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Granddaddy Purple and Purple Star Killer

5 years ago
Purple Star Killer
Grandaddy Purple
Mars Hydro 3.5 x 3.5 x 6
Room Type
weeks 3
weeks 3, 5
weeks 3, 6
weeks 4-6
weeks 5
19 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 4
18 hrs
Light Schedule
14+ conditions after
1+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
growing83 growing83
5 years ago
- We ended last week with a transplant. 2 days later we LSTed the new branch development. - We're seeing major deficiencies in PSK, and one of the GDPs is showing signs of yellowing. I think we've narrowed this to a P+K deficiency. Upping my Micro + Grow (A+B), and lowering pH to 5.5 as nutrient uptake is higher for P+K (especially K) at 5.5 rather than 5.7-6.0. Think I need to stay lower for these girls, they really do seem to like the lower pH. Mid-Week Update: - PSK has been bouncing back with her high nutrients and lower pH big time! Her leaves are much closer in colour than the other two, and seeing less deficiencies. The lack of nitrogen also explains her stunted growth. You can clearly see in the defoliated images how much less beefy she is. I'm still keeping her on the same schedule as much as possible, but looking forward to seeing her growth now that I've tuned her in better. She really like the 5.5-5.6 pH area at the moment, and the added A+B (micro/grow). - So happy with the results, we topped them all for a second time, and tightened up our LST a bit help create that nice. - I bet this time next week we'll be looking at much bigger plants! Really interested to see if PSK can do some catch up (lower right in photos) Lessons Learned: - Take advice with grain of salt. Just because everyone yells CalMag, doesn't mean it's CalMag. - They are hearty girls and can take a beating and come back twice as big and strong! - Nitrogen deficiency will cause stunted growth and rusting. Also newer growth will look quite yellow compared to old. - LISTEN to your plants: If you don't see subtle improvements within 12-24h of a change it's likely not your issue (especially in coco or hydro apparently). Extra CalMag for a week did squat. However lowering your pH for a while to 5.5-5.6 and upping the A+B did wonders for PSK. GDP didn't like the low pH and started to get wilty and is happier at ~5.8-6.4. - Running two strains in one tent is interesting, but definitely a learning experience. Seeing one thrive, and one struggle on the same feed and regiment schedule is both neat and frustrating. They obviously will now be getting strain specific nutrients, or pH. I will be sure to detail my notes. End of Week Update: - I've resorted to 2 different pH feeds for these girls, but same nutes for the time being. - I've been fluctuating GDP between 5.8-6.4 as it doesn't seem to like the very low pH. I think we can stop at 6.4 as the pH will drift throughout the day to 6.5. - The PSK has been getting a low 5.4-5.9, and does not like the high pH. She seems quite happy these days, foliage looks real green again, new growth is good. She's going to be a shorty, I think I need to prop her soon. - Run off on all of them is always in the 6.5pH and the EC 0.900-1.000 area, and about 25% run off and it takes about 2 minutes to start to trickle out, and 5 minutes before the bulk has been released. Three feedings a day: 500ml in the morning, and afternoon, good feeding one hour before bed at 600ml.
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