I fell behind so had to skip a week the plants are 71 days old today. Going really well I have done some comparison pics with around a weeks difference and you can see they are getting more bulky. I feel sorry for my 2 amnesia plants as they are now neglected, I just can’t get in to work on them without causing damage so I decided to leave them be and grow natural. They did have LST done but I could do with spreading the branches and giving them a haircut. I’m really excited to see what this harvest will bring, I think my light situation is pretty good and iv seen a good increase in growth since adding the 2 vipaspectra 300w to the tent. I can get them as close as 5/6cm to the tops without any signs of stress. The mars hydro cannot go so close as they do not have built in fans. It’s also exciting to see what light does the best... they all got 1 of each brand of similar power. Anyway, counting down the days to harvest like a child waiting for Xmas 😇😎😍