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RQS northern light auto outdoor

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks 3-11
Grow medium
15 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
3 cm
14 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
22 °C
4 L
0 L
Northern lights kwam uit 2 dagen na inplanten zaadje. Zaadje had al een wortel van 4cm bij inplanten en was ook al langs boven gekiemd. Royal dwarf nog niet uitgekomen. Wortel van 1 cm bij inplanten
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
8 cm
14 hrs
27 °C
22 °C
22 °C
4 L
0 L
Had full sunny days for these first two weeks and growth was quite impressive up until now. Plant is at its third node and the 5 finger fan leaves already start growing. I'm watering it once a week thoroughly with a 50-50 mix of tap water and sparkling water. Don't know if the rapid growth is attributable to the sparkling water, but it seems that it's at least not harming the plant. Next week, the weather is considerably worse, lots of clouds, hopefully won't impact growth too much... I'm considering trying to top it one of the following days, as most diaries I've seen for this strain take 12+ weeks, so that seems like it should have some time to recover from that?
Grow Questions
Knertstarted grow question 5 years ago
I'm considering topping my northern lights auto one of the following days, as it's starting to grow towards its 4th node. Most diaries I've seen for this strain take 12+ weeks, so that seems like it should have some time to recover from that. Anyone has any experience w auto top?
Techniques. Topping
TheCodeanswered grow question 5 years ago
Yes, you can top auto-flowering plants that are growing fast and healthy as long as they haven’t started making buds yet. I top auto-flowering plants around week 3. If it hasn’t grown at least 4-5 nodes (pairs of “real” leaves) by the end of week 3, it may not be growing fast enough to handle topping without getting stunted. When it comes to growing auto-flowering cannabis strains, there is a lot of controversy about whether they are compatible with the cannabis training technique known as topping (cutting off the tip of the plant while its young). Some growers say you should never top an auto-flowering plant, while others claim they can top their autos without a problem. How can there be such a big difference in results between different growers? Well, here’s the thing about topping autos…. Auto-flowering cannabis plants are on a tight schedule! Most auto-flowering strains start flowering at 3-4 weeks, and have pretty much stop growing vegetatively by the time they’re 6-7 weeks old. It’s difficult or impossible to change the strain’s individual time schedule. It still takes a few more weeks until buds are ready for harvest, but in that time an auto-flowering plant generally won’t be growing new leaves and stems. An auto-flowering plant is “full size” at just 6-7 weeks from seed! Topping auto-flowering cannabis strains is often not recommended because they’re on a tight schedule and may not recover in time, but it can be done if your plant is growing fast enough during the first few weeks of growth. Auto-flowering marijuana strains have a short timeline, which is why it's usually recommended not to top them. And on top of all that, you don’t need to top your plants to get multiple tops. Autos can grow with just LST/bending and they all will have multiple tops. All that being said, sometimes topping an auto does go well. If you have a really healthy, fast-growing plant, topping it may not stunt it at all. In some situations, topping may produce a better structure and increase yields! So it’s not a matter of whether you should or shouldn’t top autos, as much as a matter of evaluating your situation and deciding if the reward is worth the risk for you!
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
14 cm
15 hrs
24 °C
60 %
22 °C
20 °C
15 L
0 L
Day 18: I want to start LST'ing, but wanted to repot her first, since it would for sure outgrow it's previous 5l pot and I didn't want to do that effort twice. The repotting to a 15L pot was a difficult operation since her roots didn't yet hold all the soil together. I also accidentally cut 2 (small) roots that were already stuck against the bottom (see photos), hope she won't be too stressed by all this, guess I'll see tomorrow. If she looks healthy tomorrow and continues growing like she was, I think I'll start with the LST. Otherwise I'll wait until she's recovered from the reporting. Day 19: she was looking quite alright this morning so I decided to give her her first tie-down. The is really tilted at the bottom, but that happened during reporting, it's not because of extreme stress from the tie (see phote of day 19 before LST). The tie down is not too extreme and I did it with wool so that there's a little stretch. By night, she was pointing upwards again and she also kept growing today, so I believe the repotting hasn't impacted her too much Day 20: Gave her the first nutrients: 25g of an organic 6-3-3 granular fertilizer mix, along with another watering of about 60cl tap water/sparkling water. I hope the roots won't get impacted by the wet environment of the past few days (the soil she was repotted in (d18) was also relatively moist, and it still was today and the weather is only supposed to be sunny again on day 23. Guess we'll see). I'm also gradually pulling the stem back up with LST. I switched to iron wire since it proved much more controllable than the wool. Day 21: Despite the cloudy weather, she keeps growing quite well. She's also repsonding positively to the LST (in my inexperienced opionion, that is :p), the lower side branches really tart growing now, as you can see on the last photo's of this week. The base stem is also a lot more upright than right after repotting. Tomorrow is another mostly cloudy day, but from day 23, the we're in for a couple great sunny days again.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Knertstarted grow question 5 years ago
Should I repot to a pot of 15-20l? I'm kinda regretting I planted it in a pot with +-4l of soil. I want to plant her out in full ground around week 5 when the belgian weather starts getting milder, and I'm not sure if it's worth repotting now for another 2-3w, given the risk.
Plant. Other
Roots. Other
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 5 years ago
as long as you have mostly leaves with three points means the plant is young enough to be repotted , it will get a bit of shock so make sure you dont flood or flush the plant with water and avoid anything else that can cause stress. Do it soon and you wont really have any adverse effects. Hope this helps ! 🚀
Knertstarted grow question 5 years ago
How much granular fertilizer should I give my north lights auto? I have a "general purpose" fertilizer (grains) which has an NPK of 6-3-3 and potassium grains with 2-0-20. I find it difficult to dose as it releases its nutrients over a period of 3 months... Gave 25g of 633 in w 3
Feeding. Schedule
1 like
MadeInGermanyanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey buddy :-) If you are not sure about food, then take a look at what the manufacturer is writing and start with half h
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
22 cm
15 hrs
27 °C
45 %
22 °C
22 °C
15 L
0 L
Week 4: weather has been quite good, lots of sunshine. Only the last day of the week has been completely overcast. Day 23: Week 4 has started and she's doing really great. The past week, the weather has been quite cloudy, so I might have lost some grow that way, but the following 5 days are supposed to be really sunny so I'm hoping she'll grow some more. This morning I first noticed what I think might be the first pistils (see photo's), so she's going into preflowering phase! Also, on day 18, I gave her her first nutrients. An organic granular 6-3-3 fertiliser. I gave 25g of it, but I actually don't really know how to optimally dose this type of fertiliser, since most growers seem to use liquid nutrients. I also have 2-0-20 potassium grains, which I'm planning to give her somewhere from in week 6/7, but again I wouldn't know the optimal dose of this. Does anyone have a clue? D24: she's starting to grow really fast right now. The sun has been shining fully for the past two days, together with entering the preflower stage and her first dose of nutrients. LST'ing also seems to be going great. The biggest side branches are starting to get side branches of their own. D26: the past 2 days I've also started doing LST on the side branches, and I'm really impressed with how fast she's growing, both the main shem and the side branches. The smell is also to be more intense. D28: Yesterday, I watered her around 1,5l (50cl of sparkling water, 1l of tap water) until there was some runoff. Added another 35g of the 6-3-3 granular fertiliser so that I'm at a total of 60g for a 15l pot (the instructions say 75g for a 10l pot, so I think that's still quite conservative). In addition to that I added a good teaspoon of bio molasse. I also took the time to do a thorough LST session yesterday and spread all the branches as well as possible. Today she looked really well, can't wait to see what next week will bring. The roots are coming out of the bottom of the pot again, so I might plant it in full ground by the end of next week, depending on the weather.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
32 cm
15 hrs
27 °C
50 %
22 °C
22 °C
15 L
D29: Pistils are clearly showing now. She's looking really good and vigorous. I did notice a (very) small number of brown pistils. Might be from being a little bit careless while doing LST and toching it with the iron wire, could that be? Or could there something else going on? Speaking of LST, from now on I'm going to let the main cola grow upward again. I kept her really low to give the lower branches enough space, and I think that's the case now. I also tucked away most of the fan leaves that were blocking the light of certain tops. I think I'm going to plant her out in full ground by the end of the week. Temperatures are supposed to be 20+°C then. Any thoughts about that? D31: I decided to let it stay in its current pot, in order not to stress the roots right before flowering. She still keeps on growing every day, still at a surprisingly high pace. Also, I'm tucking away the fan leaves and other leave that are blocking the sunlight from the tops. Tomorrow it's watering time again, right before the start of week 6. Since I'm only watering her after the soil is almost dried out, I'm probably not watering her for another 5-6 days. My question now is what fertilisers I should be adding. There's already 60g of granular 6-3-3 fertiliser in it (added over the past two weeks), so I won't be adding any more of that anymore. I have phosphorous grains (6-16-0), and potassium grains (2-0-20) and I'm wondering if I should already add those potassium grains or just stick with phosphorous grains this time and add potassium grains next watering when it's (probably by then) just started flowering. Any advice?
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Knertstarted grow question 5 years ago
My autoflower just started week 5 and she's looking really healthy. I was wondering if it would be beneficial to plant it out into full ground by the end of this week. Weather is supposed to be 20+ °C by then. Would the benefits of full ground outweigh the cost of "repotting" ?
Other. General questions
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Setup. Outdoor
1 like
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey, So personally I think since you're already starting flowering that you're in a very crucial i wouldn't repot. A 4 gallon isn't bad. If you had repotted a week or so ago there might have been time to recover. I'd just do a nice lollipop and let it get full sun.. *possibly start a new seed germinating now and as soon as it fills a solo cup(or starter pot) pop it straight in the ground. Happy flowering. ✌️
Knertstarted grow question 5 years ago
She's at day 34 now, and I'm wateriring her tomorrow. I have phosporous grains (6-16-0) and potassium grains (2-0-20). She's been in proflowering for about a week and I'm wondering what fertilisers I should add tomorrow. Just P or should I add some K as well? See details in diary
Feeding. Schedule
Feeding. Chemical composition
labifleanswered grow question 5 years ago
Salut le jardinier ! Utilise plutôt quelque chose chargé en azote si t'es en pré flo. Une fois en flo melange tes 2 engrais 50/50 pour avoir un mix parfait de floraison tu aura un npk de 8-16-20 grâce à ce mélange. Si tes granules sont à diffusion lente met les maintenant pour une meilleur action. Bonne chance bella ciao
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
32 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
45 %
22 °C
22 °C
15 L
1 L
D35: gave her 30 grams of organic granular phosphorous grains (6-16-0) and gave her a thorough watering untill it reached runoff. D37: Days were with intense sunlight and a lot of wind. Gave her another good watering and 30g of organic granular potassium grains (2-0-20). Given that the days are all sunny the last days and they're bound to stay that way, I think I'll water her every 2 days as she's using a lot of water these days and that way the granular feeder gets dissolved more quickly into the soil. D40: She's looking absolutely great. Really enjoying the sunshine and warm weather of the past week (she did get some really minor sunburn spots on +-4 fan leaves, but she did't seem stunted by it). She keeps on growing every day and she has a lot of promising tops. The LST has been working out really well! I'm doing my best trying to tuck away as many leaves blocking the sunlight from the bud sites, but there's starting to get a lot of them so I don't really know what I should do. Should I trim the ones that are in the way of the bud sites and that I can't really tuck away or should I leave them on for photosynthesis? The flowers are also really developing and she's really starting to give a good smell. Looking forward to the following days/weeks! D42: I watered her again, around 3l, and added another 20g of potassium grains. That's going to be the final amount of fertilizer she's getting. First gave her 1,5l of plain tap water and then another 1,5l which was 50% tap water and 50% sparkling water, mixed with a teaspoon of molasse. The overall nutrient scheme was thus: * D20: 25g organic granular fertilizer (6-3-3) * D28: 35g organic granular fertilizer (6-3-3) * D35: 30g organic granular phosphorous grains (bone meal) (6-16-0) * D37: 30g of organic potassium grains (2-0-20) * D42: 20g of organic potassium grains (2-0-20)
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Knertstarted grow question 5 years ago
My NL auto is at D40 and is growing well. She's developing a good lot of cola's with nice bud sites. Up untill now I've been able to tuck the leaves away, but it's getting more difficult to keep all bud sites cleared as she keeps growing. Should I tactically defoliate?
Leaves. Too many
Leaves. Other
Techniques. Defoliation
MadeInGermanyanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hi buddy she looks great 😎👌. I would not cut away anything that looks healthy :-) every leaf that you remove now only interferes with photosynthesis. There are exceptions to extreme bushes, but I would definitely not lose any weight on your plants. Carry on as before and it will be very nice 👏🏻👍
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
32 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
45 %
22 °C
15 °C
15 L
1 L
D49: weather has been absolutely amazing. Another entire week of sunshine and temperatures well over 20, with some days reaching 25+ degrees. I watered her twice, around 3l per time, each watering containing 1,5 teaspoons of molasses. Growth (in height) has definitely slowed down drastically, I wonder how much, if any, haller she'll grow. Flowers start to fatten up, and the spaces between the different bud sites on the tops start filling up. The higher pistils are also gradually starting to turn brown/orange, while lower ones remain more milky. Lower leaves start turning yellow, think I'll very gradually start removing them, as they're not really adding anything anymore, hinder air circulation in lower regions and might cause some mold forming (although it's quite dry for that). Definitely curious for the coming period.
1 comment
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Knertstarted grow question 5 years ago
She's at day 50 now and her pistils are already getting quite orangey/brown (see diary), which seems rather early to me, also compared to other diaries of her strain. How long (more or less ofcourse) would you reckon she still has before she should be harvested?
Buds. Other
Other. Other
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 5 years ago
She's still a long way away yet. I would advise removing some of the lower fan leaves especially in the center and the yellowing ones. Keep feeding her and maybe 4 weeks later?
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
32 cm
16 hrs
22 °C
45 %
22 °C
15 °C
15 L
1 L
D56: Flowers growing nicely, nothing too crazy though. Weather was also kind of bad, lots of cloudy days. Gave her 1 teaspoon of molasses per liter of water while watering, and watered 3l every 3 days more or less.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
32 cm
16 hrs
22 °C
45 %
22 °C
15 °C
15 L
1 L
D63: weather's been alternating between OK and pretty good the past 2 week Flowers are growing well and leaves continue yellowing, while the oldest ones started dropping from this week. Pistils are mainly brown, but judging from my photo's I'd say the trichromes are still transparent to slightly milky maybe? The pictures from my phone aren't perfectly sharp though, and it's my first growth as well, so I'm not really sure. I'll maybe let her go for a week longer or so. One of the next days I'll try taking some better pictures with a macro lens.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Knertstarted grow question 5 years ago
Pistils are mainly brown, but judging from my photo's I'd say the trichromes are still transparent to maybe slightly milky? The pictures from my phone aren't perfectly sharp though, and it's my first growth as well, so I'm not really sure. Could anyone with a trained eye tell?
Buds. Other
Other. General questions
Mr_Motalovahanswered grow question 5 years ago
Its hard to tell without a clear close up picture but they look slightly milky. When trichomes are entering the "harvest window" they look like plastic, clear trichomes look more like glass. So based on what I see id say your entering that harvest period. If they're entering that window you could be harvesting in a week or two. Don't forget to flush roots! 😉 You could get a cheap Jeweler’s loupes on amazon and that would help you out. If you haven't already, I recommend this harvest tutorial. Its a bit of a read but its worth it. Skip to the jeweler’s loupe method to see a good example of trichomes ready for harvest also when to harvest for what effects you want. Good luck grower! 👊
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
32 cm
16 hrs
22 °C
45 %
22 °C
15 °C
15 L
1 L
D65: Tried taking some pictures with the macro lens. I'd say the majority of the trichromes are cloudy with some still clear and the occasional amber ones. Will keep track of the evolution. D70: Buds keep getting bigger, the main cola is starting to look like one big, consolidated bud. Trichromes remain mainly cloudy, with some still transparent and some amber ones. Also gave her a flush (10l), since I think she'll be ready for harvest in at most 2 weeks. Next watering, I might add molasses a last time. Smell is strong and really sweet, reminds me of vanilla a little.
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
32 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
45 %
22 °C
15 °C
15 L
1 L
Week 11 has passed. Weather has been amazing as predicted, with temperatures reaching 30°C on some days, but pas 3 days have been milder, around 20-22°C. Flowers still seem to slightly increase in size, and the smell is great. Almost no glassy trichromes anymore: vast majority is (slightly) milky I'd say, and around 10-15% is getting amber. One of these days, I'll put her in a dark place for 48 hours to give the THC level a last good push before harvesting. D77: there she goes, final 48 hours have started! I'm putting her in a closet during the day so she stays at a dark spot for twose last two days. After that it's harvesting time! D79: Harvested tonight! No molds or anything, only a small caterpillar that had found his shelter in the flowers. Cut it out, impact on the flowers was negligible. D4 of drying: Plant is drying out slowly, humidity levels have been around 70-80% as weather has been quite bad the past few days. Also, all branches are all still attached to the main stem, which slows down the drying process. To mitigate the humidity, I put a fan to keep air circulating, which is successful up until now. Drying will probably still take a bit longer. Smell has definitely decreased while drying, so after that I'm planning on curing it a few weeks. Buds are not the densest, but definitely not bad either! I'm really happy with the results given that she was grown outdoors and using only granular organic nutrients. D7 of drying: decided to cut the nugs from the branches. Definitely still not sufficiently dry, but we're getting there. Large branches were still a little bendy but quite stiff already. Smaller bud branches we're almost snappable. Storing them in a room with 60% humidity now, where they can dry out some more. They're currently weighing 80g, don't know how much will still evaporate and how much of the weight the branches account for. Anyone has an idea on what I might expect? I'll be really glad if it's anything around 30 to 35g!
Used techniques


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MadeInGermanycommentedweek 25 years ago
Have a nice Start 😎 And keep it up 🌱👍
MadeInGermanycommented5 years ago
@Knert, Hey :-) If you are not sure about the food, I would start with half :-). Always a little less than too much 👍
Knertcommented5 years ago
@MadeInGermany, hey man! Thanks for the reply on my question! But it doesn't completely answer it. They advise 75g/10L pot in general for plants in pots and 100g/m² for "average nutrient needy" vegetables like carrots, spinach,... But the thing is: these are doses that are meant to last for 3 months and you're supposed to feed them at once. What I'm thinkng is: I gave her 25g at day 18 along with a good watering. Now I'm waiting for the pot to become dry again (probably around D25 or so) and with next watering I'll feed her some additional fertilizer. Only thing is I don't know how much to optimally give. Maybe another 25g to be safe? Or should I add another 50g to get to the recommended amount for a 10L pot (which I guess is still alright since she's in a 15L pot)? Or should I feed even more and just flush her when I switch to flowering nutrients?
Hoesaycommentedweek 115 years ago
This is looking brilliant.
Knertcommented5 years ago
@Hoesay, thanks! Really happy with how she ended up! Weather has been great and I was lucky not to run into any problems. Really curious for the first try! Too bad you had some issues with yours, but it seems she's persistent!
AlbertEinsteincommentedweek 75 years ago
I, Einstein, approve this grow! May relativity guide you and always remember...#Black Lives Matter too. #We have already done 400 years of slavery....#What more do you want from us? #Fuck it!
Fort_Wendycommentedweek 25 years ago
sick grow m8
CoastGrowercommentedweek 55 years ago
Why are you going to transpant her into open soil? I would try and keep her stress free, you don’t want a slow growing week during flower. Adnd your plant isn’t flowering yet, it’s pre flower. Give it 7 more days and it will be in flower. Good luck with the transplant.
CoastGrowercommented5 years ago
@Knert, she’s in a 15L pot, that’s big enough. I wouldn’t be scared to get root bound. And as long as she’s in a pot you can place her in the sun and when it’s bad weather you can put her behind your window.. I’m growing a plant in a 11L pot and it’s going great. 👍
Mosquito_Haarlemcommented5 years ago
@Knert, Daarbij is het buiten ook nog te koud.
Knertcommented5 years ago
@CoastGrower, I thought that if I'd plant her in open soil she'd be able to expand her root system even more and that would give the flowering a boost. I spotted some root tips at the bottom of the pot and I thought it'd be a shame to stunt the growth by being root bound. But it's indeed quite a critical time for repotting and I'm maybe a bit to scared to do it. Don't want to mess up my first grow, definitely since she's looking really well right now
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 35 years ago
hey there , hope i answered your question ! anything else you need just message me 🚀
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@Knert, yeah man, i'll give you a follow, it's always more exciting on the first grows also with the diaries 🚀
Knertcommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, hey man, thanks for the advice. I did it this afternoon still. By the end of the day she looked quite vigorous again, let's hope she turns out well tomorrow! You can see an update in my comment of week 3. I'll another one tomorrow
Zsollercommentedweek 105 years ago
Wow nice grow mate!
Knertcommented5 years ago
@Zsoller, thanks! I'm really surprised about how well she is turning out! Conditions have been really good though, certainly compared to Belgian standards. It's been sunny 8 out of 10 weeks. Good luck with your NL!
NPKAllTheWaycommentedweek 45 years ago
Looking good, although in the pictures the leaves are allways drooping? When I had these droopy leaves I wasnt feeding enough. But im a newb so dont listen to me :D
Knertcommented5 years ago
@@@NPKAllTheWay, this is also my first grow and I was worried about that as well when I first noticed. Actually the leaves are not always drooping, only from the moment the sun sets. I did a little research on that and apparently it's quite normal. There's no real evidence as to why exactly they do it, but as long as it only happens when it gets dark, there's nothing to worry about! (
ramon1commentedweek 15 years ago
I have a curiosity, did you put it in the sun from day one for all day?
Knertcommented5 years ago
@ramon1, jep, it's been behind a corner window where it's fully exposed to the sun from sunrise to sunset from day one. And the first two weeks have been very sunny
DoDrugs420commentedweek 114 years ago
Love it love it love it Northern Light Automatic 4 life.
Knertcommentedweek 25 years ago
I'm considering topping my northern lights auto one of the following days, as it's starting to grow towards its 4th node. Most diaries I've seen for this strain take 12+ weeks, so that seems like it should have some time to recover from that. I'd combine it with continuing to feed it a vegetative growth boosting nutrients mix in week 5 & 6 instead of already switching to a blooming mix (as suggested here, trying to give it as long as possible to grow vertically. Or should I just let it do its own way and not intervene? Any thoughts? Also, the weather is going to be quite cloudy the next week, don't know how that is going to impact its recovery (since I don't have a light installation). Last sidenote, I'm planning to plant them in full ground outside somewhere around week 5.
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