Live camera stream & recording
Got some security issue with the GK-200MP2-B wifi camera . I replace them with usb logitech cam.
Added some rtsp server using CVLC. Accessing the live cam stream with VLC player or any rtsp client on computer or smartphone. You need to be connected on the local wifi to access the stream.
Recording the feed with ffmepg : h264 at 10fps in 1024X768. Best compromise for space/quality ratio.
Recording feed around 700Mb/hours, 11,2Go/day, 88,2Go/week, 352Go/month for vegetative state at 18/6.
Recording feed around 700Mb/hours, 8,4Go/day, 58,8Go/week, 235Go/month for floweringf state at 12/12.
Controler take a 2 weeks of recording but for security reason video files is moved from the controler to the backup server each night.
Cam starting a with light on and stoping with light off. Turning the cam power off to avoid nightvision and infrared light. Beware Night vision can disturb plants.
Planning to add :
Some periodic high resolution screen shot + Email or sms message sending.
Connection the camera stream from outside the house.
Software update
Installed node-red (Wow!!!!)
Moving a lot a stuff into node-red and loosing interest in openhab.
Data persistence is now running in node-red for power monitoring and all other sensor. (picture)
Watered a little last night before light turn off. 250ml each.
Continuing LST to maintain the main colas on the side and defoliation to clear the path for smaller colas.
Camera feed work great , lastest picture are taked from snapshot feature in VLC player using my own work station.
all receive 220ml of fertilizer.
Defoliation process continue
I'm trying to water each day so i use small dose and monitor the weights of my pot.
#1 and 2 received 100ml
#3 & 4 are smaller and they drink less, 75ml each.
Final setup for the webcam: recording was a bit heavy so now i make a picture every 60secondes during the whole 16h.
Backup up process is similar. each day all the picture are moved with a folder named with the current date. A month will be compressed(zip) and keep on the backup server.
Added On,Off button and cam screenshot in node-red dashboard. Working great. Planning to add video recording button.
Replacement part for my humidificator is tha house so. No more improvised RH solution. New rules is to always buy backup part for something like this.
Continuing defolation and LST phase. Its going crazy with multiple colas after seconde pinching.
100ml of fertilizer to each plant.
Slowing down in defoliation. Letting new colas gets some height.
Everybody receive 130ml of fertilizer. Starting next week/watering with plain/PH ajusted water.