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Early Lemon Berry R1 by ETHOS

4 years ago
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
12 hrs
28 °C
180 PPM
50 %
23 °C
1 L
Germination.. Germinating this girl is filtered tap water.. Used just a Brita pitcher with a filter.. It turns my tap water TDS from 240 PPM to 150 PPM.. And turns the pH from around 8.0 pH to 7.0 pH.. Mf'n neutral!!! And the clorinine (or whatever) smell is actually gone after using this filter also.. I love it! They last forever too.. I just hate having to fill it every time I need to fill a 1 L bottle for mixing nutrients cuz its kinda small. Anyways.. Hope she sprouts!!! I've been having horrible luck with germinating lately.. This same bs happened to me last year too! I wasted 7 seeds before I decided to say fuck the paper towel method.. I float them for no more than 24 hours, then straight to medium.. And my dumb ass likes to dig them up daily to see the progress lol.. Not doing that with this girlie.. Too damn expensive to play with these lol.. Hope she turns out like the pics!.. 26-28 hours germinating.. She already cracked open this morning.. That was like 12 or 14 hours in water.. She's already popping out a tail.. Damn ETHOS.. Nicceeee... I have just put her about 1/2 inch deep into my coco (70%) perlite (30%) mix in a 32 oz cup that she will be growing in her entire life.. 12-12 from seed.. Stupid? We are gonna find out together! Lol. I hope not too much of a waste.. I honestly just want to see what ETHOS has to offer to my garden at $100 a pack.. The pics look bad ass. I hope mine turns red lol.... Anyways.. Can't put her in the tent till 5AM.. So I have sprayed the coco/perlite mix down and shoved her ass tail down into the mix.. Placed a clear cup over to create the humidity dome that seedlings seem to enjoy. Hope it doesn't get to cold for her from not being in the tent tonight.. Hmmm.... I'll call this... aLmOsT Day 1.. A star is born! It could have waited till tomorrow.. Cuz RIGHT before lights out I checked it out and just moved a couple pieces of perlite and there she was. If I had left her alone it would have been tomorrow.. But yay! Lol.. So yeah.. this is going to be a 12-12 from seed grown in a 32 oz McDonalds cup (clear) and using another cup to catch runoff and block light (painted black).. This is gonna be fun to watch... And I'll call this.. aCtUaL Day 1 lol... She has straightened up.. She has gotten her green color to her now.. Just going to use pH'd somewhat filtered tap water. But will be using the Flora Series from General Hydroponics along woth CALiMAGic.. Armor Si.. And in flower, adding FloraNectar FruitNFusion along with a bloom booster from Advanced Nutrients called Kushie Kush.. Or hell I might open my bottle of Kool Bloom from General Hydroponics and just keep it all in the GH family lol.. We will see.. Hopefully she doesn't begin to flower till about week 4.. Or even 5.. Sometimes when you top an auto.. It seems to delay the flower cycle and prolong the vegatative cycle.. Maybe topping, somewhat early on, while using the 12/12 From Seed method.. This is going to be a fun journey! Day 2... She is staying so tiny.. It was quite a small seed to begin with.. Maybe that has something to do with it.. Leaves a just a little curly lookin.. But as long as she is happy.. Im happy lol.. She's nice and green.. Getting taller.. Doing great! No nutrients yet.. Probably next week, I will start using CALiMAGic and some Micro.. Then the week after that, I will add in the Grow nutrients.. Well, that's what I am shooting for, at least.. I'm aware that possibly flowering sooner than anticipated... We shall see what happens!!!... 👀
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
12 hrs
28 °C
500 PPM
50 %
23 °C
1 L
Nutrients 4
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 0.25 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
Day 10.. The leaves are coming out so thin compared to so many other seedlings I've had.. Sativa dominant I suppose.. She seems like she could be growing much quicker.. If I didnt have 2 other girlies in the tent, I would just do 18/6 for 3 or 4 weeks.. And I understand the meaning of "12/12 from seed" but it makes more sense to give her more light if she isnt in flower.. Its not doing anything but saving electricity at this point.. And also not making the tent so hot toward the hottest part of the day.. So I guess there's that. I still have not given her ANY nutes.. I think I'm gonna go ahead and mix up a weak batch for the rest of this week. Will update if I do!... Later that day... I mixed up some nutes.. Silica.. Calmag.. Micro and Grow and fed her.. Day 12.. Wow so much growth in just 2 days! The feeding seems to have helped her speed things up lol.. She did seem kinda slow at first.. Lets see how the rest of this week plays out!
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
12 hrs
28 °C
500 PPM
50 %
23 °C
1 L
Nutrients 4
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 0.25 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
Beginning of week.. I lost count of the days.. Stupid rookie move.. I know lol.. She is doing great tho.. Roots have made it to the bottom of the cup.. I love these plants.. Cant wait to see what Ethos is all about! Even tho I'm not expecting an amaxing yield since I'm doing 12/12 from seed. Mid week.. She is beginning to sprout branches.. They are still pretty tiny but should be spittin out any day now.. Its crazy how every strain can have different leaves.. Differences in the serrated part.. Skinny.. Fat.. Long.. Short.. This girl here is pretty different than others I have grown.. I feel like Ethos is NOT going to let me down!.. End of week.. I see the branches have came out a little more.. Still kinda small still.. Looking a little asymmetrical as well.. Ugh.. But I think I read somewhere that sometimes great genetics do stupid shit like that lol.. Oh well.. The end product is what matters.. Just trying to keep her happy and healthy for now and so far so good.. Some weird discoloration on one of the leaves but thats looking more like a mutation more than anything wrong with her growing.. Can't wait to see what beauty she blossoms into!
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
12 hrs
28 °C
800 PPM
50 %
21 °C
Nutrients 4
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 0.25 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
Beginning of week.. I went ahead and topped her. I wanted her to just have 6 mains.. For such a small cup.. It shouldnt make it too hard to water in between all the ties and whatnot. The branches are still super small.. But topping and leaving the fan leaves to each node will help the branches form.. Once the branches has a couple sets of leaves, it should be fine to remove the fan leaf that was feading that branch.. Let them grow a few nodes.. Lollipop a bit and hopefully that's when flowering will start with this girlie.. Even if not.. Even if she stays super small.. I think Ethos is going to blow these other strains out of the water. The size would be my fault for doing this 12-12 from seed.. Maybe if my other strains finish before these begin to flower.. I can get the light schedule up to 18/6 for a couple weeks longer.. Hmm.. I think they can make it another 2 weeks without flowering.. Hopefully.. Blah.. Even if not.. Still a fun learning experinece! Next day.. I went ahead and removed the very first node branches.. They just didnt look as healthy as the second node.. So I just went ahead and removed them. So now only 2 sets of nodes.. Or 4 main tops. The very top branches are barely sprouting out.. I should have let her get a little taller before doing this.. Meh.. Itll be fine I'm sure.. I've done worse lol. Mid week.. She is doing fine.. The newest set of branches had kinda stretched out a stem now so these bramches should start growing like a champ.. Just been watering with the nutes I keep mixed up 1L at a time which can water the plant alteast about 4 times with enough runoff to test pH and PPM.. They are coming out just as much as they go in.. That's a good thing so far. Almost end of week.. Its the day before the last day of the week lol.. The new top 2 set of leaves have grown quite a bit in the last 2 days along woth the root growth. I cant wait till they are longer and I'm able to start tying them down.. LST is always so much fun.. Looks like shit when your done.. But give it a week and you will see the results of your patience! Anyways.. May update once more tomo or just wait to start the new week. Cant wait to see what ETHOS has to offer my garden! End of week.. There is one branch that I thought had topped itself.. Turns out it is just a mutated leaf.. Very weird mutation.. Gonna let it go for another week or so to see what it looks like matured. Other than that.. Just another week down.. I dont think Im gonna raise any nutes yet.. She seems perfect where shes at. On to the next!...
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
12 hrs
28 °C
800 PPM
50 %
21 °C
Nutrients 4
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 0.25 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
Beginning of week.. I went ahead and tied the top 2 branches down a little. They were growing into eachother too much and I had to kinda bend it by hand to keep them from booty bumpin.. But they are perfect now! Later that day.. I brought the lower branches down a tad bit as well.. I noticed preflower.. Fuck.. Not yet!!! Well I hope doing 12-12 F.S. is like autoflowering.. When you see preflower, that doesn't mean she has started flowering yet.. But she is for sure old enough at that point and will as soon as possible.. Usually like a week or so.. Again thats how my experiences have been with autoflowers and I'm hoping thats what's going on now. Also noticing the preflower on my Kratky Method Bag Seed diary.. Interesting.. Not flowering yet.. No stretch or nothing.. Just have to look SUPER close and you can already see pistils.. I shouldnt have topped this one.. Or atleast should have left a few nodes.. Not just 2.. Damn I hope I didnt fuck up lol Next day.. Yeah she is spittin out pistils for sure now.. Preflower?? Can anybody help with that? Anybody else try 12/12FS?? Ugh.. Guess I will ask using 1 of my 100 questions lol. Almost mid week.. I think her growth has picked up some. I almost thought it was flower stretching lol.. But not without more pistils. Anyways.. She is a happy and healthy girlie! Mid week.. I tied the branches down further up. Now there are 2 branches on each node on 2 branches.. So 4 new shoott should shoot up.. Hopefully before flowering begins.. She is for sure showing preflower. Pistils are even visible in the pics on this plant.. Other plant (Kratky)..not so much.. Its there.. Just hard to see.. So I'm hoping when doing 12/12FS that the plant still has a bit of vegatative growing when preflower is showing.. *fingers crossed* just need on more week before the flower stretch and I will be happy!
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Grow Questions
Professor_Chaosstarted grow question 5 years ago
12-12 from seed.. Middle of week 5. Plant is topped at 3rd node and 1st node is also removed.. Leaving only 2 nodes (4 branches).. In 12-12FS, is there a preflower phase? Like a week or 2 of just preflower.. Then after that the flower stretch and whatnot?? Anybody know???
Techniques. 12-12 from seeds
BlackXwidowanswered grow question 5 years ago
If you 12/12 from seed the plant won’t switch to flower right away it will still grow for about 4-6 weeks before showing sex. After plant shows sex it will start to pre flower for about 2 weeks. During this time the plant will stretch usually 100-300%. Then plants will start putting on buds.
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
12 hrs
28 °C
1000 PPM
50 %
21 °C
Nutrients 4
Kushie Kush - Advanced Nutrients
Kushie Kush 1 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
Beginning of week.. Hmm ok well i think she may have started to stretch already.. Pistils poppin out also.. I guess she should be in transition still?? Maybe not preflower stage.. Idk im confused now.. Lol. We will see and I will change the week to "Flower" if I think I should.. I'll know more by the end of the week im sure.. So, I went ahead and doubled up on the silica.. Not a fan of using it during bud growth.. So if flowering has began than I'm gonna stop using after this week.. But I also went ahead and added Advanced Nutrients Kushie Kush bloom booster, and about .25/L of FloraliciousPlus (just to get rid of the damn sample bottle lol) for now.. Maybe next week I'll go down to .5/L of FloraGro and add .5/L of FloraBloom.. Depending on the flower situation of course.. Almost mid week.. She has been stretching for sure.. I still dont want to count this week as flower just yet tho.. I will begin the flower part of the diary next week tho.. She is for sure flowering.. Beautiful thick leaves.. I would like to see how she looks full grown. She is gorgeous already! Mid week.. Ok mixed another bottle of nutes already.. She's been drinkin like crazy.. Even though her roots aren't massive like I would have actually wanted them to be.. But i mixed it without Silica.. Just 1 mL/L of CalMag, FloraMicro, FloraGro and FloraBloom.. And .25mL/L of Floralicious Plus.. I'm gonna throw in some FloraNectar FruitNFusion Natural Sweetner into the mix.. But I'm gonna wait to use it more toward the second half of flower.. Idk it just seems like a waste to start using it now in my opinion.. I could be wrong on that.. But just using it for 1 week, toward the ripening stage, on another grow it helped create some amazing terpenes! Anyways.. She is stretching for sure now.. I will count next week as week 1 of flower.. I also removed the 2 remaining fan leaves that I thought were still making energy for the new branches that have become tops.. I feel like them have enough foliage to be able to take care of themselves.. Cant wait to see what ETHOS is all about!! I also got some Memberberries RBx1! Was thinking about trying to get some Manderin Cookies from ETHOS as well.. Its just expensive asf to pay $100 minimum for a pack.. I love how other breeders usually have 1, 3, 5, 10, etc. packs.. Wish ETHOS did too.. Oh well.. Let's find out together if growing some ETHOS Genetics in a 32oz cup using 12/12 from seed is worth it lol... End of week.. She has stretched like a champ.. So many pistils.. Not much to say.. I just can't wait till see what ETHOS is all about.. As I mentioned in earlier weeks lol.. Anyways... On... To... The... Next!!!... Week edit... Yeah im changing this to the last week of vegatative stage.. Just cuz they werent really formed much at the beginning of this week.. So.. Not flower yet.. Just want to count flowering weeks correctly this time
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
28 °C
1100 PPM
50 %
21 °C
Nutrients 6
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
Beginning of week.. She is healthy asf!!! I went ahead and added FloraBloom.. Floralicious Plus.. And Flora Nectar FruitNFusion into the mix.. She is lookin great.. Nice and stretched out.. I kinda wanna tie down the 4 branches that are way up there.. As you can see in the pics.. But it would make it quite harder to water.. And since im more than likely gonna have to water twice a day later in bloom.. I think I'm just gonna leave it.. At least at this point I am.. If she keep stretching then I may have to tie them down. Somehow.. Somewhere.. We shall see!!... Mid week.. Been a little busy.. Still taken care of the ladies.. Just havn't taken any pics till now. Anyways.. Wow. Trichomes are beginning to form.. At this point I like to rub my fingers on some of the trichomes to get a wiff of what kinda sent she is gonna give off.. And... Holy.. Shit.. Literally 100% citrus! Such an amazing smell! I know this wont be the smell of the end product.. Just crazy! This is gonna be an amazing outcome.. 12/12FS or not.. This is gonna be dank asf!.. On to the next. End of week.. If I remember correctly.. The packaging said that this is a "pink grapefruit pheno"... The trichomes definitely smell like fucking pink grapefruit! Wow!! Ive NEVER smelled cannabis that smelled like this in my life!! How is this even possible?!?! It's like they legit crossed cannabis with a grapefruit tree! The trichomes have barely started froming and each day you can see them come in more and more. I think I want to inbreed this strain. I want an everlasting supply of this stuff lol.. Just.. Wow..
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
28 °C
1100 PPM
50 %
21 °C
Nutrients 6
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
Beginning of week.. Keeping the nutes the same this week.. She really seems to love where she's at. This girl is a beast! The trichomes literally multiply by the end of the day! Visibly!!! Dont even get me started on the scent when you rub your fingers on them.. Smh! I can't wait to see the colors. I find its very easy to help them turn colors at the end by just keeping the bottle I use to water in the refrigerator.. Literally.. A 1L bottle can last me about 2 or 3 days at this point. But I can notice she is drinking a bit more lately. And she's only gonna end up drinking more.. I think the Floralicious Plus and Flora Nectar FruitNFusion are really helping her step it up a notch.. Maybe its just the genetics.. Or maybe its Maybeline.. I mean those 2 extras ive been adding lately.. I love the Kushie Kush from Advanced Nutrients.. I used it ALONE my first ENTIRE grow with not many issues.. And it smells just like some good dog food that my dogs would love lol.. Not even joking. Anyways.. Lights out.. Time to burp some jars for the night... Just the next day.. And holy shit the trichomes are gonna be covering the whole plant at this rate! Omg the fucking smell!! I cant get over it! Literally like grapefruit!!! Like pure citrus.. I cant keep myself from repeatedly rubbing the trichomes just to get a nice wiff lol.. I would like to see what ETHOS autoflowers are about.. Hmm.. Mid week.. Lookin lovely, as usual.. The citrus smell is already starting to linger around the room when I move her around to water. Shit, I'm gonna need a carbon filter lol. As much as I would LOVE for the room I sleep in to ALWAYS smell like this.. I can't have it lol. I was adding 2ml of Kushie Kush per Liter.. But Ive been noticing some nute burns on the tips of some leaves.. Not bad burn.. But definately beginning to yellow at the tips.. She's still pushin along and doing AMAZING things! So far I LOVE this strain! End of week.. Just look at the pics at this point! Even the top view pics! That coloration is the trichomes! She is such a frosty bitch! I love it! The citrus scent is starting to come with some other normal cannabis scents.. Lol. But still so fucking fruity and I feel like I'm gonna get a burst of Vitamin C when I smoke this!! No lie. Just.. Fucking.. Wow...
1 comment
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
28 °C
1200 PPM
50 %
21 °C
Nutrients 5
Kushie Kush - Advanced Nutrients
Kushie Kush 2 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
Beginning of week.. Fucking springtails.. Damn these things are annoying.. How come I NEVER hear anything about these things?? This is my 3rd grow to have them?? It crazy cuz my other plants in thebsame tent dont have them.. But I'm sure its just a matter of time.. Just like this one.. They just popped up outta no where as far as I can tell.. As for the girlie.. She's doing perfect! Thankfully, these springtails dont do anything to harm the plant.. Well.. As far as I can tell lol.. They just swim around in my runoff all day.. Bastards.. Anyways.. Another week began.. She is getting so thick and so smelly. I fucking love it!.. Later that day.. I'm not even sure how there could be so many springtails in this cup! It must be crazy filled.. I dont even wanna look. Im throwing this infested coco away after all of these are finished. Ive reused coco in the past with no issues.. Well.. Maybe the fabric pot was keeping them inside the whole time. Lol.. Well shit.. I figured coco was the best way to go and there wouldnt be any pests.. But they havent hurt any plants so far.. Gonna scrub the tent super good probably twice and retire it for a while as well.. My 2x4 should be coming in aaaany day now. This Optic SLIM 320H is a BEAST! Lol.. But other than the springtails.. And just a tad bit of yellowing on the lowest fan leaves.. She's doing great... Gonna start leaving my nighttime water for her in the refrigerator.. Maybe next week.. Maybe the week after that.. It helped the colors come out on my last grow.. And this should be one pretty colored lady! Maybe ill wait till the buds have stopped growing but before they begin to swell.. I think that's how I timed it last time.. Not gonna flush too early this time either lol.. Stupid move! Flushed for like 5 weeks! Not really meaning to.. But it happened. Lol not this lady.. Almost mid week.. She is so frosty.. So smelly.. She is getting thick quick.. I love what she is doing! Such a magical strain! I've got to see what other ETHOS strains are about! Her beauty is incredible! I got 2 others.. Memberberry (AlphaFem) and Purple Roze (M/F).. I am for sure going to be growing them soon along with this one again! This is next level dankness to the max! Almost end of week.. Wow.. Just... Wow.. Idk what to even say anymore.. I found 1 single purple calyx.. Lol.. Thats right.. Just 1... I'm gonna start using the cold water/nutes now.. Probably a little early.. But it shouldnt hurt her, hopefully.. The lower leaves are yellowing.. And actually if I could get a good enought pic.. There is some slight red on the yellowing leaves.. I want mine to look like the pic from ETHOS website lol.. That is fucking gorgeous!.. But damn she is stacking so quickly! And frosting on top of frosting! Such a gorgeous fucking strain. I love it! I see why ETHOS is so expensive now.. And I am willing to pay for more lol..
1 comment
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
28 °C
1000 PPM
50 %
21 °C
Nutrients 5
Kushie Kush - Advanced Nutrients
Kushie Kush 1 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
Beginning of week.. So the past 2 day (nights) I have been watering/feeding with refrigerated water/nutes.. Hoping this will help the colors come out.. It's probably too early for that to begin.. But I want it to start ASAP lol.. I really wanna see the colors.. The frost on this girl is insane!!! The scent is still super citrusy but now you can really smell the cannabis in her.. Just dank citrus lol.. A couple pistils are beginning to turn.. And wow they are super bright orange! Just look at some of those close ups!!! The nugs are already super fat!!... So.. They use a different method to feminize their strains.. To make them "AlphaFem"... Anybody know what that method is?? I'd like to try it myself and inbreed this strain!!! Next day.. Already used a full 1L bottle of nute mix.. Noticing the nute burn is getting a tad worse.. Gonna drop from 2mL/L to 1mL/L of the Kushie Kush bloom booster from Advanced Nutrients.. Other than a little nute burn on the tips of the leaves.. And just a minor yellowing from the bottom fan leaves.. She is doing GREAT! Just a few pistils have turned.. I've even checked the trichomes and HoLy sHiT!!!.. These fuckers are HUUUUGE!!!!!! I can damnnear check them without a 60X loupe!!! Lol for real tho.. I can tell they are already getting milky without using a loupe! Smells so amazing! Looks epic and gorgeous asf.. Love this plant!... Almost mid week.. Such a gorgeous plant.. Trichome production is epic.. No colors really coming thru yet.. A couple purple calyxes but not much else.. Lovin this girl! End of week.. Wow she is so thick!!!.. She hasnt even swelled up yet!!!.. She is gonna produce some super fat nugs!!! And the trichomes are so insane.. They are twice a large as other strains I've grown.. Not bigger heads.. But they are longer lol.. Longer stems of the trichome.. Whatever those parts are called lol.. So fucking delicious smelling! Im so excited!!! Little more over half way there!!! Alot of pistils have already turned.. I feel not this many shoud have turned yet.. And I'm even seeing a couple amber trichomes.. And already alot of milky.. But she could still use more time
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
28 °C
1000 PPM
50 %
21 °C
Nutrients 4
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 1 mll
Beginning of week.. Just look how thick n juicy she is!!! Smell is just completely out of this world! I hope she keeps this smell after curing!!! I'm gonna be so cautious when drying and curing this girly! Anybody know long a good slow dry should take?? While still avoiding mold? I'm gonna have to use a humidifier to add days, otherwise she will be dry in 2 1/2 - 3 days.. I can probably keep temps at 75F.. Thats the best I can do right now with what I got.. But DAMN she is aMaZiNg!!! ETHOS is dank genetics!!!! Already ordered plenty more and one of their new autoflowers they just put out!!! Mid week.. I went ahead and stopped using the Kushie Kush bloom booster.. I was noticing a little bit of nute burn on the leaf tips.. But I think it mostly has been showing up from the salts building up and/or not flushing.. Or watering/feeding without letting enough runoff run out.. Either way, she is still super happy.. Super healthy.. And super fucking sexy!!! Love this plant.. So happy that I still got 8 of these seeds left!!! Fucking EPIC girlie!!! I'm seriously in love💘 Lolol End of week.. Not much to say.. Still lookin sexy asf.. She is gonna produce some heavy buds in the end!! Anyways.. On to the next week!!!...
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
30 °C
800 PPM
50 %
26 °C
Nutrients 3
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.75 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.75 mll
FloraNectar Fruit-n-Fusion - Terra Aquatica
FloraNectar Fruit-n-Fusion 2 mll
Beginning of week.. Gonna start flushing next week.. Got some foxtailing going on.. Ugh.. Fucking heat! AC is hangin on by a thread.. Had it recharged but 3 days later it began freezing up again.. Damnit I hate the heat.. Mid week.. Stupid foxtail.. Ugh.. She's still gonna be DANK ASF! I can't wait to grow this strain again! Bigger of course. Once I have my 2x4 tent with Optic Slim 320H setup, I will have much more room and much better lighting.. The Mars Hydro TS1000 is a bad ass light.. And it will be perfect for my autoflower tent (2x2x4).. And keep the 2x4x5 tent for photoperiods.. Cant wait!!! End of week.. Got some colors coming through on the top fan leaves.. Slight colors.. Im guessing when I flush they will pop out more.. Its like a light purple.. Reddish almost.. So fucking frosty.. Now to begin the flush!!!...
1 comment
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
30 °C
150 PPM
50 %
4 °C
23 °C
Beginning of week... Ok so I wasnt able to begin the flush like I normally do.. I like to flush the shit out of the medium.. Bringing the runoff PPM down as much as possible on the first day of flushing.. But I didn't have time for that today.. Maybe in the PM I will.. But I just watered it as I normally would.. Runoff PPMs already dropped to about 600 PPM. Also I am going to keep ALL the flushing water in the refrigerator till use (AM and PM).The colors have already popped out so much just overnight! 2 weeks of this and she should look like ETHOS webisite pics!... Hopefully!!!.. She is gonna be so dank! Nothing but COLD pH'd water till harvest (2 weeks)!!! Mid week.. So I can only get the runoff down to about 400 PPM.. 420 PPM to be exact lol.. Interesting.. But yeah.. Colors are coming in nicely.. Besides the foxtailing and her small size.. This is an epic girl! I can't wait to taste her!.. Just been flushing with 1/3 Liter of pH'd to 6.0 - 6.2 40°F water once in the AM and once in the PM.. Smooth sailin from here! End of week.. WOW 777 views.. Its my lucky day! Lol.. Nah she is doing great.. Nugs are fat asf.. Stinky asf.. Her leaves are colorful asf.. Only the foxtailing I dont like.. Its damnnear a whole fox! Lol but meh.. I cant wait till winter.. #NoHeaterClub lol my future plants should love that shit. The runoff PPM is down to about 300 now.. Thats usually the best I can do with flushing.. Not much fading.. But I still got 1 more week.. May even push her 1 extra week.. Idk yet.. Havent checked the trichomes in a while.. But will tomo aka beginning of next week. So delicious smelling!.. On to the next...
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 14. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
30 °C
150 PPM
50 %
4 °C
24 °C
Beginning of week.. Well.. I was thinking about giving her 1 more week.. But the trichomes are coming out pretty ready at this point already.. So this may be the last week.. I will check them again and see if maybe I can still give her one more week.. Im in no rush at this point.. So my impatience shouldn't get in the way this grow lol.. But still just giving her refrigerated pH'd to 5.8 water.. PPM of the water is 150 and the runoff is coming out at 300 PPM each time now.. These damn springtails are mulitplying like crazy! Twice a day I empty out the 2nd cup for the runoff and literally 1000s each time.. Not hurting the plant.. Just annoying asf.. They havent made it to my other plants... Yet.. *fingers crossed* maybe I should invest in some neem oil.. I'm very happy with the outcome of this plant.. Not gonna have a shitload of this strain.. But I do have many more seeds! ETHOS has some amazing genetics.. I cant wait to try their other strains too! Purple Roze.. Member Berry.. Manderin Cookies.. OG Kush Autoflower.. Even some GMO Runtz .. Those were freebies.. GMO Zkittlez x Runts.. I have no idea what the Runtz are or where they came from.. But I will see what its all about in the future for sure! I cant wait to see what their autos are about too! I cant imagine it would be a disappointing girl tho! Anyways.. Almost done with this girl! Gonna do a slow dry and even slower cure! Got my jars, hygrometers and Boveda packs ready!!! Lol... Mid week.. Im stuck between waiting 1 more week or just finishing up this week and choppin her down.. The tops of the colas are quite amber.. But the bottoms of the colas are still pretty clear.. It would be kinda hard to chop the top and leave the clear ambered parts.. Cuz the plant is basically just colas lol.. None of that larfy bs or tiny nugs.. Fuck it.. I think I'm just gonna harvest after this week.. End of week.. Harvesting not tomorrow.. But I gotta wait an extra day.. So 2 more days and shes coming down!!! So excited.. Slow dry and cure.. Not fucking this up lol already got everything ready.. New filters for my humidifier.. Got a bathroom cleared out to store the box I dry in.. Neighbors gonna smell dank lemons like a mf'r for a few days lol.. But whatever... A little later.. 1000 views!!! Nice!!! I feel so popular bahahah
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 14. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Just chopped down today.. The entire house smells of freaking LEMONS lol.. It only took about 15 mins to chop down, remove ANY fan leaves that I could reach the stems on and hang them up.. These are some super dense colas! I like to check on them every 12 hours or so.. Make sure humidity isnt too high or too low.. Im going to TRY and keep the little computer fan off for now because I really want this to take 5-7 days to dry, if not more, if I can.. ETHOS Genetics is on the top of my list of favorite genetics so far! Can't wait to start some of their others!!! Will be updating as I go!... Dried for 5 days.. AND I HAD TO TASTE HER!!! OMG!!! IT'S ALREADY SOOOO SMOOTH! Trimmer her up was a breeze! So many super coated sugar leaves! Was finished it 45 mins! The trim is gonna make a nice little ball of bubble hash! I got a nice little ball of scissor hash too.. The smell.. Holy shit.. The fucking smell is so epic! I know I keep using the word "epic" throughout the whole grow.. But that word is definitely deserved! Citrusy as fuuuuck! I cant wait to see how she is after being cured for a couple months!
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Spent 99 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
37 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Euphoric, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes, Dry mouth
Negative effects
Berries, Citrus, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
This grow was fun.. I did 12/12 from seed and grew it in a 32oz McD cup.. Wow.. These are some super fat, super dank, and super citrusy colas! ETHOS FTW! Will be updating!!! 24 Hours Drying... Relative humidity in the dry area is between 68% - 72%.. I have been running the little computer fan off and on within the last 24 hours.. About 8 hours constant then off for another 8 hours then kinda blah not knowing whether I wanted it on or off the last 8 hours lol.. But hours 24-48 I'm going to leave it off and the hours 48-72 I havent got that far into the process in my head yet.. Lolol I'm sure I am WAAAY over thinking this.. But I dont want my first mold experience to be with ETHOS.. and I dont want my 3rd too dry too fast either with this strain.. The dankness is so incredible with this one.. My mind is blown by how epic ETHOS is.. If anybody knows of any other breeders that are as good as or better.. Please let me know in the comments!.. Anyways.. ZzZzZz... 72 hours of drying... Leaves are a bit crispy.. Buds are still moist a bit.. Small branches are still pretty bendy.. There was an 8 hour period that I did run the fan... The smell is a little hay like.. But this bud is so dank I'm sure the dank smell will come back.. Starting to notice that some strains smell like hay, but come back.. Some never smell like hay ever.. Idk.. Just something I've noticed.. It could just be my shitty environment tho.. Ugh.. So far so good with this one tho! Should be at least another 2 days.. But I'm shooting for a week at least.. Then into jars!!! Dried and beginning of cure... Took 5 days.. Not bad I suppose. Trimming only took about 45 minutes. It was almost difficult to WANT to trim alot of these sugar leaves because they were so incredibly covered in trichomes! But I can make a nice little bit of bubble hash with the trim so I trimmed her nice and close.. Gonna let her cure for a week or so then I'll get the weight.. I try to get them into the jars a little early.. Its easier to just burp them alot if they are too moist.. But impossible to get the up to 62% if they are too low.. I'd rather them be about 68% - 70% RH because thats technically just adding more "drying" time if you really think about it.. Then once they get to about 65% RH I slow the burping quite a bit.. Like only once or twice a week.. I've found this really helps terps and whatnot.. But anyhoo.. They have been in jars for about 24 hours.. They are already reading jar (2) 68% RH and jar (3) 64% RH.. Oh.. Let me explain the weird numbering. Lol.. My jars were already numbered.. Jar (1) is currently unavailable lol.. So jar (2) has all the nice, big, top shelf nugs and jar (3) has all the smaller, but still nice and dank as fuck nugs lol.. So excited for this! And normally I would have already started smoking what I've dried.. But since I cannot smoke, this will be perfect to actually give them plenty of time to cure nicely! So happy with ETHOS Genetics.. Fucking EPIC!!! Lol... Beginning of cure.. I tried a nug lol.. So smooth.. So fucking tasty too.. You can literally taste the citrus.. I love this strain! I can't wait to see some other ETHOS strains and see what they are about... Week one of curing.. Ive been burping daily.. Sometimes twice daily. I went ahead and put both jars into one.. Fuck it lol.. But 37 grams dried.. After 1 week of burping jars it is now reading 62% - 63%.. So now Ill stop burping daily.. Im gonna try to just go weekly.. If I can resist getting wiffs of it.. Lol.. It smells so fucking amazing
Grow Questions
Professor_Chaosstarted grow question 4 years ago
Growmies!... Is Neem oil OK to use in coco when 6 - 7 weeks into flower? Pests are in the medium, not the foliage. I read that the plant can absorb some taste/smell from the Neem.. Anybody have any experience with drenching medium with Neem this far into flower? And results?...
Other. Bugs
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
No I wouldn't do that. A little dawn soap and water would be better than neem oil and just enough to wet a couple inches down as soap contain Phosphate. Cheers


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RunWithItcommentedweek 144 years ago
Found out about Ethos and I'm never looking back lmao. Seriously stellar take with the McD's cup! You kicked ass this run!
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@RunWithIt, can't wait to try more of these.
RunWithItcommented4 years ago
@Professor_Chaos, Back again at the conclusion. Solid, solid stuff! The taste is out of this world, huh?
RunWithItcommented4 years ago
@Professor_Chaos, Planning on copping some of the lemon berry cake og? It looks SO good!
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FreshCoastOrganicscommentedweek 144 years ago
Damn bro!! Those buds look amazing! Really impressive for a McDonald’s cup 😂
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@MrHightimes, Exactly!
MrHightimescommented4 years ago
@FreshCoastOrganics, i'm lovin it! 😋
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@FreshCoastOrganics, And 12-12 from seed.. I didnt expect this at all lol
Harukisancommentedweek 144 years ago
Damn, such good results for a tiny cup 💪
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@Harukisan, Thanks growmie.. I think she could have produced more if I would've actually vegged her.. I was impatient one day, was already flowering a plant and popped this seed.. So I just rolled with it lol.. But I wish I could've vegged her longer.. I think she could have yeilded a bit more.. But still happy with the results.. I think most of it was in the genetics. I can't wait to start another! Got 9 more of these seeds!!!
Docteur_8commentedweek 144 years ago
Hey man Beautiful work Can I post your results on my IG page, microgrowdiaries? To show people that little spaces can be as good as you did!
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@Docteur_8, Sure thing! Thanks!
Docteur_8commented4 years ago
@Professor_Chaos, Ty mate I followed the other grow TC I’ll check it up until results and put it on the page if you still okay
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@Docteur_8, Have you seen my plant being grown in the suitcase.. A little under 1 sqaure foot of space.. 8 tops under 3 e27 bulbs?? Its named "*TC*" its just a couple of bag seeds that I crossed and feminized.. Bout halfway thru flower now.. But it seems pretty promising so far
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oxieg3ngrowscommentedweek 144 years ago
holy crap i hope mine turns out half this dank. great job!
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@oxieg3ngrows, Thanks! Great strain and ETHOS is on the top of my list so far!
Ganjaman420UKcommentedweek 144 years ago
Massive buds from such a small pot.. great job 👌💪
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@Ganjaman420UK, I was thinking the same thing! Thanks!
BermudaCowercommentedweek 134 years ago
Crazy impressive grow, looks beautiful. I'm going to try the cold water flush next grow. Question: Why the tall pots? I've never seen that before
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@BermudaCower, I dont think it "tricks" it.. The size of the nugs is just genetics.. It is bigger than a solo cup.. But this isnt gonna yield 80 or 100 grams or anything.. Maybe if I didnt top her so early on she would have.. But I think that growing in cups only restricts the vegetative growth.. Once in flower, the plants genetics are set to flower how they are gonna flower.. Ive done a few cup grows in the last 2 years.. This isnt the only one.. Many have stopped growing in vegetative growth.. But once budding I dont see any difference in flower.. Thats why Im doing the white widow auto in a 9oz cup in another diary.. If the buds come out about the same. Then I think my opinion stated up may be the case.. Still testing this theory tho lol
BermudaCowercommented4 years ago
@Professor_Chaos, for sure. I wonder if it "tricks" it into thinking it's in a larger pot, probably dries out slower too than something shallow.
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@BermudaCower, Oh and to answer the question "why?"... Idk.. Lol.. Just to see if it can be done.. It actually saves alot of nutes.. i think at least.. I can use 1L bottle of nutes/water in 2 or 3 days in veg and 1L in 1 or 2 days in flower.. It was just 12/12 from seed so I figured she didnt need much room for her roots.. She filled the cup up pretty nicely tho!
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Ganjaman420UKcommentedweek 144 years ago
Wow great result! 👀👀💪
Ganjaman420UKcommented4 years ago
@Professor_Chaos, Im sure you will mate 👊🤞
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@Ganjaman420UK, Thanks.. Now just to make sure I get the drying slowed enough *fingers crossed*
Pizzarollscommentedweek 105 years ago
You're making me so excited for mine to start flowering! 😂 You're doing amazing!
Professor_Chaoscommented3 years ago
@Pizzarolls, Been a minute.. hope all is well with you, growmie!
Professor_Chaoscommented5 years ago
@Pizzarolls, Thanks growmie! I told you! You gettin pumped got me pumped! I think she senses it and is pumped, too!! LMFAO! Man.. Don't flower too early whatever you do lol.. I wish I wouldnt have done 12/12 from seed with this one now.. I need to be patient and stop poppin more beans while I'm waiting on one to finish lol but yes.. This girl is queen of DANK in my book so far!
DoDrugs420commentedweek 144 years ago
Beautifull choice on that Early Lemon Berry R1.
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@DoDrugs420, I like to refrigerate the water for the last 2 or 3 weeks.. And only water RIGHT before lights out.. Helps the colors come out even when its hot asf and cant get the temps down for shit.. Just giving cold water before lights out seems to do the trick too.. Kind of a hassle to rememebr ypu only have 15 mins to get it ready if you haven't already.. But other than that.. That's my go-to instead of putting a shitload of ice cubes on the medium and then have to worry about pH and runoff and whatnot.. Was alot easier since this was a cup grow too.. But yes she was some DANK!
MrHightimescommentedweek 144 years ago
Quite the bouquet!
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@MrHightimes, Thank you growmie!
Ferenccommentedweek 144 years ago
Fucking hell mate beautiful job. Respect! @Professor_Chaos
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, Thanks gorwmie! This is my first time with ETHOS.. And will not be the last! I can't wait to grow one of these in a gallon fabric pot! Once I'm finished with my current grows I'm gonna do a 3 - 4 plant grow once I get my new tent and light setup.. This one will be 1 of the 3 or 4 plants for sure! Such amazing genetics!
Belivitezcommentedweek 115 years ago
Looking supreme 🚀
Professor_Chaoscommented4 years ago
@Belivitez, Thanks
SommerVirellicommentedweek 115 years ago
My dries are never shorter than 10 days @ around 55-60% humidity. Just make sure there’s constant air circulation. 🤘🏻
Professor_Chaoscommented5 years ago
@SommerVirelli, Thanks growmie!.. Yeah, I know how important the airflow is.. And she is producing some dense nugs so she is gonna need some good airflow for sure.. Thanks again growmie! 🌱🌿🌲💥🔥🤤🤤🤤 mmm she is gonna be so tasty!!! The smell is so incredibly insane!!!!
SommerVirellicommentedweek 85 years ago
Awww yeah. The Lemon Berry scent was my favorite thing about this strain. Unreal grapefruit profile. I’ll be growing her again real soon!
Professor_Chaoscommented5 years ago
@SommerVirelli, I have NEVER smelled cannabis like this!!! I can't imagine what other magical things she will do from now until harvest! Such a bad ass strain.. I've got to check out more ETHOS for sure!
Pizzarollscommentedweek 75 years ago
She's a beauty! Love your strains you have going! 😊
Professor_Chaoscommented5 years ago
@Pizzarolls, Thanks Pizzarolls! Lol.. Damn, now I legit want some pizza rolls. I'm in love with this strain here.. First time with ETHOS.. and for sure will not be the last!
SommerVirellicommentedweek 65 years ago
Yes those are definitely flowers forming. You are in the flowering stage. I’d say around 2 weeks in. Looks great!
Professor_Chaoscommented5 years ago
@SommerVirelli, I was thinking the same thing.. She's stretching now. I'm still probably not gonna start counting flowering weeks till next week tho mostly cuz I'd rather harvest a little later than too early.. I'm still trying to find my sweet spot when it comes to harvesting time frames lol. Thanks growmie!
Canna96commentedweek 65 years ago
Looking strong and healthy! Great farming! Stay lit and good luck the rest of the way!
Professor_Chaoscommented5 years ago
@Canna96, Thanks growmie!
SommerVirellicommentedweek 15 years ago
Good luck! I’m just finishing this strain up. It’s definitely a keeper for me!
Professor_Chaoscommented5 years ago
@SommerVirelli, thank you growmie.. Can't wait to see what Ethos is all about.. This is my first time with them.. Excited asf lol
Professor_Chaoscommentedweek 143 years ago
Just coming back to this.. "Hey.. don't you wanna go down like some junkie cosmonaut?.. a million miles bellow their feet.. a million miles.. a million miles"... love that song... but it reminds me of my junkie days.. been clean almost 4 years thanks to cannabis 🌱🌲🌺🔥💨👌.. I let this cure for a really long time like 6 months if not a few longer.. and wow.. just as amazing as it was when she was first cured.. just an amazing strain all around.. taste.. high.. it made me a bit paranoid.. but I had just got back into cannabis.. wouldn't cause that for me these days.. it was still enjoyable af.. just an update while I jam to the song for a few rounds.. lol
the end.
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