Freebie girl scout cookies I hot from midweeksong. Not sure if I'm going to keep this lady in my collection. To be fair I havent given her a really fair shake. Anytime I've flowered her she's been in an undersized pot, and cramped. She's also never been the main event and warranted any TLC from me. Before I ace her though, I should really give her a fair try.....this time again shes starting behind the 8 ball. Left her in a 1/2 gallon bag for 2 weeks too long, she suffered some nute deficiencies because of it. I didnt give her any time to recover either, just dropped her in fresh soil I a 7 gallon fabric pot and pit her into the flower tent. Shes got more of anything than any of her ilk ever had. She does even halfway decent and I'll have to do it all over again lol. I'm just too reluctant to let a strain go and all to eager to add a new one to the group. All told I think I have 17 different strains going right now. With another 9 waiting on the wings for their shot on the field. What a wonderful problem to have!