All nicely into flower now. My chocolate cream is near hitting the roof at 37 inches. It’s only meant to go to 30 inches. I had my 2 300w vipaspectra lights come available so I added them to this tent so now I have 2 viper 300w and 2 mars hydro 600ts for the rest of flower. Plenty of power and basically a light each with some overlap so all good. Had major humidity problems and thank you to the grower who suggested negative pressure it’s worked a treat, I am no longer worried about mold. My amnesia are now petite compared to the choc cream but are also very sturdy beings so I’m optimistic about those. One has definitely stopped stretching I’m just praying the freak of nature choc cream beast stops soon I have had to bend the main stem quite a bit into an s shape but all the others just caught up. I have about 10 main colas all about 8-10inches away from the mars hydro depending on which way I spin it. All in all though a very happy grower.😎