Really strong lovely smell coming from her and crazy resin production already.
Taking turns to put her and white crack in the shed in the evenings
6.7.20 sour stomper 750ml water top
7.7.20 sour stomper
20ml orgatrex and one teaspoon bactrex in 1.5ltr water
7.7.20 sour stomper defoliated 6 leaves taken off
8.7.20 sour stomper 700ml top
9.7.20 sour stomper. 1.5ltr top. Recharge. Mammoth p.
10.7.20 sour stomper 1.5ltr water top
10.7.20 sour stomper optic foliar on leaves only
11.7.20 sour stomper 1ltr water bottom.
12.7.30 sour stomper 1.5ltr pk tea top. 10ml pk 5-8. Mammoth p. Recharge. Gnatrol
12.7.20 47cm long