This was a rather dramatic week, although nothing to do with the plants. It rained everyday this week. Literally - every single day. So, the girls got plenty of water - here's where the smart pots really shine, keeping the soil from getting waterlogged. But it also meant the entire week was overcast - not a lot of sun. You can see the girls are getting kind of stretchy - about 1.5" between nodes. The stalks have gotten nice and thick from the wind (foreshadowing) - all of them are about as thick as a pencil right now, and growing thicker.
So...about that wind...Friday evening, we got a tornado warning, and we had gusts up to 70 mph. Early, the biggest plant, was blown off the deck and took some damage. I pruned the damaged leaves, and since the top part of stalk was snapped, I just topped her below the break. So she looks kind of bare and small right now, but I think she's recovered well. I topped all of the other plants too except the run in the middle - topping the other plants means the run is now the same height as everyone else. She survives another week.
I got a free sample of Happy Frogs Seafood for Acid Loving Plants, so I gave each of the girls 1 tbs as top dressing, and sort of scratched it into the surface. We'll see. Given the stretchiness of the plants, I'm revising my estimate downward - now I'm hoping for 100g/plant. That would get me 500g if all 5 come to harvest, which is probably 9 months supply for me. If I can get 50g each off the autoflower, I will be set for the year.
Clean country living.
With tornados.
@Thatsmyfirsttime, thanks! We try to grow as much of our stuff as possible and be self-sufficient. I try organic stuff out here and there (my autoflowers I used a living soil ammendment), but for the most part I think ferts are a scam. Coffee grounds, ground egg shells, earthworm castings, and left over fruit and veggie scraps. That's all I think you need to grow big, beautiful organic plants.
Runt's dry weight: 151g. It's curing now in a couple of paper grocery bags. I also harvested the traditional manifold, like the next day after Runt, so she's trimmed and dried as well: 137g; she's also in a couple of grocery bags.