AVT is coming along nicely. Especially considering the abuse I put her through a few weeks ago. Buds are developing nicely and starting to get frosty 😃. I kind of dig the bonsai'ish shape she has near the top due to my over HST'ing. There will be no more abuse to this girl, only some defoliation as needed.
AVT is front-left in the group pics.
Recharge works!! Noticing nice results after 24 hours. Looking forward to seeing what happens after 48 hours! 👍
And she seems to be pretty much fully recovered from the bending incident, I removed the painters tape today. She has healed herself and stands fine on her own. Started showing white hairs too!
Will post pics with the next weeks update.
Recharge just arrived. All plants watered with Recharge today (except the Blue Mammoth, she’s in flush). 0.5tsp/gal
Also bent the stem over the weekend and bent a little harder (or later) than I should have. Heard a ‘snap’ 😯. But painters tape to the rescue and she’s looking fine. Just a little bit of a bonsai effect. Phew 😅