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First Wonderwoman Greenhouse Grow

4 years ago
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
6 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
0 L
12 cm
End of first week, seems to have gone okay. Had a bit of difficulty after day 2 as we were hit with some terrible weather and cold. Decided very last minute to make a mini grow box using a SAD lamp, I wasnt able to get much info on them but figured if they act like UV for humans it should have some of the light spectrum in for the plants. Plants loved it first day and have been growing pretty steady since. Had an issue with overwatering I think after day 2, and had some slightly purple stems. Could this be stress? didnt quite realise how little they drank! so had to leave them for a couple days. Soil PH is a little higher (more like 7) so I have been feeding with 6.0 to attempt to equalize the PH. Please feel free to give me any feedback, nice to see a community like this out there! Great chance to learn and document along the way! Cheers!
Grow Questions
Eagersstarted grow question 5 years ago
Im growing seedlings indoors in a window (they are only 7 days old) but ive been wondering at what point do the plants start needing circulating air? Found limited answers online, they will be going out to greenhouse once theyre big enough but for now do they need a fan?
Setup. Ventilation
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souljasamanswered grow question 5 years ago
All you need is a small fan to make sure fresh air is moving around the plants. When they are out in the open fresh air circulation is a little less important. The bigger benefit to air circulation is blowing a gentle breeze over the plants to strengthen the stems so they can hold more weight. Literally all you need is 1-2 6inch clip on fans for cheap. I bought 2 off amazon for like $12.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
11.5 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
40 %
19 °C
0 L
11 cm
Nutrients 1
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 1 mll
This week has been a bit of a learning experience, getting used to the watering and lighting situation. Day 9 - plant was 4cm from light and noticing burning parts on leaves, were they too close? Have now raised to 13cm away. Day 10 - plant #1 is 8.5cm and #2 is 2.5cm (not loving life) decided to start adding in some biobizz root juice to my water in small dose to help give them a boost. Day 13 - gave 24 hrs light and plant #1 is doing well at 10cm and #2 is now 4cm and added support for the stem to stop it falling. Day 15 - plant #1 is now 11.5cm but see photos it seems to be showing some yellowing on the leaves and twisting. What could it be when so young in same soil? Maybe root juice burning? Plant #2 is recovering well, still not the strongest stem so leaving support in but has grown to 7cm! Have now ordered some equipment to build a grow box so should be able to adjust lighting height and control environment better but working with what ive got so far.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
13 cm
22 hrs
24 °C
40 %
19 °C
20 L
11 cm
Nutrients 1
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 2 mll
Odd week figuring out all the bits that didnt go so well for the next one. Have now built my own box which il use to raise seedlings in until theyre ready to go outside with plenty of lights. These ones didnt get enough light their first couple weeks so hopefully that improves for next time. Day 20 I moved the containers to a windowsill whilst I built the box and it was such a hot day that after feeding them in the morning the pot was light at the end of the day and as they were in a black pot I think the roots mightve been stressed? I gave them a couple days and seemed to be a bit more stable and transplanted yesterday into their final pots. (Gave soil a little water, michorrazea and then transplanted in) using Canna Terra Professional + soil and was about to start the nutes but realised they are now in nutrient rich soil would it not be too much if I gave nutes now? Thinking il wait another week before adding them but let me know what you think. Thanks!
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
22 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
40 %
12 °C
20 L
Nutrients 2
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 2 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 1 mll
This week was a weird one, a lot of steep learning curves came across this week. 16/5/20 (day 20) - had plant #1 in windowsill all day on a super hot day and realised it mustve got up to 32c in the window. They were in small black pots and think they mightve had heat shock in the roots as they were watered that morning and by the end of the day the pot was dry! Day 21 - leaves started to really curl and the growth on its way became all chewed and twisted. Not great! Figured I would just give them a foliar spray of phed water each day as the roots seemed so shocked. Realised I could give some small nutrients to them in the spray, so added 0.5ml biobizz heaven and 2ml of root juice for a 1l bottle to mist them with. Day 22 - Transplanted both plants and gave a small watering around them. Day 25 - plants looking better now, plant #2 is now 15cm and plant #1 is 17cm (since the foliar feeding they have improved or dont seem to be getting any worse at least!) The eve - only watered plant #1 plant #2 leaves nice and green just a bit droopy so not watering. Day 26 (22/5/20) - have now got new water with 1ml bio heaven and 2ml root juice to foilar feed plant #1. Left plant #2 with just leaf coat until watering nutes on sunday Day 28 - decided against using nutes or watering as plants just didnt seem to use the water in that time. Found an Aphid on one plant and managed to get that off using neem oil spray (works so well) but found a caterpillar had been chewing through plant #1 and had to remove all leaves effected. Really isnt left looking too good at all but got hope they will pull through! Day 30 - finally beginning to see plants start to push through and start growing again after stunt this week. #1 wanted 400ml of water day 29 and #2 given 400ml this morning. Have been foliar feeding each morning and night a mix as above. Plant #1 - 22cm Plant #2 - 23cm
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
29 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
40 %
12 °C
20 L
Nutrients 2
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 2 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 1 mll
Better week this week. Flushed plants after the odd growing and found the PH of runoff was 6.1. Think I mightve found out shes a female, maybe someone can confirm? although have found out this is a photoperiod so fingers crossed this one does ok. Will be a long old summer. Was only meant to be a good trial to get started on before buying some seeds. Not too much to report just trying to nurse her through each day.
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Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
52 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
40 %
12 °C
20 L
Not too much to report, still waiting for pots to dry since last flush about a week ago. Very slow growers now but making some progress. Nirvana super skunk - had some growth issues has been growing slowly for the last few weeks but getting there. Now at 52cm. Going to give light feed once pots are light, will have to consider topping once they are showing healthy growth as will be massive by the end of summer at this rate! Wonder woman - has been reacting well to LST branches have almost caught up to main cola so will bowl train once they have done. All in all good experiment and getting some practice in and making mistakes. All in the process though, realising I need to invest in a proper PH pen though.
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
5 years ago
55 cm
16 hrs
20 °C
241 PPM
40 %
12 °C
20 L
Nutrients 3
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 0.125 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 0.25 mll
Cal Mag - Vitalink
Cal Mag 0.125 mll
This week plants have been slowly making their way through the stunting. Have been just lightly foliar feeding with cal-mag and grow this week. Pots are now light and looking for water so have watered with nutes. Wonder Woman (showing signs that it needs nitrogen) - Gave 4 litres of 6.5 Ph water with nutrients til runoff 0.25ml/l cal mag 0.25ml/l grow 0.5ml/l heaven Total EC - 0.485 RUNOFF EC - 1.7 RUNOFF PH - 6.2 Super Skunk (seems to have enough nitrogen but needed a feed) - Just fed nutrients in 6.5 water today, gave 4 litres to give runoff 0.125ml/l cal-mag 0.125ml/l grow 0.25ml/l heaven Total EC - 0.482 EC runoff - 2.78 PH runoff - 6.1 Run off was very high on both plants, theyve both had no feedings other than foliar feeds since they were put into soil around 3 weeks ago. Why so high? Considering flushing them if i see nute burn but in a bit of a conundrum as dont want to drown them again and overwater doing another flush. Also bought superthrive, heard good things so wanting to see if that will help the plants recover so made up foliar spray.
Used techniques
Week 8. Vegetation
5 years ago
62 cm
16 hrs
20 °C
240 PPM
40 %
12 °C
20 L
Nutrients 3
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 0.25 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 0.5 mll
Cal Mag - Vitalink
Cal Mag 0.25 mll
Starting to get some results now, the plants liked the feedings and also made up a foliar spray of superthrive at 0.75ml/l. Day 52 - fed 4 litre nutrient mix until runoff (Wonder woman) EC IN - 0.485 EC OUT - 1.7 PH OUT - 6.2 (Super skunk) EC IN - 0.482 EC OUT - 2.78 PH OUT - 6.1 Day 54 - topped super skunk today as was looking like it will be v tall! 60cm so hoping it will bush out some more
Week 9. Vegetation
5 years ago
70 cm
16 hrs
20 °C
240 PPM
75 %
12 °C
20 L
Nutrients 2
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 1 mll
SUPERthrive  - Superthrive
SUPERthrive 0.063 mll
Super skunk This girl is taking off now, almost struggling to control the height so topped and it handled it really well, just by the next morning new growth was blowing up with new tops. Made up a foliar feed for them both to be done each morning and night for 1 week. Both reacted really well. 8 weeks 4 days - used 5 litres to water til runoff Tap water EC in - 0.26 EC OUT - 2.9 (Runoff very high but growing ok so will just water for this week) PH IN - 6.5 PH OUT - 6.2 WONDER WOMAN Been foliar feeding same as other plant, just watered this week. 8 weeks 3 days - did some more LST on tallest branch and bounced back in a few hours. Growing well. 8 weeks 5 days - watered with 5L til runoff EC IN - 0.26 EC OUT - 1.06 PH IN - 6.5 PH OUT - 6.7 35 cm tall but has 9 bud sites now so doing well i think. Will leave the LST for them just to grow in now.
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Week 10. Vegetation
5 years ago
80 cm
14 hrs
20 °C
365 PPM
60 %
12 °C
20 L
Nutrients 5
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 0.5 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 1 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 1 mll
Not much to report. WonderWoman seems very light/yellow so I started with a light 1/4 strength feeding and added some EcoThrive Charge to the soil, (worm castings and other beneficials) EC IN 0.730 EC OUT 0.814 PH IN 6.57 PH OUT 6.67 Did notice slight nutrient burn on a couple leaves but still growing well so will back off and just water for next 2x 10 weeks 6 days - plain ph water EC OUT 0.79 PH OUT 6.72 Super Skunk Log High EC last watering (no nutrients given yet) EC OUT 1.042 PH OUT 6.27
Week 11. Vegetation
5 years ago
88 cm
14 hrs
20 °C
450 PPM
60 %
12 °C
20 L
Nutrients 1
SUPERthrive  - Superthrive
SUPERthrive 1.3 mll
**Wonder Woman** The feeding last week definitely helped what looked like a lack of nitrogen, growth is healthy and green now and growing well🙏 11 wks 1 day - snapped a branch while watering (very low canopy) so hoping i patched it up on time) 11 wks 5 days - seems to be just fine and showing pre flowers, wasnt expecting to see that now!) **Super Skunk** 11 weeks 4 days - Fed nutrients today for first time 0.5ml/l cal mag 0.5ml bio grow 0.5ml bio heaven 0.5ml acti vera EC IN 0.90 EC OUT 1.16 PH IN 6.56 PH OUT 6.14 Growing well and removed a couple dead fan leaves from earlier stress. I couldnt fold back to let light into bud site so took them off as werent ever going to catch up. Also have topped this twice now leaving 4 main bud sites on top. (Trying to control height as almost 1 meter tall before flowering!)
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Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
88 cm
14 hrs
20 °C
450 PPM
60 %
12 °C
20 L
Nutrients 5
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 0.5 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 1 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 1 mll
Not much to report, starting its flowering stretch and looking healthy with 11 bud sites. Top dressed with ecothrive charge at 60ml for a 20L pot Fed 1/2 strength nutrients and 1 plain watering. Starting to need water every 2 days now.
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Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
88 cm
14 hrs
20 °C
450 PPM
60 %
12 °C
20 L
Nutrients 1
SUPERthrive  - Superthrive
SUPERthrive 0.3 mll
Only watering this week as showed a small amount of nutrient burn on leaves. Did water with superthrive at 6.5ph, now seems to have stabalised and starting to really blow up with bud sites. Going to now alternate with water-water-feed and so on. Thanks 👍
Week 14. Flowering
5 years ago
15 hrs
20 °C
450 PPM
60 %
12 °C
20 L
Have been just watering this week after feed last week, the runoff EC was quite low last watering at 0.46 so it seems it does need more nutrients. Ive been very careful to not overwater so have been letting the pot get light, maybe a little too much in hindsight as it wilts just before watering. Which tends to be 6-7 days. Probably way too long and a combination of not enough drainage plus letting them dry out too much...and underfeeding! So from now I will run a feed - feed - water until EC is reaching a bit closer to 1.5- 2 and hopefully not see any nute burn. Will back off if I do. 👍🙏
Week 15. Flowering
5 years ago
15 hrs
20 °C
580 PPM
60 %
14 °C
20 L
Nutrients 4
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 0.3 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
All good this week, since seeing the yellowing of the lower leaves I measured runoff and ec was very low (0.46EC) and I think was paired with underwatering so getting on top of that now. This week decided to go feed-feed-water to try and build the nutrients back up in the soil. Is definitely eating. Yellowing has stopped moving up the plant and growth has continued 👍 End of week runoff EC - 1.17 PH - 6.41 Thanks for checking out my diary and good luck to you all 👊👍
Week 16. Flowering
5 years ago
15 hrs
20 °C
600 PPM
55 %
14 °C
20 L
Nutrients 4
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 0.3 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Nothing to report this week, all good. Just watered with plain Ph 6.5 water End of week runoff - EC OUT 1.22 PH OUT 5.8
Week 17. Flowering
4 years ago
15 hrs
18 °C
650 PPM
55 %
14 °C
20 L
Nutrients 6
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 0.3 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
This week buds have started to form now, loads of bud sites. Ive now pushed on to week 1 of the flowering schedule. All looks good, yellowing lower leaves were I think from underwatering at one point, its all good now but leaving the plant to use up last of leaves and fall off. Think im going to need some supports soon, already starting to get a bit heavy. Last week I noticed EC runoff was a little low (0.8) and growth slowed a bit so have been now feeding each watering to bring up EC so this weeks runoff EC is now 1.7 so going to go back to feed - feed - water. Thanks for stopping by, good luck to u all! 👊🙏
Week 18. Flowering
4 years ago
15 hrs
18 °C
650 PPM
55 %
14 °C
20 L
Nutrients 6
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 0.3 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
This week growth has been really good, now starting to fire out pistils everywhere and new sites filling out. Moved on to adding more bloom nutes from veg and growth has been good, small ampunt of overall yellowing but this plant has always seemed to be lighter green than the others. Will maybe increase feeding EC as no sign of tip burn. Have fed twice this week and plan to water next time. End of week runoff- EC 1.7 PH 6.35 All good 👍 End of week runoff EC
Week 19. Flowering
4 years ago
15 hrs
18 °C
700 PPM
55 %
12 °C
20 L
Nutrients 6
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 0.3 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
This week started with a plain ph 6.5 watering, then moved on to do another 2 feeds. Now starting to need watering much more often. I think its lacking nitrogen a bit, so will have to think of upping that next week. Maybe even up all nutes as EC is 1.4 could maybe go higher? Keeping things topped up though and EC is slowly building in soil so maybe will just do more frequent feedings until I notice runoff ec is getting too high. End of week runoff EC - 2.7 (getting a little high, though ive seen it higher back in veg and only slight tip burn then but dont want to over do it so will back off nutrients now and just water next) Thanks 🙏
Week 20. Flowering
4 years ago
15 hrs
20 °C
650 PPM
70 %
12 °C
20 L
Nutrients 7
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 0.3 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
EC runoff was a little high last feeding (2.7) watering until 10-20% runoff each time. Just plain water. 20 wks 4 days - lower leaves are getting yellow and gradually working their way up the plant. Feel like this ia nitrogen so have given highee amount next feed (aware that this will sort of be the last time i can bump up nitrogen this stage in flower) Could be generally more hungry but runoff ec is pretty high so dont want to over do it. The yellowing seems to have slowed up, I know it will natrually yellow but seemed a little extreme to spread over the full plant. Thanks 👍
Week 21. Flowering
4 years ago
15 hrs
20 °C
600 PPM
70 %
12 °C
20 L
Nutrients 5
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 0.3 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1.5 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 2 mll
Good progress, yellowing is still working its way up so have upped the Biogrow to 1.5ml/l rather than 1.0ml and to make up the rest of EC i went 1/2 strength with other nutrients. Will back off on Biogrow next feeding. Some defoliation done to keep airflow inside the canopy, buds are stacking up nicely. Such a sweet smell coming off these when you brush past them, seriously tropical.🍍🍋 Thanks! 👊🙏
Week 22. Flowering
4 years ago
15 hrs
20 °C
600 PPM
70 %
12 °C
20 L
Nutrients 6
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 0.3 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 2.5 mll
Decided to keep Biogrow at full strength for 1 more week, other than that the rest of nutrients are 1/2 strength. Top dressed with EcoThrive charge, brilliant stuff. After a couple days of it soaking in the plant has just jumped into action and packing on weight and new pistils. Does work 👍 Had a lot of wet weather this week and barely any sun so these went about 6 days without needing anything.🙏 for some sun! ☀️ Thanks for stopping by 👊
Week 23. Flowering
4 years ago
13 hrs
18 °C
400 PPM
70 %
12 °C
20 L
Nutrients 5
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 0.3 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 0.5 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 2.5 mll
This week the weather was super wet all week, just rained constantly for 3 days. Luckily its in the greenhouse so isnt getting wet but humidity was up to 80% Started noticing some budrot creeping in on a couple of top colas so had to chop but luckily didnt lose too much as seemed to get there just in time before the spread got worse! 🙏😤 Had to get something done about the humidity and temps are very low, 13c and down to 9c ish at night! So bought myself a great little heater and a dehumidifier which has got the problem much more manageable. No further bud rot but keeping a close eye on it every day, the buds are packing on some nice weight now and smell when you brush past them is.. 👌🍍🏝️ Been watering every 3 or 4 days now, runoff EC last week was fairly high so watered with 1/2 strength nutrients then will do plain water next watering. Its yellowing up nicely now, ive noticed either this was very nitrogen hungry or the genetics are just a lighter green, i read a few diaries with some similar colour but either way the plant didnt seem to mind too much as growth just hasnt slowed for a while now. Maybe next time i will try giving higher nitrogen and see how it reacts, never noticed any toxicity so could have probably given more but the buds are growing really nicely. If anyone has seen my previous weeks its crazy to see how much of a beating this plant took whilst learning and still turned out like this! Trooper genetics I think I will have to run these again sometime! 👊 Thanks for reading and hope your all good people! 👍😁
Week 24. Flowering
4 years ago
13 hrs
18 °C
150 PPM
70 %
12 °C
20 L
This week bud progress has been good, yellowing well now and trichomes are beginning to turn cloudy, around 20,30% so going to start the flush now for 2 weeks. EC is 0.3 as my mains tap water, I use EcoThrive Neutralise to kill chloramines etc before use as they kill off the beneficial bacteria in the soil. I use that at 1 pipette drop per Litre. The EC has been working its way down from last weeks 1/4 strength feed, I fed 0.6 in last week and runoff EC was 1.9 This week its now down to 1.4 so will keep the flush going slowly. So far so good 👍have managed to combat the humidity as best as I can, some days it drifts quite high (75-85% RH) but much better than walking in the greenhouse each morning to see 99% humidity and bud rot! Thanks for checking out my diary and good luck to you all! 🙏👊
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Week 25. Flowering
4 years ago
13 hrs
18 °C
300 PPM
70 %
12 °C
20 L
Going good, getting closer to the end mostly the pistils are about 80-90% brown now. Still some white ones coming through so wont be chopping anytime soon. The trichomes are still mostly clear but every few days they get a little more cloudy, still no amber in there though. This week I gave them a boost whilst flushing and fed them Unsulphured Blackstrap molasses at 1tbsp to 5 litres of water. Mixed with luke warm water but forgot to neutralise the water so possibly might be undoing my work by killing some good bacteria but one of those mistakes 🤦‍♂️ im sure it will be ok but bit of a shame. After feeding the molasses water at 0.6ec the runoff was 1.1ec so dropped nicely from 1.9 last week. Thanks for stopping by 👊
Week 26. Flowering
4 years ago
55 %
Harvest week this week, just 1 last watering 2 days before and now chopping after lots if yellowing. These plants were grown in a greenhouse so were around some pests at times and once flower hit the trichomes were so sticky they were catching flys and daddy long legs. Dont fancy smoking any of those..🤢 Washed them all in room temp 3 part mix to get rid of all the nasties. (I found it was important to use luke warm water as cold water will help the trichomes fall off. Good for ice water hash but not to wash and have lost trichs floating in water) Bucket 1 - 10 grams baking soda per 10/l water Bucket 2 - 1/2 squeezed lemon per 10/L + 100ml hydrogen peroxide per 10/L Bucket 3 - Plain room temperature water Have had to make my own DIY dry room so using my camper and its perfect, well insulated dry and sealed zone with a fan to bring some fresh air in. Have a dehumidifier set up in there set to control humidity down to 55% and a heater to stop temps getting below 18c. Aiming to really try keep it in the right area for drying. Has taken a couple days to get things right in there. first couple days humidity was creeping up to 60-65% and temps between 16 - 21c. Took a minute but things are a bit more stable now between 49% - 52% and temps floating between 18 - 20c. Fingers crossed I dont start coming across mould and bud rot! All looks good for now though 🙏👍 Not going to post this as my harvest until ready to cure so will be back with that and update smoke reports etc! Thanks for all the support to you all, really supportive bunch of people! Thanks and good luck to you all! 👊😁
Week 26. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
As a first time grower it had some rough times to begin with, had root issues from week 4 after leaving pot to get too hot in the sun. She recovered after a couple of weeks and then took off! Havent had the chance to try it after cure but tried a bit once it was dry and tastes lovely, citrus and musky gassy smell. 👌 And considering this was bag seed its turned out way better than I hoped! Had to grow this strain out after I bought some as it was just so good, perfect medicinal high. Calming, with energy and clarity. : 1:
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Spent 183 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
81.45 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Creative, Happy, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes, Dry mouth
Negative effects
Citrus, Pungent, Tropical

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Really great experience and happy with the results, havent had a chance to fully try it yet. Tastes amazing but still has that lingering clorophyll taste so given time hopefully the taste stays! 🙏👍 Cut the plants back on 29/10/20 and used my campervan as a drying room! Initially was going to dry indoors but once i saw how much was coming down realised that was a bit too optimistic! Van is properly insulated and ran some heating out there and a dehumidifier. Glad I got the chance to try harvesting my autos a few weeks back, just realised i was not gonna get the humidity down with the humidity in my area. So invested in one and its paid for itself by just not ruining the crop! Has a humidistat so been setting it to 55% RH and its been doing a good job, though it shot up to 70% first night as I didnt have heating and think the plummet of temps meant dehumidifer had to work super hard and was less effective in the cold. Added a heater in there just to stop it getting below 16c but generally floated around 18-20c with a few mistakes on my part. (Forgot to empty dehumidifer and it was full during the night so stopped running..humidity was like 70% 🤦‍♂️) When I harvested them they might have had a touch longer than they needed, werent quite crumbling but they were very close and once placed in jars for a few hours they were at 45-50% humidity so guessing i mightve over done it, did some research on it and orange peel helped a load! Brought RH back up to 60-64% definitely needed to be a bit more careful of how long to leave it in there. Checked every few hours and was good but in total i think 24 hrs was too long..lost 1 or 2 buds to the beginning of mould! Next time I think 10 hours or so would be fine to help bring it closer and just let it do its thing... Massive thanks to all you that have helped and given me feedback and tips. At times I was definitely thinking growing wasnt really for me but the support some of you guys show really helps so thanks! 🙏 it really is appreciated and just a good reminder of how we all got to be kinder and less judgemental. Especially during these times! 👊 Just got me begging for next season ☀️🙏hope it all goes well people!! 👊


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Epokwancommentedweek 264 years ago
Well done, you endured a long grow and the results look great. When's the next one? 😄
Epokwancommented4 years ago
@Eagers, I feel you man, I battle with mildew or rot just about every grow! Very humid here at flowering time.
Eagerscommented4 years ago
@Epokwan, yeah greenhouse has got to be the way over in the UK we just get so much rain! Cant handle bud rot each year 😤 Ah sounds like they got the life, over in Spain? Went to Tenerife a few years back and the african sun is intense! ☀️ got to go somewhere once this is all past us i reckon 🏝️☀️🌡️
Epokwancommented4 years ago
@Eagers, yea I don't have the space either for indoor. Greenhouse is super cool though, keen to build something next year... for now I start mine off under a mini hoop house and let them bask under the African sky after that
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Vincent11commentedweek 145 years ago
Love your garden buddy good luck and happy and healthy growing.
Eagerscommented5 years ago
@Vincent11,Thanks mate, been checking in on youre runtz grow every so often but kept forgetting to follow! Its looking 👌going to be a nice harvest im sure! Been wanting to grab one of those seeds for a while, will be following along 👍thanks and wish you all the best with your grow! 👊🙏
Jef79commentedweek 55 years ago
Well done buddy.. She's looking great.. Stay safe n gud luck with her.. 👍🍀
Geordiejesuscommentedweek 15 years ago
Hey. Hope all is well. Your ladies are looking good.... What I do in the first couple of weeks if I'm using soil is mist them twice a dayz keeping the soil moist. After they outgrow their little domes I then water about 2 inches away around the seedling, forcing the roots to search for water. Happy Growing
Eagerscommented5 years ago
@Geordiejesus, Yeah its all very well doing the research but getting to gauge the weights of pots now which is helping. Yeah I'm not sure either, bit of an experiment this one and will keep you updated as she goes! Will be getting them transplanted as though they're autos which can't really hurt I guess. Nice one dude.
Geordiejesuscommented5 years ago
@Eagers, it's no worries dude it's all a learning curve. I normally water when the pot feels light and looks dry, get a feel of the pots weight befor and after watering to get a feel, you can judge when to water using that method... I'm not sure if you can tell if she's gonna be photo or auto until she starts to flower by herself.. I would mebbies on day 21 transplant them into their final pots just incase they are autos..
Eagerscommented5 years ago
@Geordiejesus, Thanks for the comment. Yes I had kept them under a small dome for 5 days and planned to keep them in there for some time just adding more airholes each day, then read conflicting things to say they need air to the leaves once theyre open no need for dome. Panicked and removed! Haha. But might have to learn from that one for the future! Ah thats a good tip, going to do that lightly tomorrow and give them something to search for. Do you usually water right in the morning or end of the day? Thanks buddy will keep an eye on your grow!
DreamOncommentedweek 264 years ago
Looks amazing! Enjoy the puffs! 💨😎
Eagerscommented4 years ago
@DreamOn, Thanks man 🙏 trying to exercise some patience before i can smoke it but im running low right now. Knowing its there, my hand just keeps creeping for those smaller nugs.. 🤫🤣
Jef79commentedweek 224 years ago
Great job buddy.. She's looking beautiful.. 😁👍🍀
Eagerscommented4 years ago
@Jef79, Thanks bud! The other plants went pretty badly, these autos are pretty unforgiving! The smell coming off this one is 👌 though. Hope your good, plants are constantly comin on strong from your end! 💪😁
Geordiejesuscommentedweek 15 years ago
Are these autoflower or photoperiods?
Eagerscommented5 years ago
@Geordiejesus, I shouldve added in the comments that they are actually seeds from a batch i got a while back so have no idea whether they will be auto or photos. Do you have any idea on when and how I will know or just find out once they start flowering? Was always hoping to give them a go and now seems like the best time during these odd times! Have some auto blue dreams from Humboldt Seeds that im looking to plant after this trial run! Peace
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 264 years ago
Nice looking nuggets man 🌱 enjoy
Ferenccommentedweek 264 years ago
Congrats! Enjoy @Eagers
Eagerscommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, Thanks 🙏 look forward to seeing more of yours!
DoDrugs420commentedweek 264 years ago
Nice Wonder Woman!
decamcommentedweek 95 years ago
Sieht ja mega aus 👍👌
the end.
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