
Astro kush x (GDP x gumberry auto)

4 years ago
astro kush x (gdp x gumberry auto)
Room Type
weeks 10-11, 13
weeks 4-8, 10-12
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 7
15 hrs
Light Schedule
8+ conditions after
raised bed
10 ml/l
10 ml/l
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
FR_PhenoFinder FR_PhenoFinder
4 years ago
03/08 It just rained a lot this night! GDA #01 Is looking so well, I love her huge indica leaves. I have bend her down, and she seems to like it, she is preflowering I think as I can see her top cola getting stronger I will not be talking anymore about GDA #02, it is a waste of time, I will mention her only in the smoking report, if ever there is something interesting about her. GDA #03 seems to have completly grown out of the mutation/deficiency, I have the feeling she is smelling coffee beans but I am not sure, She is for sure having a stronger smell than any plant I have had at this stage. I am still waiting for her to show sex, so I will either use her to define if my breeding is good in terms of bud quality if she is a female, if ever she is a male, I will cross-breed her with the Peyote, and the Sugar Tits, and inbreed it with another GDA ! GDA #04 is looking really good, she is growing as fast as the other 2, she has huge leaves that are so cute. I am really happy to have done my first breeding and I am actually so hyped to test and compare the bud quality with her sibling and her parents !! GDA #05 is getting a bit stronger. Thank you for following this little adventure of mine, I hope your plants are doing fine! 🇫🇷
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Grow Questions
FR_PhenoFinderstarted grow question 4 years ago
I have made my first breed and I am wondering how will my baby flower, her mother is an auto (GDP x gumberry auto) and her father is a reg (astro kush), will the offspring be 50% reg and 50% auto? How can I know which genes will be recessive and which will be dominant ? Thank you
Other. Other
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NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
it's lineage is all you have to go by as far as quality of nugs. looks like it takes a few cycles before you get 100% autos.
FR_PhenoFinderstarted grow question 4 years ago
Is it a mutation? Too much nutrients? Help me figure out what happened to this Grand Daddy Astrologist ?
Leaves. Other
Bloombusteranswered grow question 4 years ago
Привет, друг! 👋 Мало информации в твоём дневнике, особенно по поводу ph! 👆 Но то что я вижу - напоминает два дефицита! Форма листвы - дефицит фосфора! Цвет листвы - дефицит калия! 👆 Оба дефицита вызваны повышенным содержание азота в кормлении! Видимо вы слишком много даёте добавки Gro! 👆 Так же, я рекомендую обратить внимание, на то, что PH вашей почвы должен быть в значении 6,2-6,3ph - для вашей стадии вегетации! 👌 Не закармливайте растение удобрениями, лучше дать сразу в 2 раза меньше чем рекомендует производитель удобрений!!! И со временем, при необходимости, если вам не будет хватать половины дозы, вы будете добавлять удобрения с каждым поливом до стабилизации состояния растения! Помните всегда, что голод очень просто исправить, а передозировку - очень сложно! 👆 Удачи, друг! ✊😇 Удачи, друг!
FR_PhenoFinderstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hi I think one of my new breed, GDA #04 is a male, it is fast growing and smelling so much better, my question is I have read that you can store male pollen for several years if you combine it with flour ? What are you thoughts about it? Also do u think it is a male?
Other. General questions
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Experimentgreenanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hello I've heard from some people that the pollen can stay good for many years.. but I know it can at least stay usable for about a year when stored properly. Just get yourself a freezer safe container or some of the zip locks for the freezer. I've personally just stored pollen in very basic containers and it still was able to pollinate my next years plants. *ive heard mixing with a small amount of flour to help keep things dry and useable. Happy growing. ✌️
FR_PhenoFinderstarted grow question 4 years ago
I was wondering if he was a male or not. If yes I'm actually pretty happy because I'll be able to breed this male with my Peyote and my Sugar Tits thank you for answering.
Other. General questions
The8thChevronanswered grow question 4 years ago
Can't tell for sure. You should know in the next couple days of development. It looks male though, so congrats!
FR_PhenoFinderstarted grow question 4 years ago
My GDA male is 1 m away from my Sugar Tits and 5 from my Peyote I do not want to ruin my harvest but I want to keep breeding, should I cut it all except one flower stem? Can it stress the male plant and affect the genetics of the pollen? What do you think I can do? Ty brogrowers.
Other. General questions
DoDrugs420answered grow question 4 years ago
Move the male and the plant you want to breed both into a greenhouse like structure or leave the male in that structure there and put a film of plastic around it. The wind will spread the pollen allover like a zombie infection. The only way to keep its pollen awat from others is isolation.
FR_PhenoFinderstarted grow question 4 years ago
I think my Grand Daddy Astrologist topped herself and I don't know how it happened, is it some kind of mutation or just an environmental stress or? And why hasn't it topped on every bud? Could this be a trait that you select on a breeding program? Thank you !
Plant. Other
DoDrugs420answered grow question 4 years ago
I have seen this happen before i don't think it comes down to genetics, my guess is it is like the tri-leaf mutation that randomly appears but doesn't go with the genetic code, if you had 2 specimens that did this maybe you could breed them and try to make it a more predominant trait, however i doubt it, orelse some strain hunters would've had gotten into huge fields to select just this traits and breed them in order to make a strain with the auto topping gene, same would happen with the tri-leaf, imagine ultimatly having a tri-leaf plant that would automatically top herself at every node and doing this on a 2 meter tall sativa strain to remove the only downside of the tri-leaf, that would give out some massives trees with about 200 colas.
FR_PhenoFinderstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hi can you help me ? I do not know which deficiency is that, thank you so much
Other. General questions
rhodes68answered grow question 4 years ago
I see what you are concerned about at the base and it might be a little light on the PK, common in organic grows. Wouldn't change a lot but also wouldn't hurt to add some in whatever form you like and keep an eye out

Show by Week
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Ferencweek 14
Nice one enjoy mate well deserved good job! @FR_PhenoFinder
@Ferenc, Thanks ;)
Lillauweek 13
👍😉🌱🔝 Le temps d automne arrive semaine prochaine
@Lillau,Moi c'est gros orages là grosses pluies, les colas vont pas apprécier
Tweezerweek 9
Very nice looking setup and grow! She looks happy and healthy, great work!
@Tweezer, Ty mate, the bigger one is the male, I am excited to see the offsprings
Tweezerweek 5
Looking strong and healthy! Great farming! Stay lit and good luck the rest of the way!
@Tweezer, Thank you very much ! Happy growing :)
GMSgrowsweek 3
My outdoor girls I always start them in the same medium I grow indoors. Nutramix hp. 3 days after they pop from the peatmoss I feed them 400 ppm cuz very little nutes provided with the nutramix, they grow up fast. Within a couple of weeks you can plant right into your soil and their already ready to take the nutes in the soil. Cheers, she will improve.
@GMSgrows, Thank you for your advices :) I will keep on updating pictures of her I think weirdly she is starting to flower !
Lillauweek 12