inches above Baba LED moved towards front of tent. Both lights tilted very slightly towards each other hopefully giving better dispersal. Still showing nitrogen sensitivity so reducing Bloom to 8ml/gal while increasing PK to 6 so PK does not suffer, will watch for deficiencies Looking at going considerably over on these now, nothing coming up behind them so zero space issues, see what happens. Continue to leaf pluck when one needs to go Evening feed 5/17: They look better and some experimenting with the lights showed me the angle tilt needed increasing and HID increased to 450w giving a total of 600w in the tent. Should not cause too much heat issue. Still have 150w in reserve 5/18 PM Pic of lights - Seems to be working out managing to cover base of tent with both lights giving a 5000k and 3000k spectrum. Buds building faster now in particular on Baba, Hadnt gotten sick we would have thought of this weeks ago, aint that inspired. Man this Cov-19 stuff will cloud your thinking. Keeping HID at 450w Pics of plants - doing better Nuets - Running low on Soul Peak so gradually working in the KoolBloom to make it last. Seriously think the Soul Peak is better. 5/18 TAHTA TA TAHHHH! Baba found her happy place and is bulking very fast. See how long it continues Re-did the lights Had to drop wattage on HID due to heat even after a redesign of the extraction to eliminate drag on air movement. For 14 hours they will run at 450 watts but for 6 hours a day will drop to 300 watts. This should keep any problems from occurring. Just hard to run that Metal Halide at more than 300 watts in warm weather without AC which aint happening. HID to 300/450 watts, 13 inches above Baba at a 20 degree tilt to disperse light. LED at full 17 inches above Athena with a 20 degree tilt. Coincidentally that puts them at the same height. Added a 30 watt 2700K LED on Baba and Athena give them some more red. See how it works. Nuets as is 5/20 Pics After viewing tricones beginning to walk down the EC to flush in a couple days. Plan 10 day flush. That puts them finishing about the middle of week 11. Not perfect but nothing so far with this grow has been lol Adding the 30 watt 2700K LED in the bottom seems to be helping, lot of increased lower growth WHICH I WILL TAKE ... 😬 Seriously every bud counts lol 5/21 Buds continuing to build at a decent rate finally. Had to re-arrange the tent my wife's plant is getting big Holding nuets where they are till flush, plan to begin flush during week 9. Working on a tactic to harvest Sally ahead of Jane without hurting either After a talk with her and looking seriously at what we have here I am going to break up the feeds. Athena will need to go into flush first she is furthest along. So start it on week 9. Sally ... we are going to do something unusual for her and Jane. Since flushing Sally per normal would be just no good for the twin Jane we are going to flush but then put the plants on organic bloom. So big initial flush with agent to clean out the salts then shifting her to light organics to continue feeding the twin without having to revisit the flushing issue. No idea how long the twin may go Baba will just play by ear on her, continue the light Bloom feeding keeping her PK up until we see the go signal from her. Hoping she goes a week longer than the others. 5/22 Lights to full weather is cool today and time is short Holding nuets here till new week then begin flush on Athena Buds still building nicely on Baba Almost forgot the twin: Here is the plan we flush the pot same time as Athena but on the next feeding we introduce organic bloom nuets for Jane instead of a flush as normal. We dont smoke so not overly concerned with harshness just want the pot clean. The organics will belay any further need of flushing. Best we can do 5/23 Need to start flush now so Athena and Sally on water only till I introduce organics to Sally. No agents Baba staying on feed
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
71.12 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
50 %
21 °C
19 L
4 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 10
CocoTek Bloom A 0.003 mll
CocoTek Bloom B 0.003 mll
CocoTek Grow A 0.003 mll
5/24 Week 9 and the state of the grow is stable. Well Sally and Athena are in flush through the week, trics are white little to no amber so timing seems good. Baba is on low dose nuets she goes into flush prob in a few days. No rush on her she can stay long as she wants. 5/25 Further reducing nuets on Baba but continuing to feed leaving PK as is Flushing continues Finally under the HPS bulb, set to max 600w (tent runs 2F cooler with HPS over MH) , will keep it high as we may with heat keeping things under 83F Did some leveling work on the canopy, things are not so out of wonk now, grow is looking better Some natural light pics to show her resin and frosty purple 5/26 Looking at Baba's bud growth think she will be in flush very soon. Flush proceeding on others some def showing up on Athena primarily, CA mostly which is expected in coco on flush 5/27 All in flush now. Just fighting heat this week damned new lights were stolen in transit so on HID for the meantime. Just have to keep downing the power to keep the heat in control and finally increase lights out to 18-6 if that proves insufficient. Cost yield but hate fox tailing Pic of an old friend of the girls... Mary the desk plant Pics of girls defol day Something you wont see very often at all, healthy twins same pot same seed different phenos as Jane is expressing heavy green color while Sally purple black red. 5/28 Deficiencies showing heavily on Athena not as much on Sally as expected- will harvest ahead of the heat wave Saturday, get as much out of the tent as possible leaving only Baba Cleo and Jane in the tent on lowest HID setting or even just on the LED for that day. Wanted to run them longer but 20F over normal so I wont play around with heat, it will kill a grow. Pics later Reducing light on hours to 18-6 to reduce heat during the afternoon 5/29 Harvesting Sally and Athena tomorrow AM. 5/30 Week ends with a harvest! Sally Yield - 282 grams wet Athena Yield - 368 grams wet Looking at about 4.5 oz dry about 3 months of that medication Jane back into the tent and on a good dose organic nuets see how this plays out Baba continues in flush for a few days hoping for a big(ish) payday from her lot more room now
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
50.8 cm
19 hrs
28 °C
50 %
21 °C
19 L
4 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 10
CocoTek Bloom A 0.003 mll
CocoTek Bloom B 0.003 mll
CocoTek Grow A 0.003 mll
5/31 Week 10 and the state of the grow is winding up I know Baba looks like hell, her buds are in danger of breaking some of the branches so I have everything kind of falling in on itself supported by bamboo. Harvest Sally and Athena yesterday leaving only Jane Baba and Cleo (my wife's) in the tent so turning down the lights a bit they are getting plenty Water only not much to do till harvest 6/3 Just nothing going on, giving them water Baba seems done now little further hair growth or bulking, harvest in a day or so, real busy with other projects so no promises 6/4 Yield from Sally and Athena wet - 650 grams dry - 151 grams about 5 oz, so with Baba still left to harvest looks like we good for an holiday season grow of this strain next winter. Cannot believe how thick the trics are on these two and the one left is even more frosty. Baba harvest tomorrow not sure about the twin 6/5 Harvest day for Baba only Jane remains Baba wet - 533 grams Running totals so far : Wet - 1188 grams Dry - 151 grams (expect to double this) Looks like we almost matched our numbers on the first two plants as expected. Prob a good 10 ounces on the grow not great but a good grow none the less with 8 months of medicine so this strain is on the schedule for November. Harvest report on Jane harvest , may be a few days she still making bud
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
50.8 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
50 %
21 °C
19 L
2 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 9
CocoTek Bloom A 0.003 mll
CocoTek Bloom B 0.003 mll
CocoTek Grow A 0.003 mll
6/7 Week 11 And the final week Jane is still building some bud, the organics keeping her from major deficiencies, she is an oddity but still LSD-25 and excellent quality may get as much as 40 grams at this rate so going to let her keep going a few more Her total will go into Sally's given they came from the same seed Seems this is the week for genetic oddities... hello Mary 6/8 She just doing what she does, still buds are being built ... go little girl go 6/10 New light system working wonderful Jane continues to bulk, so much so I am just going to let her decide when to take the next step. Frosting is really getting thick 6/12 Nothing much going on still have to deal with some heat issues but not nearly like we did on the HID. Think we will let it go until my wife's CBD grow goes into flush, Jane is still opening hairs and plenty of them. Will try and get a good pic pics up She is turning in to a solid bud from top to bottom IF she has enough time Harvest update: Baba Dry Weight 119 grams Running total: Wet - 1188 grams Dry - 270 grams Expect Jane to yield a couple of ounces at best.
1 comment
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
50.8 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
50 %
21 °C
19 L
2 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 9
CocoTek Bloom A 0.003 mll
CocoTek Bloom B 0.003 mll
CocoTek Grow A 0.003 mll
6/14 Last week for Jane have restarted water only for her 6/15 Life goes on for a little while yet 6/16 last day
Week 12. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Very potent grow, more later after dry Seriously strong batch, putting it at low 20%+ range. The UV light afforded by the Metal Halide bulb in the HID did its work trics everywhere even on stems, never doubt UV has its effect. Unfortunately what I see is the yield hit was worse than we thought it would be. Not sure if it balanced out at all the UV is great but needed more red light for bulk.
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Spent 85 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
428.33 g
Bud wet weight per plant
101 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Happy, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Diesel, Earthy, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Tough tough grow, sometimes you hate to see them end, this aint one. Got sick with whatever crud is afflicting the world just as they showed green and still fighting it some days. This will affect your judgement and I made some bad calls. Ok I have some thoughts here concerning coco vs soil THe Coco grow was far less obnoxious in the tent and barely even needed filtering. The soil grows were ALL real stinkers to the point of not wanting to grow them without a carbon filter. Taste in coco was less fuel more sweet, the tastes in order Fuel/Earth/Sweet In soil there was no sweetness just heavy heavy fuel Now if I could just be a better grower maybe things will improve. Think we have enough supplies for a solid year of grows in case supply chains get wonky, coming up with a plan B to go back to soil if the worst happens after that. Soon as we have the tent empty taking a break for a couple of weeks to work on the tents and just generally have less to worry over. Plan to crank back up with FF9 and FF10 testers and bring back the perpetual grows Jane yielded 33 grams dry, much better buds as always the the less purple the better. To anyone Following this account you might want to follow my wife as well, HisHope is growing a hellahuge plants. This will be the last grow here for the 4x4 tent giving that one to my wife as she deserves her own and replacing it with a 5x5 Flower tent running two Mars TS-2000s and 3x3 veg tent tent running a TS-1000. Not sure how she will choose to light hers but sure it will be just fine. Just tired of having plants crowded and would like some room for when they get bigger than expected.


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Fast_Budscommentedweek 15 years ago
Hey there, Thanks so much for running a diary of our genetics 🙌 Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help. Happy Growing !!! 🌱☘️🌴🍀🌿🌳
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@Fast_Buds, Most welcome 👍
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 125 years ago
Congrats. Color does look good. Yeah, I do hear you about some strains are so troublesome. The right one will keep you coming back.
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, Thank you I am happy with the produce just wasnt as much as we would like from 3 plants. We are looking into a photo strain of LSD see if we can get that yield up
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 25 years ago
Stay safe
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, Thank you You as well We are trying very hard to do just that. Seem to be getting better fever took a hike so that is good.
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 85 years ago
Already came this far. In a few weeks there will be at least some buds for you to try.
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, Baba is about a week behind the other two which are now bulking up though not at the rate we would like for sure. Plus there is still Jane no telling but we will see. Think there will be a good bit, at least enough not to have to grow it again for a few months
Med_in_Tropiccommented5 years ago
@rhodes68, diffrent stroke for different folk. Same as plant I guess.
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, Yeah we gonna end up with a good bit of it, hasnt helped being sick off and on the whole grow but it is what it is err? The CBD plant on the other hand is looking amazing so not sure wth is the deal
HazeyBobbycommentedweek 125 years ago
Stunning photo 👌
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@HazeyBobby, All credit goes to the plant, she is something.
BigHickory357commentedweek 55 years ago
Looking great
rhodes68commented5 years ago
GanjaTorturercommentedweek 125 years ago
Congrats, I am loving the looks of your flowers. Enjoy 👏
Growingkittencommentedweek 115 years ago
Looking good! Keep it up!😺
EZgrowercommentedweek 85 years ago
Hello friend. How are you? 😉 I recovered from my illness and started writing my diary again. if you are interested - subscribe. 👍 MJ's medicine helps a lot, you know what I mean?😎
HisHopecommentedweek 25 years ago
Its ok we will get it done
Cannapprenticecommentedweek 124 years ago
What's the real weight? This don't look like 300g
rhodes68commented4 years ago
@Cannapprentice, It happens prob should not do it that way
Cannapprenticecommented4 years ago
@rhodes68, I got played trying to skip to the juicy bits!
rhodes68commented4 years ago
@Cannapprentice, I assume you missed the harvest on weeks 9 and 10 then.
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Ganjagrandaddycommentedweek 55 years ago
Annoying loss of any control with their decision to My only moan about autos. Loved the look when these flower but they did feel a little twiggy budded once cured. Seeing these amazing colours in flower halfway through then the twigs being boring colour to the buds is a killer. , if you nor done them before it will makes sense. nice bud and varnish goodness but nice. good work so far. hope they get busy soon , they flower quickly when they switch.
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@Ganjagrandaddy, 👍👊
Ganjagrandaddycommented5 years ago
@rhodes68,they will take some getting through. They have to be the most attractive buds ever when flowering. Never had anything grow so psychedelic looking before. Ironically I am smoking the last of my Lsd-25 after I became "Dankrupt" and had to negotiate an Oz back from the "distributor " I move my harvests with. lol I got 3 different phenos from each seed. 2 had the amazing colours but were opposite ends of the grow spectrum with 1 going big and another very wide and squat and a totally green all round that you would only know it as Lsd-25 if you had smoked the other phenos too. tasted the same just looked like "a sister from another Mr" or a "cuckoo in the nest" . lol I am a big fast buds fan and now they are moving into fast flowering photoperiod strains too. I think I may be a lifelong I am currently running 3 of the tester strains with 9 more to do and so far for us on this side of the market , they are a winner . They grow very well like an auto , maybe not as fast initially but they do find their feet once rooted up. They are also running new batches of autos through the forum here too. lots of new lines being tested here as "Fbt " or FFT on fast buds page. They are contact able through the message ap here and as an obvious customer and buyer of their products , it could be worth hitting them up and with your enquiries on their new strains being tested and if they want you to run a couple too. They are great guys on their message App and very helpful. Nothing to lose bud.
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@Ganjagrandaddy, Well we continue to do what we can to delay flowering (heh maybe) but by now all other grows of LSD-25 have flipped. This is the fourth go round for us on this strain, its (LSD) medicinally unique so we grow often. Actually looking into a photo variety to grow next time but heck still have 14 seeds of this so 😐
FoTwennycommentedweek 125 years ago
Beautiful frosty purple goodness you have grown there! I can't wait to pop some of those beans!
FoTwennycommented5 years ago
@rhodes68, This is the first run with the new lighting. Hoping it pays off! Ain't it true though? keep ya ladies happy and they'll keep you happy!
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@FoTwenny, Grown this strain four times now, rule number one two and three are all Do not stress theses plants. Well if you can help it They just dont take a lot of stress and still produce well and if you can keep em happy enough you may get the green pheno, trust me thats the one you want 😎 You have plenty of light so thats no issue you prob enjoy the results a LOT, we do.
SwedenXcommentedweek 124 years ago
That lsd had some frost!
Fast_Budscommentedweek 125 years ago
Hey there, Well done on your grow. We hope you have enjoyed growing our genetics !! Keep up the good work! Happy harvest!!!🌾
HazeyBobbycommentedweek 125 years ago
Congrats on what looks like a beautiful flower harvest! something different and bet special 👌
the end.
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