
1st grow ever | Outdoor / Indoor

4 years ago
Room Type
Grow medium
16 L
Pot Size
0.9 L
Grow Conditions
Week 2
13 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
8+ conditions after
Lentils sproot juice homemade
100 ml/l
Commented by
PurpleWorship PurpleWorship
5 years ago
Day 8 : Everything seems going well. The plant look great. The weather is still perfect. Big sun / no cloud all day long. But Week 3 might be cloudy & rainy... Hope to receive the tarp to make that greenhouse in time. had another feeding with the homemade lentils sproot juice today. πŸ˜™ Day 11 : Probably last day of good weather for at least one week... I got the feeling those last 48h that she was growing way faster πŸ˜‹ I'll see if i notice a change with this new weather. Tarp for the green-house still not received... She may stay inside, behind the window for some days.... 😟
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Grow Questions
PurpleWorshipstarted grow question 5 years ago
I know It's a Nitrogen deficiency. No nuts during veg (and fine!), and she's having flowering nuts since 2 days. I know it's normal at the end of the flowering, but i'm wondering if that's too soon !? Not sure how many time left before harvest!? Big problem or not?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 5 years ago
It's nothing to worry about.. Gonna be a nice harvest!
PurpleWorshipstarted grow question 5 years ago
I'll have a microscope next week. But since i got a "not too bad" macro photo with my phone, could you share your opinion with me? I believe Trichomes are at the "cloudy" stage, am i right ? At what stage should I stop feeding? (the flush) (First grow ever) Thanks !! 😍
Buds. Other
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 5 years ago
From what I can see my friend Your close to a 55-45 Milky to Clear. Give her another week I think before starting your flush maybe a bit longer.. You will be able to tell for sure when your Microscope comes.. Stop feeding and do your flush usually around the 70-30% Milky Clear and look for 20-30% amber on your buds for your harvest indicator! Hope this helps! Happy growing!
PurpleWorshipstarted grow question 4 years ago
I wonder if i should harvest now ? Could you have a look to my photos and give me your advice ? I'm looking for good taste, with recreational effect, but balanced with a bit of relaxing effect... Well, a nice balanced indica effect. Should i wait for more "amber" ? Thanks ! <3
Other. General questions
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 4 years ago
You'll wavy to wait a couple of weeks for the effect you're after, they're still building bugs and pushing white hairs, wait for that to slow down, the smell should get stronger and the buds will gain a bit more weight. Harvesting early is way worse than harvesting later. πŸŒ±πŸ‘

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PurpleWorshipcommentedweek 55 years ago
Day 29 : Big upgrade : +10 hours of additionnal light, using an indoor led panel :)
Fast_Budscommentedweek 15 years ago
Hey there, Thanks so much for running a diary of our genetics πŸ™Œ Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help. Happy Growing !!! πŸŒ±β˜˜οΈπŸŒ΄πŸ€πŸŒΏπŸŒ³
PurpleWorshipcommented5 years ago
@Fast_Buds, Day48, the end isn't for tomorrow, okay... But still... I'm amazed about how she is an easy grow. Using cheap gardening soil from supermarket, no nuts since the begining except one shot of cal/mag, and she's looking so pretty and so strong ! Excited to see it growing, excited to smoke it.. But cutting it gonna be experienced like a drama lol
Fast_Budscommented5 years ago
@PurpleWorship, Hey! SO we generally recommend against transplanting as it can damage the roots, and autos don't have a lot of time to recover from damage, so it can potentially stunt them. However, if you feel you can do it carefully, go for it. Though we also recommend using between 3 and 5 gallons usually. 7+ could be a little excessive. It's totally up to you!
PurpleWorshipcommented5 years ago
@Fast_Buds, I have a question :) What is the recommended pot size for the blackberry ? I *may* transfert from a 10L plastic pot, to a 30L fabric pot, probably on week 3 or 4. Do you recommend it ? Will the plant really benefit from it ? Do the probable Stress involved worth it? Thanks πŸ™
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smoker420commentedweek 134 years ago
looks great pal i did one a few months ago nice smoke but if your looking for a auto purple with dank berries flavours try royal qween purple qween auto
PurpleWorshipcommented4 years ago
@smoker420, Well... Thanks for this taste review... This is changing my opinion about this strain ^^ Well... I hope this quest for "The" Purple will no last for years :D Thanks !
smoker420commented4 years ago
@PurpleWorship,btoh times ive had the auto version outdoor which was realy sweet and more dark berry terps to it. i did not get lemon taste pheno either it turns purple pink and the fem version i did indoors has the same terps but did not turn purple and u tryed pink kish my friemd grew that it is similar to purple qween and yields are insane each side branch createa massive tower buds haha
PurpleWorshipcommented4 years ago
@smoker420,Hey dude :) I looked to that strain some weeks ago. Was sounding promising. But i read some tastes reviews, talking about lemon/citric taste. That's absolutely not I'm looking for. But describing the taste i'm searching is verry hard :S How do it taste for you ?
Nor_Cal_Kannablisscommentedweek 85 years ago
Sweet grow man! I'm always drawn to these purple genetics.. They are just so damn lovely! Come check out my first grow with Humboldt County Seed's Notorious T.H.C.! Cheers and happy growing gonna follow this one! πŸ‘Œ
Nor_Cal_Kannablisscommented5 years ago
@PurpleWorship, Right it's amazing to see what mother nature can do! It's a real gift! Yeah nothing to worry about it was just a few bottom one's it's a natural self pruning.. everything else on her.. pristine!
PurpleWorshipcommented5 years ago
@Nor_Cal_Kannabliss, Thank you a lot for your comment, and for answering to my grow question :) I was a bit worried, but now I'm reassured :) I'll still pay attention in the next days :) And yes, she is verry pretty :) Love the purple leaves :) I always thought it was photoshoped, but no, it's real Ahahah πŸ˜†
asbestocommentedweek 114 years ago
Nice job!
PurpleWorshipcommented4 years ago
@asbesto, Thanks :)
MrJonescommentedweek 134 years ago
Awesome Diary and harvest Report!
PurpleWorshipcommented4 years ago
@MrJones, Thanks :) Unfortunately, it's just a souvenir now :D But Purple Kush is on the way ^^
Resin_Randycommentedweek 65 years ago
Good luck πŸ€ she looks healthy bro πŸ€πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
PurpleWorshipcommented5 years ago
@@Resin_Randy, Thanks dude ! I appreciate such feedback on how she looks, as it's my first plant ever, and don't really know how look a healthy plant. But yes, verry green, growing fast, no weird stuff...My instinct tell me she is totally fine :)
MadeInGermanycommentedweek 25 years ago
Have a nice start Bro πŸ‘
PurpleWorshipcommented5 years ago
@MadeInGermany, Thanks :)
Luciditecommentedweek 134 years ago
I’ve had trouble growing this one. The main stem of both attempts was tall but I get almost no secondary stem growth. Yours looks similar but better. Damn the smoke was good though. My first couch lock strain. Great medicine.
purplegrasscommentedweek 134 years ago
Amazing results for 1st grow!
Ts1Kocommentedweek 134 years ago
Looking good for beginner ✌️ Keep up the good work πŸ’ͺ And happy smokes πŸ’š
Ksouth1commentedweek 134 years ago
Nice grow! Keep growing and learning. Happy growing!
Epokwancommentedweek 134 years ago
Awesome grow, well done!
MG2009commentedweek 134 years ago
Just read your diary great looking plant hope she tastes the way you like, πŸ™
MarijuanaFarmercommentedweek 134 years ago
Looks like you had a great grow! Congrats Purple
Ganjagrandaddycommentedweek 134 years ago
Nice finish ajead
Lillaucommentedweek 134 years ago
Magnifique πŸŒ±πŸ”πŸ‘πŸ˜‰πŸ‘
SouthernUKgrowercommentedweek 15 years ago
Hi mate, maybe try a bit of a bigger pot to get the full potential out of your plant. You can buy 27.5L β€˜fabpots’ online and they’re cheap and really good. I usually do autos in this size pot and the roots Fill it! Happy growing
SouthernUKgrowercommented5 years ago
@PurpleWorship, brilliant! When you transplant, make sure you don’t leave it too late regarding the roots. When ever I’ve transplanted autos and let the root system grow to the pot they stress a lot, so do it as soon as you get them. I use rhizatonic by Canna for my root stimulant and I’d highly recommend it πŸ‘
PurpleWorshipcommented5 years ago
@SouthernUKgrower, Been abble to find a 30L fabric pot :) SHOULD receive it in.... 7-14 days. Thanks again for the recommandation, you been credited in the diary 😎 Do you have any recommandation about the transfert from the hard pot to the fabric pot ? I'm verry concerned about this... I'm not sure how to do it... At this point, i think I may plunge my both hands in dirt up to the bottom, under roots, and act like a big bracket, to collect maximum amount of dirt, and then transfert to the new pot... Should i do it ASAP (week 2-3) or wait a bit more so the roots get more "solid" ? Thanks ^^
PurpleWorshipcommented5 years ago
@SouthernUKgrower, Allright! I'm gonna search for it! Might be difficult to find one these days, but I'll try :D Transplant from 10L to 27L shouldn't be a problem/source of stress at this stage. Thanks for the tips :)
Bud_Spencercommentedweek 95 years ago
Give her 2 weeks with Water and TopMax! Maybe 3 Weeks more i think!
Bud_Spencercommented5 years ago
@PurpleWorship, 3 weeks is no Problem, and cut the yellow leafes. I do this also. I think is better when the Light shining on the buds.
PurpleWorshipcommented5 years ago
@Bud_Spencer, Thanks for this advice. Some other growers shared their opinion with me, saying that i had at least 2 more weeks. Which is perfect. 3 weeks would be much more better, since it will allow me to feed her with Topmax for 2 weeks... πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
BeanswithPorkcommentedweek 134 years ago
Good job Purps, you are truly loyal and I regret not returning the β€œlike” favour sooner. The first thing that jumped out to me was the week to week picture quality. Very normal, functional photos, but just quality. Nice work!
PurpleWorshipcommented4 years ago
@@BeanswithPork, Thanks for your kind comment :) I think you are totally on point. I'm using my cheap $100 phone to take those photos. But for 10 pictures uploaded, I take arround 100 photos. (I did the maths earlier today ^^). I'm using photoshop to make sure the color perfectly match reality (I'm taking pictures near my LED lights, so colors are often too much saturated, leaves looking yellow instead of green), and to fix the "blur" effect from my cheap phone. But that's all, I'm not cheating :) So I can't make awesome pictures, but I still can show the best part of the plants. I love catching the details that are meaningfull in a diary : the little things that tell you that the plant is reaching another step. I'm not trying to make beautiful photos, I'm trying to document the life of a living form. Nature and life is pretty by design to me :)