The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Gorilla G4

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 3, 6
weeks 6
Grow medium
38 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
50 %
10 °C
8 L
I wanted to grow this baby last year but that never happened so I'm catching up with all this quarantine time. I've always loved the original Gorilla Glue strain and whatever they call it now. Turns out this is gonna be a Hybrid-based summer with most of my outdoor crop being hybrids rather than Sativa's. Quite likely I will use the nutrients that came from Green House Seed Company for the contest they are sponsoring because they were designed for hybrids.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
50 %
10 °C
8 L
Nutrients 3
Cali Pro Grow A - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Grow A 1.321 mll
Cali Pro Grow B - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Grow B 1.321 mll
Emerald Goddess - Emerald Harvest
Emerald Goddess 1.585 mll
This baby kinda keeled over on me a couple days ago and I was a bit worried but she seems to have stabilized; might have been a bit too wet after repotting. Let her dry out for a day or two, then gave her her first taste of nutrients. We're heading into a super-hot period after the weekend with about 4 days near 90 so it will be tuff on the babies.
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Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
10.16 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
50 %
10 °C
8 L
Nutrients 3
Cali Pro Grow A - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Grow A 1.321 mll
Cali Pro Grow B - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Grow B 1.321 mll
Emerald Goddess - Emerald Harvest
Emerald Goddess 1.585 mll
I'll probably top this girl sometime this week. She's making nice progress but clearly well behind my Jack Herer and White Widow. Stable and steady as she goes. June 1 > Decided to top this baby today after I topped both of my Wonder Pie's. Now all my photperiods have been topped once and we can sit tight for a couple weeks.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
15.24 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
50 %
10 °C
8 L
Nutrients 3
Cali Pro Grow A - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Grow A 1.321 mll
Cali Pro Grow B - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Grow B 1.321 mll
Emerald Goddess - Emerald Harvest
Emerald Goddess 1.585 mll
She seems to be doing nice after topping. Kinda hate it when the stem grows outa the ground at a 45 degree angle before straightening upward, but not sure that's a correctable issue. I can bend her a bit but that's it. A little late on my diary update - normally I would do this in the morning - but I was compelled to go out and attend a protest today ... so I included a few pics from that. June 9 >> Gave all my summer girls an undercarriage trim this evening at what's actually the beginning of the light cycle. The some food. She'll probably be moved outside within a week or so.
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
27.94 cm
24 °C
50 %
10 °C
38 L
Nutrients 4
Cali Pro Grow A - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Grow A 1.321 mll
Cali Pro Grow B - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Grow B 1.321 mll
Emerald Goddess - Emerald Harvest
Emerald Goddess 1.585 mll
Time to move outdoors for the summertime! Transplanted her from a 2 gallon to a 10 gallon pot. She was leaning or bent at an angle as she sprouted and I've been kinda bending her back into straightness gently and hopefully she'll do a better job of standing straight up when we finish. She'll be stronger for all that bending anyway. Gave her another significant underside pruning. She'll get topped once more - after she recovers from her new wounds. Been very windy around here the last few days. Seems we been getting a few days each week with winds above 20 mph. I put a tomato cage over a couple of my bigger plants just as a temporary measure, but this girl is about 6 inches smaller and I'm just gonna let her tuff it out. Gave the new container a good dose of fluid with food. She won't need anything for a few days now as she recovers and acclimates to her summer home.
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
43.18 cm
27 °C
50 %
12 °C
38 L
Nutrients 4
Cali Pro Grow A - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Grow A 1.321 mll
Cali Pro Grow B - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Grow B 1.321 mll
Emerald Goddess - Emerald Harvest
Emerald Goddess 1.585 mll
This girl is probably due for another topping this week. She's just starting to get going vertically. I think she may be a little over-wet and I want to let her dry out for a couple days. I fed everybody this morning before I ran out for a golf tournament. June 21 >> Tired of looking at this girl lean so I put a little LST into action. One of the reasons this leaning business bugs me is that I grew a clone once that had a lean in it and when she got heavy in the fall I actually had to put a large rock on one side of the pot to keep her from falling over in heavy winds. That was a 5 gallon pot, but it was a nuisance all the same. June 22 >> Pretty damn sure I topped this girl today along with my Wonder Pie's just to get the topping business outa the way for the summer. Mighta been high... but pretty damn sure. 😇 June 24 >> Made some simple structural alterations - because she wasn't done fighting. June 26 >> Somebody has been doing some serious chomping on one of the tops of this girl. Looked so ugly I had to cut away the mostly eaten fan leaves. Haven't found any critters yet, but woe to them if I do. 😠
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
5 years ago
60.96 cm
27 °C
50 %
12 °C
38 L
Nutrients 4
Cali Pro Grow A - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Grow A 1.321 mll
Cali Pro Grow B - Emerald Harvest
Cali Pro Grow B 1.321 mll
Emerald Goddess - Emerald Harvest
Emerald Goddess 1.585 mll
There's still a bit of damage from something chomping on my girl, but I trimmed off the most damaged fan leaves and she looks a bit better. Hopefully it was a temporary visit. Still letting her dry out a bit. Haven't given her any fluid for a couple days now... maybe tomorrow morning. July 1 >> This girl has definitely got problems in my view of an undetermined as yet nature. Two different kinds of things that bug me, mainly the way leaves curl upwards at the outer edges. Not normal. The other is the two-tone coloring in the leaves between green and blue-ish. At present I'm going to let her dry out completely, then nothing but water, and then possibly switch over the type of nutrients I'm using. We'll see how she responds to drying out and plain water.
Week 8. Vegetation
5 years ago
71.12 cm
27 °C
50 %
12 °C
38 L
I finally decided this girl had dried out enough so I gave her about 1.5 gallons of plain water this morning. Trying to back off on the nutrients (as in NONE) to see if we can get rid of the leaf curling at the edges. The color seems to have stabilized on a more proper shade of green with the new growth.
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Week 9. Vegetation
5 years ago
81.28 cm
27 °C
50 %
12 °C
38 L
Nutrients 1
Grow  - Green House Feeding
Grow 1.302 mll
I think this girl has finally stabilized so I decided to give her some food today for the first time in more than a week... but I decided to go with some Green House Feeding Company powder food instead of my normal Emerald Harvest stuff, which she didn't seem to be liking to much.... maybe. I suspect she's only a week or so away from flowering
Week 10. Vegetation
5 years ago
91.44 cm
27 °C
50 %
13 °C
38 L
Nutrients 1
Grow  - Green House Feeding
Grow 1.302 mll
This girl is looking a little nicer since I switched her over to the Green House Feeding powder stuff. Gonna travel lightly with the nutrients for awhile and see if we can further improve her condition. She doesn't drink as much as the other girls on the patio.
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Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
101.6 cm
27 °C
50 %
13 °C
38 L
Nutrients 1
Hybrids  - Green House Feeding
Hybrids 1.302 mll
This girl has finally started flowering, last of the batch of 5 girls on the patio to start throwing those pistils out. She doesn't drink as much as the other girls, and she's the smallest of the lot too... although I'm sure she'll yield plenty when the time comes. I've switched her over to Green House Feeding powder for the time being.
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
109.22 cm
27 °C
50 %
13 °C
38 L
Nutrients 1
Hybrids  - Green House Feeding
Hybrids 1.302 mll
Did a bit of underside pruning this morning to clean up some stuff. This girl definitely doesn't drink as much as my other girls. She seems to have stabilized though after switching over to the Green House Feeding powder and cutting back on the water.
1 comment
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
114.3 cm
27 °C
50 %
13 °C
38 L
Nutrients 2
Hybrids  - Green House Feeding
Hybrids 1.302 mll
Booster - Green House Feeding
Booster 0.651 mll
Things are moving along nicely. I've been giving her more fluid in spite of the fact she drinks less than the other girls. Everybody is receiving booster powder now in addition to the hybrid powder from Green House Feeding because they have all entered at least their 3rd week of flowering.
Week 14. Flowering
5 years ago
116.84 cm
32 °C
50 %
18 °C
38 L
Nutrients 2
Hybrids  - Green House Feeding
Hybrids 1.302 mll
Booster - Green House Feeding
Booster 0.651 mll
Mother nature decided to turn up the temperature dial this week and we've had two 100 degree days in a row. 105 the first day. I basically doubled the amount of fluid I was giving each girl - and in this particular case Glue Girl was drinking up pretty much all I was giving her - which was up to almost 4 gallons. Freaking hot here - and about 30% humidity. Normally when we get two really hot days in a row the fog comes streaming in and cools the world back down... but I see no fog on our horizon. Looks like at least another week of HOT. I think the girls on the patio might be getting more sleep than me in this heat. With no air conditioning - we need the outside temp to get down in the 50's (normal) to cool the inside of the house adequately. Right now that ain't workin'. Might just sleep outside with the girls if this keeps up.
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Week 15. Flowering
5 years ago
119.38 cm
32 °C
50 %
18 °C
38 L
Nutrients 2
Hybrids  - Green House Feeding
Hybrids 1.302 mll
Booster - Green House Feeding
Booster 0.651 mll
We're just coming out of a rather historic heat wave around these parts, combined with also unusual dry lightning storms which has caused a boatload of fires and smokey air. Glue girl seemed to handle this period pretty well. She's never been a heavy drinker so I didn't seem to have any problem keeping her hydrated. Everybody on the patio is well into flowering now, and I'm gonna need to harvest one of my Pie's like Monday because the heat pushed her over the edge.
Week 16. Flowering
5 years ago
121.92 cm
28 °C
50 %
16 °C
38 L
Nutrients 2
Hybrids  - Green House Feeding
Hybrids 1.302 mll
Booster - Green House Feeding
Booster 0.651 mll
Did some pretty serious pruning this morning trying to cut down some of the interior growth on this girl. Too many popcorn bud branches colliding with each other . The air should be able to get thru her a bit better now. Of the remaining girls on the patio, she'll probably be last or will be fighting with Jack Herer for that honor. I'm trying to dry everybody out after our hot spell when I was over-watering everything. The fog is back and we're closer to normal temps now. Still too much (non-cannabis) smoke in the air. 😎
Week 17. Flowering
5 years ago
121.92 cm
35 °C
50 %
18 °C
38 L
Nutrients 2
Hybrids  - Green House Feeding
Hybrids 1.302 mll
Booster - Green House Feeding
Booster 0.651 mll
At this point I'm confident this will be the last beastie harvested this summer. She just seems in no real hurry to fatten up. Never been a heavy drinker. Unfortunately we've just jumped into a serious heat spell. Hit 100 today and will probably tomorrow too, then a couple 90's in the forecast... so the rest of the girls on the patio will probably be pushed over the edge this week. I flushed White Widow today, and the other 2 are probably less than a week behind there.
Week 18. Flowering
4 years ago
121.92 cm
28 °C
50 %
16 °C
38 L
Nutrients 2
Hybrids  - Green House Feeding
Hybrids 1.302 mll
Booster - Green House Feeding
Booster 0.651 mll
This girl is finally starting to fatten up like a proper cannabis plant. I was kinda wondering, didn't expect her to last longer than Jack Herer - but that she will. Jack has been flushed and is basically ready for harvest - waiting a day or so to dry out and awaiting space in my shed for drying - once White Widow gets moved outa that space. Hasn't been nearly as hot lately (knock on wood that's not already on fire) - but the air quality has been miserable. The "index" has been "unhealthy" for 3 straight days. Visibility less than 1 mile. You can easily see a considerable amount of ash from the fires somewhere on the fan leaves in my pics here... mind you... this is AFTER I have shaken each branch to knock off the big stuff. This girl will enjoy her bath (after I kill her of course, shhhh...). 😎 Terrible news to find out tonight. Toots Hibbert... one of my favorites... inventor of reggae in many minds... has passed. RIP buddy. 😰 🙏 💪 September 18 >> Flushed this girl today. Should be within a week of harvest I'm gauging. Weather has cooled off.
Week 19. Flowering
4 years ago
121.92 cm
27 °C
50 %
16 °C
38 L
Nutrients 2
Hybrids  - Green House Feeding
Hybrids 1.302 mll
Booster - Green House Feeding
Booster 0.651 mll
I'm a day late in diary schedule land but this girl has less than a week left to live so let's not dwell on details. I was playing in a golf tournament yesterday and forgot to take pictures while the sun was up. There's a fair amount of debris visible on the plant now (my last remaining unharvested plant) from all the ash and junk that has fallen outa the sky in the last month. I spent the day trimming my White Widow while watching (listening mostly) to the final round of the US Open. That makes space for me to move Jack Herer indoors for final drying if necessary and THAT will make room to harvest Gorilla Glue whenever she's ready - which will be soon. Just need to dry her out a bit more - but temps are expected to cool down this week.
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Week 19. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
I had a hard time reading this girl this summer. My decision to harvest was mostly based on gut feeling and not trichomes. We're about to enter our 3rd heat wave of the pandemic summer and I didn't wanna put her thru that. She looked and smelled nicer after her harvest wash, but structurally, this was not a very strong plant. Strong enough to hold up all the buds without additional support, but weak in the sense that if you tugged on yellowing leaves the whole branch might bend sometimes. Branches on all my other girls this summer were much "stiffer" by comparison.
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Spent 134 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
150 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Euphoric, Happy, Relaxed
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Citrus, Herbs, Pungent

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
I decided to pull the plug on this girl in spite of what I might call a lack of amber trichomes in the forest. Kinda a visual thing and me shaking the branches to get a feel for how much weight they're carrying. We're about to enter another nasty little heat wave around here, which will be our third this summer, and I didn't wanna put her thru that, although she has handled the first two better than some of the other girls that inhabited the patio this summer. She was the last to be harvested, so today is kinda like graduation day. Chillin' with a cold beer and watching Farm Aid 2020 streamed live on you tube. I'm a farmer of sorts, but it's worth a donation all the same. ✊ This girl will probably dry fast because she'll be hanging outside and Jack Herer is still occupying the more humane indoor drying space. We'll see how that goes and how hot things get. I'm trying to be lazy and use my TrimBag which really requires "crispy" material to work best. I see crispy on the horizon. ======================================== October 15 >> I was actually able to trim Jack Herer on September 28 which made room to move GG4 inside into a more humane (and slower) drying environment. So after completing the trimming process with the Trimbag I ended up with WAY more trim than bud in this case, and a fair amount of kief too. Planning to make some hash tomorrow during the current heat wave. Final result was 150 grams of buds and 365 grams of trim. October 23 >> After letting this batch of hash dry for a few days we ended up with a nice haul after two wash cycles. Made a HUGE mistake in this batch of hash in that I loaded the wash bag full of trim and ice before I realized the bag was inside out from the last cleaning. DOH! Very costly in terms of efficiency. Needed to unload the whole shebang and reload so there was spillage and contamination of the final hash - requiring some painstaking cleanup. Live and learn, and try not to do that ever again. 160 micron - 0.32 g 120 micron - 1.20 g 73 micron - 6.12 g 25 micron - 8.29 g That's almost 16 grams of hash is spite of my screwups. I've had worse days. 😁 😎


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Rap_a_capcommentedweek 155 years ago
Hi Man, we share the same climate. 3rd heat wave here and another is expected in the 1st week of September. When some days ago I've seen on TV a time-lapse of the terrifying SF thunderstorm I've been worried about you. Anyway your girls are quite resilient 👊
dalemaccommented5 years ago
@Rap_a_cap, Yeah we're doing OK. Still too much smoke in the air. That sucks. I figure if Im gonna suck in that much smoke I may as well consume a few pre-rolls from my local dispensary along the way (I've been a vaporizer for a couple years now).😁 I did have one casualty from the most recent heat wave - my bigger Wonder Pie was pushed over the edge and I flushed her as soon as I looked at the trichomes - too much amber in there already and a couple bud tops got spoiled in the heat. I will harvest her tomorrow morning. All the other girls are still OK - but I think that heat aged everybody an extra week or two. 😎
1203u1894yrt123gcommentedweek 35 years ago
Hey bro! Maybe it’s too cold at night for Gorilla so it get stressed and slowed down a bit? Where do your grow this GG4? Didn’t get it coz of the tent photo
pizzaman841commented4 years ago
@dalemac, always very cool to see other peoples grow styles. Due to local climate I do my summer grows the opposite of yours, start them out doors and move them into the tent to flower. During summer months here it tends to stay around the 95-105 degree range, but the humidity is insane. Dew points stay in the 60's to 70's so at night humidity is hovering around the 90 to 100% mark. A perfect recipe for bud rot. Gotta love your results man, nice work!
dalemaccommented5 years ago
@@1203u1894yrt123g, At this point I'm ready to abandon the idea of topping autoflowers and stick with LST or nothing. Too much risk; you have to get in there by week 3 and I'm rather disappointed with the way my attempted FIM came out on my Cosmic Queen. My Strawberry Nuggets seemed to come out OK after topping because I got her clean but it was probably later than I should have. Those are the only two autoflowers I've ever attempted to top... and now I've had a chance to see a few varieties go the cycle. Generally - I top my plants twice (photoperiod types). That's all that's necessary to create monster's on my patio. 😬
1203u1894yrt123gcommented5 years ago
@dalemac, California love with Mr. Sun and all west coast Eazy, Snoop and G perico styles, love this vibe so much, there are so many happy people and plants :) Thanks for the answer! Yeah the Sun provides the biggest amount of energy, i’m trying to grow some tomatoes on balcony, but we had only 2-3 sunny days in May and very wet and rainy wether. Thats why my ganja plants always stay indoor I haven’t tried topping yet, got LST with 3 plants, the result is very good after 1 week of training, but the leaves. They become huge and massive on the top, as i see top leaves got so much light that smaller coles grow slower, maybe i will try some topping on this week
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Dabwizardcommentedweek 95 years ago
Hey dale! I was pointed in your direction for advice on washing buds after harvest. Is there one of your diaries that shows the full process? Or could you point me in the right direction for a video detailing the steps? Any advice would be great. Thanks!
thefroghollowfarmercommented4 years ago
@dalemac, Hey guys. I did the 3-step bud wash and it turned the buds a mustard color. I had to chop a Blue Dream auto back in August because it had white flies, and thrips, but I saw a Jorge video on the process, but he didn’t use the lemon juice. Maybe I used too much lemon juice.
Dabwizardcommented5 years ago
@dalemac, thanks man! Love your diaries!
dalemaccommented5 years ago
@Dabwizard, Hey now. That would probably have been the final week of my Durban Poison grow, which has a link to a you tube video... but it looks like the account associated with that link went kaput. However you can just do a search on "bud washing" and pull up a handful of videos that should cover the same ground. For me it's a 3 stage process. First is Hydrogen Peroxide and water, 2nd is lemon juice and baking soda and water, 3rd is just a water rinse. I haven't bothered washing things I grow indoors, but I've seen what can fall from the sky outdoors over a period of months and I'm a believer.
StonerAliencommentedweek 194 years ago
Wow a heat wave so late in the season, I'm definitely envious, hehe. But I feel for the situation with the plants. She's a beast anyway
CheckThoseTrichscommentedweek 194 years ago
Looking good! Keep up the solid farming Cheers,
Rydercommentedweek 184 years ago
what a beauty..😍👍🔥
Ferenccommentedweek 184 years ago
Amazing grow mate @dalemac
Fleurscommentedweek 165 years ago
Looks fantastic 👍
Ferenccommentedweek 165 years ago
Amazing 👏 🙀 Great farming mate. She is beautiful. 🙃 @dalemac
nugsofuncommentedweek 165 years ago
Looking marvelous my dude! Nice green color too.
MrBlocc420commentedweek 145 years ago
Very impressive 👌🏾
Canna96commentedweek 125 years ago
Very Strong looking grow!!! 💯
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 105 years ago
Nice structure on that plant 🌱 good luck with the grow ✌️
BlogMArleycommentedweek 85 years ago
Woooooow que genial va esta hermosisima, tiene una hojas de lechuga geniales te felicito
Bushbaby808commentedweek 55 years ago
Really nice work my friend, growing outside is something I'd love to do one day!!! 👍🌞 It's great to see the plants in their natural habitat!!! Enjoy.....
Growingkittencommentedweek 55 years ago
Looking good! Keep it up! 😸
DoDrugs420commentedweek 194 years ago
AMAZING Gorilla Glue #4!
Herbiecommentedweek 194 years ago
I'm curious how often you feel the need to put toothpaste back in the tube?
Nzmk902commentedweek 194 years ago
Comments a little late. But dam nice grow mang
Spidercommentedweek 194 years ago
Great job, sweet smoke!
the end.
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