D15F. Watered.
No problems, very healthy looking. Been pretty windy, good thing she is caged in. Very sturdy plant. Huge stalk.
D16F. Fed.
Looking very healthy. Starting to see more and more bud sites. Stacking very nicely. Needs to be defoliated soon.
D17F. Watered.
Healthy and seeing bud sites everywhere. Some yellow leaves due to lack of light.
D18F. Watered.
No complaints very pleased with her so far. Looks beautiful.
D19F. Fed.
Very healthy and stacking up buds nicely.
It looks like she needs protection from intruders. Someone got sticky fingers and took plan C. Not a good score on their behalf it barely had any flowers at all and is pumped full of high grade nutes. So enjoy that harsh black ash. Only thing they'll get is a headache.
D20F. Watered.
Very healthy. Cleaned up some dead branches and removed yellow leaves and old fan leaves.
D21F. Watered.
Looks good. Starting to produce more buds. Some will be very large. Hoping she makes it to harvest. I've had to sleep outside for the past few nights to protect from thieves. Think they tried to get her already but she is just too big to pull from the ground and the cage will make it next to impossible to take her in one piece.