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First Time Run!

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks 3-5
weeks 4
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
15 hrs
29 °C
25 °C
19 °C
11 L
1 L
I named my two girls: Aurora and Indra. After two days, the sprout of Aurora has coming out, and she is growing really well! Indra has born with upside down root, but after few days, she has recovered but i think now she will remain small (hope not) ! The conditions are ideal, and for my first experience, i hope i did it well for now!
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
6.5 cm
15 hrs
31 °C
21 °C
11 L
1 L
Nutrients 3
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 0.5 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 0.5 mll
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 0.5 mll
This week the plants are growing really well! In my region, the temperature is stable and hot. Indra has recovered from the stress and her growing started again. Aurora is growing really well, and every day gets bigger and stronger! I give them both the first treatment of neem oil and potassium soap, for pest prevention. Also, i began with half dose of advanced nutrients tripack (i listened that the autoflowers are more sensible with overfert). That's all, see you all next week!
Grow Questions
Treemosstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi i have a question, when i should began with LST? The plants has 3 nodes by now, should i wait more time?
Techniques. LST
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 5 years ago
I'd wait a few nodes longer, but as long as the roots are strong enough, you can do it. Use an anchor at base of plant in opposite direction of where you bend it. Make a shape first before tying it down.. hold base while you do that, etc etc... reduces stress on roots. tie-down just holds back hydrostatic pressure at that point.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
15 hrs
30 °C
22 °C
11 L
1 L
Nutrients 3
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 1 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 1 mll
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 1 mll
This week i learned a lot of things. Thanks to the people who answered to my question, I decided to begin with LST. But now, I'll describe all the week by days. Day 16: Both the plants showed signs of sickness on their first leaves, so i decided to rise up the nutrients dosage. Also 7 days are passed from the first neem oil plus potassium soap solution, and I did the treatment again. Day 18: The LST has began for Aurora, for my first time I broke only a leaf (really lucky 😂). Day 19: The LST has began for Indra, also i did some adjustments to Aurora's LST. Now I wait your comments, let me know what do you think and what I can do to improve! Day 20: Enjoy the photos :)
Used techniques
Week 4. Flowering
5 years ago
11 hrs
32 °C
40 %
23 °C
11 L
2 L
Nutrients 3
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 2 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 2 mll
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 2 mll
This week both my ladies started to flower! I had problems with heat and light, so i put them only for the first hours and last of the daylight (took about 11 hours of light). Day 23: Both plants showed the first pistils, they officially entered in preflowering, also, Indra absorbed too much heat/light, and some yellow spots appeared on the leafs, so i decided to put both in shadow between 12 and 16. Day 24: I fed the plants, and they really appreciate it (faster growing and a good green on the leaves)! Day 26: Enjoy the photos :) I cut three leaves because they were in contact with the soil, and i want to prevent mold problems. During this time, i tried to do a good LST, but i'm not sure if i succeeded, hope someone can give me some tips ;)
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Treemosstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi guys, as you can see, my plants are similar to a bush right now, and some leafs began to "sweat", i should remain as it is now? Or defoliation is the way?
Leaves. Too many
Bloombusteranswered grow question 5 years ago
Привет, друг! 👋 На цветении удалять листву - не лучший вариант, но если тебе кажется что из-за неё растение хуже обдувается и охлаждается, то можешь удалить до 1/3 выросшей взрослой листвы нижнего уровня и центра. Разбей растение на части в уме, низ, центр, и верх! Вверху никогда не трогай листву, ту, которая рядом с цветами! Можешь удалять только ту листву, которая плохо освещена светом или закрывающие крайние точки роста веток. Удачи, друг! ✊😇
Treemosstarted grow question 5 years ago
The LST i did, is it right? Or i should do some adjustments the next time i do?
Techniques. LST
Bloombusteranswered grow question 5 years ago
Всё отлично, бро! 👍 Твой LST - классический пример тренировки в раннем возрасте! Отлично, брат! 👌 Удачи в росте! ✊😇
Treemosstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi guys, i have a problem with the leaves of Indra, there are brown spots around the leaves. I had this problem in the beginning, but when i fed the plants it was all right, now the problem is appearing again. There are some photos, what could it be?
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Rap_a_capanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hi, clearly your plant is moderately heat stressed, you can notice serrated edges of leaves to start flipping up. The spots are light burns. Try to shade the pot to keep root system cooler, water early in the morning. 😉
Week 5. Flowering
5 years ago
23 hrs
29 °C
40 %
20 °C
11 L
2 L
Nutrients 4
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 2.5 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 2.5 mll
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 2.5 mll
This week the weather was really good, the temperatures were lower of 2-3 celsius degrees, and the growth was crazy! Also the smell is really interesting, I'd never smoked this type of weed, I'm really hyped!!! I added a new nutrient, calmag from adv nutrients, and the plants are happier than ever! I stopped with LST because the branches are really hard, and I had fear to break them when bending...but now, enjoy the photos!
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
14 hrs
29 °C
40 %
20 °C
11 L
2 L
Nutrients 3
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 3 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 3 mll
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 3 mll
Hi guys, this week I wasn't home, so only saw the plants few times. One of the plants (Indra) seems to be locked, some leaves seems to be burned by nutrients, so I decided to stop nutes. The other plant is growing great and the smell gets stronger day by day 😍. Enjoy the photos, soon I'll update this week with a microscope photo :)
1 comment
Grow Questions
Treemosstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi guys, my plant is locked, I think it's a nute burn, how can I restart the plant flowering? I also have the Flawless Finish product of Advanced Nutrients, can I use it to flush and restore back the flowering?
Buds. Not fattening
Leaves. Edges burnt
1 like
Bloombusteranswered grow question 5 years ago
Привет, друг! 👋😇 Да, это средство тебе подходит! Выдержка из рекомендаций по твоему средству: Advanced Nutrients Flawless Finish – особый промывающий состав, который следует использовать за неделю до сбора урожая. Он помогает устранить осадок солей и избыток питательных веществ внутри растений. Благодаря этому урожай будет чище и будет обладать лучшими вкусовыми качествами. Flawless Finish, разработанный в соответствии со строжайшими стандартами качества Advanced Nutrients, помогает растениям избавиться от избытка солей, токсинов и отходов, перераспределить возможный избыток питательных веществ. Его можно использовать для растений, выращиваемых в любой среде и виде почвы. Flawless Finish содержит уникальную смесь промывающих агентов и хелатов, которая эффективно помогает растению в избавлении от нитратов, отходов и солей, накапливающихся в его тканях со временем. Хелаты захватывают нежелательные вещества и выводят их через корни; также, состав заставляет растения использовать запасенные питательные вещества, что делает урожай чище, ароматнее и обильнее. Flawless Finish можно использовать в любой системе для выращивания растений, а также в любой почве или субстрате. Его следует применять примерно за неделю (4-10 дней) до сбора урожая. Для гидропоники: опустошите бак, затем заполните его чистой свежей водой. Добавьте 2 мл на литр воды, тщательно смешайте. Запустите систему, чтобы полностью промыть корни и корневую зону. Не добавляйте никакие добавки и удобрения, просто давайте вашим растениям свежую воду вплоть до сбора урожая. Используйте 2 мл на литр в течение последней недели цветения. Для Земли: полностью пропитайте почву раствором воды и Flawless Finish (2мл на литр воды). Через шесть часов пролейте почву большим количеством свежей воды. Продолжайте поливать только водой вплоть до сбора урожая. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Для твоего случая flush чтобы снизить засоленность почвы, это средство - самое то, что тебе нужно, друг! Использовать можно, как рекомендуют при сборе урожая.....2ml/l и делаешь flush. Следи за выходящим ppm, чтоб не вымыть из почвы всё необходимое! 😇👆 Удачи,бро! 😇👍
Treemosstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi guys, when is the time to give the plant only water? Can I begin right now? And when is ready to harvest?
Other. General questions
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hello, Your plants are looking very good so far, they're in those last maturing and bulking weeks now. By the looks of the whole plant you've still got a couple weeks to go. Let the majority of the white pistils change to orange and shrivel up and you'll be closer to being ready to start the flush. I see some amber trichromes coming in already which is great. I'd say continue feeding them nutrients at a modest level over the next couple weeks until you see 60% or more of the pistils colored and then i think it will be time to do a small flush, maybe just a couple days. Personally I think plants who haven't been overly fed their whole lives don't require such a long flushing time, but i do notice a good change in bud quality when i give them at least a 2-3 day flush. Just play the waiting game for now and you'll be trimming buds in just a few weeks. Happy harvesting. ✌️
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
13 hrs
31 °C
40 %
20 °C
11 L
2 L
Nutrients 1
Flawless Finish - Advanced Nutrients
Flawless Finish 2 mll
Hi guys, sorry if I posted this week so late, but I was sooo busy! This week, I began to give two first doses of Flawless Finish, to start clean the soil (and unlock Indra from its nutrient burn). Aurora is growing really great, has a powerful smell and a white color when I get photo of her at night 😍 Indra began to grow again, after the use of Flawless Finish, the flowers are getting bigger and the smell is growing day by day, I will post her trichomes the next week! Enjoy the photos guys, and thank you all for the help :)


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Canna96commentedweek 55 years ago
Nice farming!!! Good luck the rest of the way!
HighFromHomecommentedweek 55 years ago
Coming along nicely!
DoDrugs420commentedweek 73 years ago
Beautifull Stardawg Auto !!!!!!
DoDrugs420commentedweek 74 years ago
Stardawg Auto is looking sooo fine, lemme have that!
DoDrugs420commentedweek 74 years ago
Picking Stardawg Auto was a wonderfull choice!
Treemoscommentedweek 65 years ago
Hi guys, and thank you all for the support, i have updated the week with the photos of Aurora's thricomes The other plant, Indra, has transparent thricomes so I didn't upload the photos. Thank you again for your help and lessons, I appreciate that, and I hope you appreciate my diary, it's my first experience and it is really important to me!
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