The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Sweet Seeds Green Poison F1 Fast Version

Approved by Sweet Seeds
4 years ago
Custom Light Emitting Diodes/160W
Custom Light Emitting Diodes/240W
Room Type
weeks 13
weeks 3
weeks 5
11 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
60 %
22 °C
11 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 5
Magnesium Sulfate 0.264 mll
Triple Superphosphate 0-46-0 0.053 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
Preface Some changes in this grow from previous diaries -- No more coco coir. Although the current vege plants are doing fine after a more rigourous preperation, I don't like the extra work, and proper research says it isn't as good as sphagnum peat, et al. While i didn't follow the recipe exactly, I'm confident the habitat I provide is better than before. Also, no more standing water and a wet-dry cycle for the substrate. The 3-gallon pots sit on top of 2" of hydroton outside the bag. At some point I'll buy some bulkheads and rig up some proper drainage. Until then, i'll pull them out and water to runoff down the drain. In bloom, i'll let it soak up those 1-2" of runoff, maybe add some pH occasionally until i have the drains fitted. These fabric pots let the roots grow through, but by that time i don't mind the water in bloom box as it doesn't stand around long for more than minutes to an hour and won't need aeration - IE no bug breeding grounds! So I have switched to Pro-Mix HP M. To my surprise, sphagnum peat isn't considered a soil?!? This was mixed 2 parts to 1 part vermiculte and amended with 1tbsp of pelletized Epsoma Garden Lime per gallon of soil. It already contains both types of lime as well as mycorrhizae fungi. I'll be adding some Dynomyco when I plant the seeds in the transluscent cups, which are nested in opaque solo cups with some drainage holes and hydroton at bottom - no wet feet and dark at the root zone. Further preparing substrate by watering the pots in a regular cycle to get pH and concentrations of nutrients right from the get-go. I'll give the pots 2 thorough fertilizations with extra runoff before they get used. When the seeds and transplants hit the substrate, it'll be the same as what they are acclimated to from the start. I think I have a decent starting plan. Too often I focus only on the bloom period. With the experience gleaned from the current 4-plant grow nearing bloom box, I think this will go very smoothly. I have a good idea about pruning and getting 6-8 vertical shoots from each plant. Like LST, those lower limbs are useless. Once they don't help with photosynthesis, they will be lopped off earlier. ---- Actual diary stuff... Alrighty, we will be running four Green Poison F1 Fast Version seeds from Sweet Seeds. If this only takes 42 days to bloom, it'll be my new best friend. July 9th the seeds were soaked and planted with 2 grams of Dynomyco layered around each seed planted. Substrate should be well-buffered at the ratio of my normal fertilization and a good pH. Likely won't need anything for 14-21 days other than a quick hydration. I'll start watering a 3-gallon pot with 20% runoff as I see sprouts so that they are evened out and ready for a transplant with little shock. May add another 2-3 grams of Dynomyco, but if the substrate has some, i think inoculating the seed in the cup is good enough. Even if they sprout tomorrow, the 4 plants ahead of them in vege area will be gone shortly. Should be ~7-8k Lux, which is about 1/2 intensity of full vege lighting. The diary week offically begins when first one sprouts. Notes for each plant pictured will contain the varying dates and running total of days from sprout. After that it's incredibly boring for a couple weeks. Jul 12 - Nothing new here, move along. Jul 13 - In AM had two sprouts, and two breaching the surface. I dusted off what it had already loosened. Have not looked since the morning, but they are all are likely upright by now or by this evening. Approaching 4 days to sprout (early afternoon being the end of 4th full day). This is nice and fast. I was using a new substrate so I like confirmation(s) that I haven't fudged anything up. Jul 14 - Very minor stretch starting, but added another pedestal. ~11" off ground and ~14k Lux give or take. Slightly shorter than vege area's canopy. They all look happy. A nice healthy green so far. Jul 19 - 6 complete days, 7th day of week in progress. Development is going well, and it is even. I like how consistent these genetics are so far. Up to ~16k lux intensity, which was normal for previous plants, but this one may need more.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
60 %
22 °C
11 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 4
Magnesium Sulfate 0.264 mll
Triple Superphosphate 0-46-0 0.053 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
Early update for transplant pictures. Well, by the end of Monday evening, each had 2 sets of serrated leaves, so i figured it was time to transplant. I waited until Tuesday to prep the pots and mildly buffer them. Major pruning of the very unhappy donor plants. If i need an extra month, i'll slip a couple autoflowers into the cycle. ------------ Green Poison F1 Fast Version - 13 whole days, Sunday is 14th day. All the same notes this week -- A good thing. Nothing odd happened to any. Jul 19 - Moved props to #3 and #4. Red stem pretty much gone on #1 and #2. Abating on others. Jul 20 - Removed all props. After a week, they are progressing well. They all have 3rd set of serrated leaves that should be more clearly visible by the morning. The growth on these is impressive. Roots are popping out the bottom of the insert cups after 8 days. Still debating adding more Dynomyco, since it is already inoculated. If the fungi are already growing, I’d hope it’s adding more than the pellets at this point to the 3-gallon pot. The substrate has mycorrhiza too, but I doubt the integrity due to care before and after it was in my hands. Whether the seeds or the substrate change, I’m geeked about early development of these plants. This is the kind of development I remember from soil. Super happy to be back, even though this is technically not soil (sphagnum+vermiculite), it isn’t from a salty tree on a coast of a major ocean. Jul 21 - Canopy is as large as the cups 8am. Growth is awesome… coco coir really fucked up my perceptions of what is good early growth. Re-hydrated substrate, then a good run through of fertilizer to buffer the substrate in a good ratio. Transplanted without adding more Dynomyco. Jul 23 - No transplant shock. All are growing at an impressive and consistent rate so far. Jul 24 - Notes for all since 19th are the same. All plants within hours of each other’s development. It’s awesome how similar all 4 are. Any red in the stems is abating. Rate of growth may not match allotted time (31-34 days). Will need ~3 days guesstimate for potentially heavy pre-bloom prune to rein in size. Aug 13-16 is the likely window they can move to bloom box. This may be a good thing as I’ll need some clones from each. Jul 25 - All stems a nice full green. Petioles, I didn’t take note. Single-bladed leaves are warped on each, but newer growth looks great. Haven’t watered since transplant. Still moist up top. Still lush and vigorous. Week 2 of diary is complete.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
60 %
22 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
Magnesium Sulfate 0.264 mll
Triple Superphosphate 0-46-0 0.053 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
Green Poison F1 Fast Version - Latest pictures in midst of 21st day. Pictures taken i ndecent light during day 19 Jul 26 - Fuck yeah! So happy things are going smoothly. So happy I no longer use coco coir!!! Peat isn’t renewable? No sense plugging pinholes on the Titanic. Lowered light intensity a touch. Jul 27 - Still haven’t watered since transplant - 6 days. Pots are still heavy. Already less maintenance and much better growth. Jul 28 - Growth still vigorous.. pots still heavy… patience, grasshopper! Don’t rock the boat, dummy! Jul 29 - Haven’t watered in 8 days. Surface superficially dry. Reduced light intensity PM of 28th. I’ve finally fleshed out a more precise max lux of new lights for the internodal spacing I want in vege area. Makes me feel confident about adjustments/intended adjustments in the bloom box. Thankfully, the transition to a new substrate is going off without a kink and avoiding recent mistakes with new lights. These 4 are going to look great... again... Making my garden great again! Like that DJT? Jul 30 - 9 days since watering. I like the growth and the low maintenance. Not quite dry 1” deep. Some variance between the 4 pots in weight. Growth is still incredibly similar. #1 and #3 a bit more in their positions, but they also had the most developed roots when I transplanted => favored. ~14k on #1/#3 grow into 16k, rinse and repeat. 24” provides a little extra coverage in the donor half. Shouldn’t be more than 20% reduced, which maintains ~90% efficiency driver-side. Jul 31 - Fertigated roughly 1 gal each and evened out weight as best I could. 10 days, probably could have pushed 1-2 more days. This will eventually be autopilot with a weight-check fail-safe at some point… then, progress to flood table or a variation. Looking forward to multiple days off between irrigations once this new substrate matriculates down the pipeline. Took off lowest single blade leaves, cotyledons and lowest axillary growth. All nodes above are showing excellent early growth. Aug 1 - Raised another ½” today. All are growing very well. I’m going to take a different approach with these than the previous plants. I’ll prune back to 4 vertical shoots on each. Entrance to bloom box is a bit of an unknown date this go-round and the next few crops. I’ve got 7-14 days, possibly a few more for ggxww. I need to take clones anyway, so the extra delay is fortuitous. May have flipped #1 and #3, but irrelevant until I take clones. Fairly sure it is unchanged, but creeping doubt set in after irrigation. ---- For 20 complete days, these things are beasts! Looking forward to growing 4 smaller plants better than I did last time. Loving my new substrate. Been months since I felt like this about my plants. I need to top them soon, but will wait closer to harvest. I'll likely take off 4+ nodes of growth for a healthy clone of each. Cleaned up undercarriage a tad for easier watering and I just don't have much faith in those 2 bottom axillary growths.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
60 %
22 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
Magnesium Sulfate 0.264 mll
Triple Superphosphate 0-46-0 0.053 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
20 Days - No Nnotes 21 Days - Raised 1”. Some spot at end of a leaf.. a burnt tip here or there. Minor issues seen. I think the next wet-dry cycle will take care of most issues. 9-10 days between irrigation possibly resulted in some of what I see - directly/indirectly exacerbated something else etc. No major concerns. 22 Days - Still ecstatic about these plants. The near future looks bright with the new substrate. Will be a bit of a guess on when to top this plant. It’ll to err on the ‘late’ side when I top these plants. Allow them to recover and begin initial growth. Pop them into bloom box, and should have a nice happy zone of buds. 4+ days between irrigation. If I can get 2-3 days in late bloom, I’ll be a happy camper. 23 Days - Daily growth is amazing. Provide a decent home and it does all the heavy lifting. Some good’ol inorganic CO2 would always help, but not happening. Pots heavy in PM. The amount of water this retains compared to coco coir is astounding. Could push 10 days between watering again and plants are putting out 11-lobed leaves (at least 1 is, did not look closely at others). 24 Days - Top is moist, still. Pots are quite heavy and a long ways from an irrigation-- fucking love it! 25 Days - Fucking monstrous! I don’t want to cut them. They need to be topped sooner than later. Try to get another node or 2, as a clone from a 25+ day old plant is a bit concerning. If necessary, will take from bloom if they fail to root. May need to plan for this.. leave an extra stalk on each. This will chop off all the 11-lobed leaves, I think. Check for 13 before any mutilation of clones. 26 Days - I’ll get some nested cups ready for clones today. Make sure the substrate isn’t stale. Should have 4+ nodes to lop off soon. Not super confident on timing of doing something new. If I shock it due to how much I likely have to cut off, how much time does that need? Otherwise, think 2-3 days after pruning will be good for bloom box. Ggxww might be done. Think dp will require longer. Further thoughts on timing -- Going to see what the trichomes look like tomorrow in the AM (same time of current pictures) before making final decision on topping. Might have some more pictures to add to this week, if I cut it tomorrow. --Good thing i wrote this down, so I can forget again after I update all my diaries.
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
60 %
22 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
Magnesium Sulfate 0.264 mll
Triple Superphosphate 0-46-0 0.053 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
27 Days - Hesitating to water. Not quite dry on top, but lighter than before. 9 full days since irrigation. Rotated around once placed back into vege area - Shortest plants in most intense areas. About 1 gallon into each. All similar weight. All had roots growing through pot and into hydroton - #2 much less than others. Also, removed some of the undercarriage and lowest 4 secondary? Axillary growths + corresponding leaf (i.e. axillary growth off a stem and not off the apical meristem). 4 cups prepared. Hydroton is soaking overnight. If I cut tomorrow it allows 10-14 day overlap. Hold off on pruning further until I have a better idea of ggxww and dp timeline. 28 Days - Took off top 5+ nodes, left bottom 3. Used lowest growth for clones as the apical meristem was more than slightly hollow. Bit concerned about the young age. I can leave at least 1 opportunity on all 4, as ~14 days or more will be into bloom box for sure. Numbering is consistent, but I don’t recall which -- back/left is smaller than the rest, but still damn near similar as others. Placed under-sized plants in stronger light. Intend to keep enough axillary growth to fill middle. 29 Days - Won’t grow future plants out as much, but may put a bit more focus on 4 shoots earlier on. Maybe, the stretch will be useful due to resulting structure too. Expect 2 lowest nodes on each branch to grow out enough to be relevant, will thin those out in bloom when winners are clearer. May have shocked these plants a bit. More time is good. Stack ~4 nodes ~1” apart, then 12-12. It is in fairly intense light at terminals - toward upper vege range. 5-7 days due to over pruning? Should give ggxww and dp enough time to finish. 30 Days - If they were in shock, they’ve powered through it quickly. The leaves that were once shielded are looking much healthier today. There are before, after and few days later pictures above. I’d like a bit more growth before 12-12. Tables have turned as I’ll likely need more vege time relative to harvest of ½ bloom box. This is the preferred dilema. I have a long stretch of polyfilm I can hang in center of box, so the other half doesn’t suffer as much from any lost collateral lighting effects. 31 Days - Excellent recovery. Nearly entire space is again filled with canopy. Folded some leaves out of way to avoid stretching. All 4 shoots on all 4 plants are in prime light. One is slightly smaller, but the 30x30 space will easily be filled, regardless. 1-3 days, then 12-12. 32 Days - Want some more vertical growth before 12-12. Day-to-day decision. Maybe, another node or 2. PM - Tomorrow might be first bloom night. All 4 vertical shoots should have 4-5 nodes including terminal bud by morning or end of day. 1 plant is a bit smaller. 33 days - Just about right. Last day in vegetative area (34th). Start at ~24-25k lux intensity in bloom box. *** In case this is your first read of any of my diaries, my lux measurements mean nothing to you unless you have the exact same diodes and in same proportions. These measurements only tell me relative intensity of light and only for the fixture I am currently measuring. Thankfully, all my lights are the same spectral flux density (or something like that). When I look at lux, it is “apples to apples” within my garden. ***
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
60 %
22 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
Magnesium Sulfate 0.264 mll
Triple Superphosphate 0-46-0 0.053 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
34 / 0 Days - Put in at 25-27k for first 12-12 cycle. Will let it grow into light a bit while it acclimates to the new environment. Pots getting a bit light after 7 days. 4 gallons mixed, 4 more ready to be mixed. All set to water tomorrow. Going to make some stock tanks, I think. Possibly pick up a 7amp+ impact drill and paint mixer bit too. With new substrate, I see myself using 8-12 gallons all at once with long stretches between. Only 4 plants in it and using ~6gallons tomorrow, or so.. 35 / 1 Days - Fertigated ~1.25gal each. Like last time, probably could have stretched out another day. Roots have easily grown though the fabric pot into blue basin with ~2” hydroton layer. Started to pull one out before I realized it was a bad idea. No big deal but really have to modify these buckets for drainage sooner than later. Not just procrastination, because I’m not certain which direction I’m going to help automate watering. 36 / 2 Days - No drooping, looks happy. Excellent growth each day, Nodes are fairly tight and won’t have to remove much. May prune a couple things, but don’t want auxin to cause unwanted axillary growth. See how it goes, second-guess myself, and flip-flop 5 times before I come to a conclusion. Also, keep eye on leaves, may be getting a bit dark. 37 / 3 Days - Internodal spacing is nice and tight. Raised lights a bit. They have room to grow for a couple days. Lessons from previous 4x grow are paying off. Won’t need to do much to this plant. Light pruning to come. 38 / 4 Days - All growing well. Internodal spacing is fine. See how the growth goes over next 3-5 days and do some minor pruning. Removed some inward facing leaves - all four near top. Alternating if any removed from below that node. Variances in growth at this point are almost certainly due to not rotating them. Even in the weaker corners of box the growth is tight. Might raise lights 1”. Try to remember to measure and update light height. 39 / 5 Days - These will be a good impromptu lesson on relative intensity of my new lights sans a PPFD meter. Even at ~23k in the corners, growth is excellent and nodes are not too far apart. The plants toward corner positions are as expected slightly shorter with tighter internodal spacing. I may need to reduce intensity slightly as the growth in corner might be healthier. Maybe a slight angle upward toward middle of box for each light, or I could put some 1” spacers on last LED strip.. that might improve corners. Otherwise it’s a more even blanket for the vast majority of the area, which can still be tweaked further. PM - Need to prune sooner than later. If these are “fast” I expect vege growth to end soon too. 40 / 6 Days - Removed lowest 2 shoots from each. Held off on alternating pruning of next node up on other 2 main vertical shoots. Growth might be slowing down, or am I biased due to hopes it is a fast flowering plant. The truth will out! PM - Possibly, maybe, I might see a hint of a nub of a tuft of a mohawk-like projection at some terminals -- But, not sure to be clear. If this is a 6-7 week strain and the developmental timing remains somewhat proportional, this would approaching the appropriate time for that. Maybe, 7 days of growth left, and if more that’s good too. Internodal spacing continues to look great at ~24-25k intensity. These are looking great 1 week into bloom phase. A little cramped in spots due to jostling to make room for solo cup... more interesting developments on the horizon.
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
60 %
20 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
Magnesium Sulfate 0.291 mll
Triple Superphosphate 0-46-0 0.053 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.581 mll
41 / 7 Days - Six days since watering and pots are still a bit heavy. I won’t be able to have runoff easily, so will add a small amount of pH-only before fertigating to balance out evaporation on top and a little extra attention to the sides of fabric pots. Next 1-3 days for irrigation-patience grasshopper. PM - #4 and #? look to have the start of tufts at terminals. If not more obvious tomorrow, I am wrong. 42 / 8 Days - Borderline needing irrigation. Unless I see wilt tonight, pushing another day with enough heft to get through the night. Some stretch out of one, but mostly due to less intense light and slightly greater internodal spacing. If the buds form better, I’ll tweak the lights further. 43 / 9 Days - After 8 days it was ready for a watering. Fairly sure 2 of the 4 are slightly taller today. The other two may be at the edge of flower. Gorilla Blue ended vegetative growth after ~16 days of 12-12. To this day, they have gotten less than 8 gallons each in total. Gave a bit over 1gal and nearly had too much runoff for basin. Haven’t been interested in building anything and all the other jazz of setting up proper drainage. 44 / 10 days - Wow, the growth overnight makes me think I needed to water a tad sooner. That’s okay, because I don’t necessarily need more height but will take it. Even if a slightly lower yield, I think I’m leaning toward all top colas but leaving a bit more than I did with BBM, NOG and GB diaries. Can compare and figure out what I prefer to cut off in future. The durban poison’s and that earlier run’s results are very useful accidents. Removed 5-6 lower shoots on each - outward-orientated shoots and alternating inward facing lower shoots. Done cutting these plants. Took a replacement clone from #4. Think the axillary growth slightly grown out nearer top will fuse together, but the inward lowest 2 shoots should grow large enough to give a worthwhile, yet smaller, top cola. 5 primary shoots might be best. Looks to be enough space in central area while still fitting 4x plants in a roughly 30”x30” area. 45 / 11 Days - Again, wow! Front/left is going gangbusters. However, if one isn’t a “fast version” I’d wager it is this one. Regardless, I am happy with the resulting canopy. Lessons applied from first 4-plant crop pruning with a greater focus on top colas. Left a bit more.. observe and adjust. 46 / 12 Days - Budlets beginning formations - no doubt now. I’ve seen this by day 14 before. It’ll be interesting tracking development and comparing to old notes. 2-4 days about 1/5th the way through a ~9week. So, 2-4 x 5 = 10-20 days ahead, which would line up fairly well with 6-7 week bloom. Anyway, 5 or 6 of the shoots have grown into the 30k lux range. Will let them react before I do anything. The rest of the GP canopy is quite even. #4 is not as balanced as others with 2 shorter stalks (~2” shorter? 1”? still not bad, but compared to other 3 not so good). Budlets are forming and vertical growth should end very soon. More certain that intensity of light caused #4 and the other in middle of box to be slightly shorter. Front/left was taller, but the back left is now even with it. If it turns out better, I’ll adjust lights down a bit for future grows, adjust height closer to 16”-18” with proper power from there. Also, more certain in PM of budlets about to burst out everywhere. Still some vege growth left, possibly? Can’t be much. 47 / 13 - Think 26-28k is sweet spot. 30K seems to be tolerable for this plant. May see sign of overexposure in the former ~32k spot. Left 2 grew into 30k range. Raised lights a bit with slight angle upward toward middle. Eliminated any 31-32k areas across entire footprint. A sport or two may go beyond that, but it’s an oddly tall cola relative to locale. Likely to have a gap in bloom box in a couple months to get in there and make some adjustments to amps dial in the lux at intended height for both lights. As well as re-route some cords, remove air pump, give a deep clean and re-apply some DE. __________________________ Excellent week of progression. Budlets are a burgeoning explosion… incipient madness! #2 and it’s cohort along the wall surprised with some extra growth the last 2 days - providing further insight on how to properly use the new lights. Hoping to see some insanely fast development the next 2 weeks.
1 comment
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
60 %
20 °C
11 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 4
Magnesium Sulfate 0.291 mll
Triple Superphosphate 0-46-0 0.053 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.581 mll
48 / 14 Days - Holy shnikeys, the growth! If it didn’t grow nearly 2” over the course of 12 hours I’d be shocked. Ended up with a lot more axillary growth than I wanted. Letting it go as-is, and make a general plan for the next run with a bit more natural growth. 49 / 15 Days - Okay, 24-25k might be the hot spot. I need to get a multi-meter. I’ll be running this box under 480watts (240x2 lights) and still pulling same weight. F^ck 1.5g/watt… that should be the bare minimum once it’s dialed in. Insane growth yet again overnight and throughout day. Even the plants in center grew a couple inches… Need to adjust further. 26k might be a better starting point and let grow into light 1-2”, rinse and repeat. As of now the lights have been raised recently and not just to accommodate new height of left half. Right fixture is running slightly few watts, I can tell at edge. This needs to be fixed. Procra-stone-ation. Quick and sloppy math → Less than $0.35/gram for a ~100day run (35v/65b) for everything including exorbitant depreciation. My runs will be shorter than 100 days. Lights have reduced costs by more than 25%, conservatively, while producing more photons and far better product deeper into canopy. 50 / 16 Days - Holy fluck, batman! Just packed on a little too much height on left side of canopy (AM). Guess vege growth isn’t quite done, yet. I don’t think any of these will be “fast” at this point, but I like to be surprised. Hoping quality will be good above all else. Looking forward to dialing lights down. The bloom fixtures feel slightly warm to the touch. Vege area is cool aluminum. Should be able to get the bloom lights closer to the vege running temp. 51 / 17 Days - Think growth has ended.. may get another ½ to 1”, but for the most part looks like it is stalling out. The middle plants are 3-4” shorter, but I like their recent spacing better. Raising lights was correct thing to do. Easy manipulation to keep internodes tight. Distinct yellowing at terminal indicates initial overexposure. Can use that point as a guide for any per-seed adjustment. About 1.25 gallons of nutes each. 8oz of pH fed first to account for some evaporation and rinse down top poriton with no roots. Dumb-shit isn’t watering with runoff/drainage, and they are too large to be pulling out and watering in the utility tub. Flood table is in my future… 52 / 18 Days - An explosive end to vegetative growth. Surprisingly grew a full inch or more today. Some colas reached 32k intensity. Watching for over-exposure, but rather those nodes not stretch further. If it stalls them without damage, I like it. The taller plants have shown promise of filling in those longer stretches today. Yesterday, the budlets were tiny with long internodes in comparison. The smaller plants are probably a bit too compact, but we will see how the end product ends up to be the judge of that. Potential for a fused mass of a top cola on those with the tighter internodes. If these fill in well, they should be a nice yielding and easily grown crop. If they finish fast… They may just own the left half of bloom box for a couple years or more. Advanced Seeds Gorilla Blue is ready at 53 days, despite the fact I am testing a later harvest window on that particular plant. I think that’s impressive. If this can be less than 7 weeks, I’ll be further impressed. 30-40% increase in yearly production with that kind of bloom period without adding space or lights. As long as they are under 60 days or so should make the sweet seeds cup contest at the bell. 53 / 19 Days - Already seeing some trichomes. Plants all seem to be on same schedule so far. I’ve noticed trichomes this early on a 9-week variety, but I assume it correlates to a faster finish. Stacking should finish before ~28ish days and showing visible plumping to stay on a “fast” schedule. All other things being great, I have my doubts about the 6-week claim or even 7 weeks. All is still possible, but some crazy development will have to happen this week. All for it! PM - noticeable expansion on each, and the taller one has promise of filling in as I thought it got a little too stretchy. Keeping eye out for overexposure on the tall stalks. May need to drop a riser and re-adjust lights. 54 / 20 Days - Continue to be impressed by the taller plants and how they are filling in. The shorter plants are great too. Quick bud development so far. If it’s fluffy and filled in by end of next week, that’s a good sign. If it’s plumping before then, it might finish faster than Gorilla Blue (8weeks). By 5 weeks GB looked like a crystal-covered nug, but another ~3 weeks beyond to finish. ---------------- Another excellent week in the garden. Continued fast development relatively even between the 4 seeds, but I do expect variances to become obvious over time. These can be quite bushy. Axillary growth happens easily. Should have removed a bit more lower growth, but intended to learn from this run and erred on side of caution when pruning. May be a bit overcrowded in spots.
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
60 %
20 °C
11 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 4
Magnesium Sulfate 0.291 mll
Triple Superphosphate 0-46-0 0.053 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.581 mll
Sumary - Some surprising late vertical growth, excellent comparison of differing internode spacing of very similar plants due to light intensity differences and overall an enjoyable week. Porgression is full-bore. Trichomes picking up. Stackng along stem well. Some lower leaf degradation that doesn't concern me. Each has shed a leaf or 3, but even slightly light green under my grow lights is actually quite lush. One easily seen leaf is showing what could be more than cannibalization. Next irrigation will allow me to give a 360 checkup to each. Otherwise, this canopy is strong and robust. ------------------- daily notes and ramblings... 55 / 21 Days - Good progression everyday. Canopy is lush and strong. Either something chewed on a leaf or I tore something off or it grew out funky, but can’t find any other leaf like it, so not worried at moment (front/right plant). It’s been there for a few days at this point. Looked over some other “Fast” diaries and I like what I see. 56 / 22 Days - SSDD 57 / 23 Days - Everyday I get to enjoy looking over these plants. Left a bit too much on the undercarriage. 4 vertical shoots is too few. 7 or 8 is borderline too many.. think 5-6 is the sweet spot. Expect upwards of 300 grams in total from these 4, but think I can do another 15-20% more. 350-360 is the 1.5g/w goal. Soon my lights won’t be running 10-20% lower than ~250w, and yield should remain the same. At which point clearing 1.5g/w will be easy-peasy. First runs will always need optimization. Won’t have a real 2nd run until it’s 4 of the same winning plant. Redux is 4 differetn plants still. 6th day from irrigation -- added slightly over 1 gallon to each pot. Time between shortened ~25%. Assume it drops a bit more next cycle -- 3-4 days? Likely watering on weekend. If I am consistent with plant size and how I do things, this will be consistent enough progression too. Closer inspection shows a couple yellowing leaves. One even shed a leaf on its own. Bent some out of central area to improve airflow. I only remove them if they fall off by touching them gently. Canopy is super strong and not showing signs of any degradation so far. I expect that to over next couple weeks, but expect to keep it as healthy as I can for as long as I can. Genuine concern about current irrigation practices with no runoff. Doing everything you are not supposed to do, lol. 58 / 24 Days - These plants are fun. The new substrate is awesome. Feeling good about future grows. Both the shorter and taller look great. I think the taller ones will be the preferred growth pattern. Less crowded, if not as thick. On the shorter one, leaves are crowded which doesn’t promote light penetration nor airflow. The taller ones are filling in the gaps well. Even looks better, not that it matters. See a less buried, yet large/older, leaf headed downhill, but think it’s just being shed. Isolated and all 4 look great. 59 / 25 Days - SSDD 60 / 26 Days - Development is looking awesome. The plant is putting in an excellent effort, but I think 7-8 weeks is more likely. Expansion of buds may be done by 28 days, but it will have to be insanely fast development after that point to finish under 7-8 weeks. I like surprises...3rd day from irrigation and I can feel the loss of weight already. Should take 5-6 days before next irrigation and these are hungry. Really liking my new substrate after 6 months of problems with the previous… fucking love it!!$@! Definitely some sort of citrus scent at the moment. 61 / 27 Days - Back/left likely has the most frost so far. Some degradation continues. May need slightly more nitrogen. Might do 2.4g/gal part B for all - as of now only NOG and F#1 get that mix. I’d like to wait longer and see how it progresses.. may not bet the best for this particular run, but I can be more certain about my nutes next run. There are so many leaves on each, it could simply be shedding a few. If that’s the case I don’t want to change a thing. Nearly filled up the stems at top and some good nugs fairly deep. It’ll be interested to see how the shorter middle section turns out. A this moment, I’d lean toward lopping it off next time, but if they form tight, strong nugs, maybe just lollipop them. No more larf… just using nugs for hash runs from now on. If I get nanners or something, it’ll be hash fodder. Older stuff won’t yield as well, but larf sucks.. so much work for so little return. These plants have more than I'd like going forward. Only the 2nd run with smaller plants in same space, so it'll be an ongoing effort to improve.
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
60 %
20 °C
11 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 3
Magnesium Sulfate 0.291 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.581 mll
5-12-26 Hydroponic - J.R. Peters, Inc.
5-12-26 Hydroponic 0.872 mll
Summary - Good development this week. Irrigating more often, now. #2 is the leader in speed and robustness at the moment. It is plumping quickly and showed first hint of a red stigma. I will irrigate a bit sooner based on weight of pot. I don’t think the minor issue was a single deficiency but simply not enough overall. Problems are not expanding at any noticeable rate, and the canopy is still in near perfect health. -------------------- 62 / 28 Days - Getting lighter.. day 5 from irrigation. 63 / 29 Days - Got a really good look at all four girls today while watering. The slight problem on that front leaf is more widely spread at this point, but still a strong canopy with few blemishes. Wasn’t sure initially but fairly certain it is a magnesium deficiency watching it progress. Raised dose to 1.2g/gal with MgSO4. Also upped cal-nitrate a negligible amount. #2 showed significantly less symptoms, but a hint or a start showing. Some nice frostiness deep into canopy - especially noticeable on the taller stalked plants. All of them are roughly the same pace so far. Good progression and hope it ramps up. 64 / 30 Days - Yellowing is progressing. Nothng too scary. Mg was bumped, may go a tad higher on N next feed. Think it is absorbing ambient water out of atmosphere and adding weight, which is throwing off my measurements… it is retained in an air-tight container between use. May need to buy a desiccant pack for the container. Anyway, bump to 2.4g/gal of cal-nitrate. Current mix has 2.25g/gal. 65 / 31 Days - Degradation continues, but only below-to-mid levels, and mostly at nodes where axillary growth was chopped off. So, I think the plant is just shedding excess leaves, of which there are plenty. May add 8oz of pH-only water before fertigation next time. 3-4 days to see how it progresses before next likely irrigation. 66 / 32 Days - Continued degradation of mostly the undercarriage. Put a bit more thought into it and reviewed leaf chart. Either a K-tox or Mg-def, and I upped the Mg in last fertigation with no apparent impact. Dial Part A back. Due to setup, likely giving a diluted dose next time, regardless. If nutrient related, #2 is clearly happier with my base formula as it shows very few issues even in undercarriage. Canopies are strong, but do see a blemish or two creeping in on front 2. The taller structure is clearly the better of the two. The shorter is getting bunched up in middle and will be prone to microbial problems. The larf I left may provide some decent colas - more so with the taller structure. As of this date, I don’t see these being less than 8 weeks. Gorilla blue was already a crystal-coated, plumping-all-over mess at this juncture and it took 57 days. Some surprising development needs to occur very soon. 67 / 33 Days - She’s a beaut that #2. Good news everyone, #2 is showing is doing the oompa loompa and showing some plump. Others look a bit behind. If it looks like bud by 35 days, ~8-9 weeks likely in my limited experience. This may only be a week or two after C+E finish. D will potentially be in box a longer than this crop. Hope #2 is as tasty as the rest. Not only is it faster, it is more robust relative to my base behaviour. I think they’ll all look good in PM - right or wrong? Amend later 68 / 34 Days - Irrigated 1gallon each, been 5 days. Think I will irrigate a bit sooner next time. I think that’s the cause of the leaf symptoms in addition to a few too many leaves in shaded areas. #2 is still the most resilient and the fastest developing plant. Even so, thinking 8 weeks is likely, but we'll see.
1 comment
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
24 °C
60 %
20 °C
11 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 3
Magnesium Sulfate 0.264 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
5-12-26 Hydroponic - J.R. Peters, Inc.
5-12-26 Hydroponic 0.925 mll
Summary - #2 looks like the leader in rate of development and robustness. Smelled like oranges early in week but now more creamy and no hint of orange specifically. Verdict is in. I definitely left too much of the undercarriage, but this was to be expected after making too much of the opposite error with preivous crop. Just one more notation per donor plant I need to keep. How well it responds to lollipop and how many nodes to leave when pruning it off. This’ll all get organized - formative stages. I’ll have and extensive profile about each life cycle and best practices for each. Pictures are 6 full weeks into bloom. ------------------------- 69 / 35 Days - #2 is exceptionally resilient. Slowly showing symptoms in undercarriage and developing faster than the others. Gave each a little elevated N above rootball in an effort to slow their degradation, and #2 got a bit of regular feed just to keep everything on the same page. 70 / 36 Days - Removed all the sickly leaves. Is it shedding or starving? Outside of that concern, just another day in the garden. Fairly heavy in PM. Top is fairly dry. Going to water tomorrow. #2 still setting the pace and still the healthiest. Showing some signs of cannibalization of undercarriage but delayed and slower rate even at this point. My money is on this one. Still hoping it can finish in ~8 weeks or less, but chances are dwindling. I don’t have this smell in the garden, so a new flavor is intriguing in any reasonable timeframe. PM - #2 looks nug-like at extreme tops in a small area and underneath looks promising. #1 is stepping ahead of the rest too, but solidly behind. #2’s calyxes look frosty even in their immature state. They all look frosty for a bit now, especially when pulled out for watering away from 80cri/3000k grow lights. I’d have to really f^ck up at this point to screw up any of these plants. #1-3 may test that but I don’t foresee any problems with the amount of foliage they have. Easy-sailing… I don’t see a major quality difference in any of them, so the robust one relative to my grow room and methods is 99% likely the keeper - sweet and fruity sounds good to me. I can get her taller like the two on left of box with different intensity of light. 71 / 37 Days - Moved #2 to front. Fertilized all with 1gallon. I have a week of good weather. Hopefully I can make a raised bench or 3 for the grow areas and get some proper drainage. Watering as I am currently is taking too much time. Guessing 2 days before next irrigation. Once dry on top give ½ dose. 72 / 38 Days - #2’s progression alleviates concern of excess light causing early maturation. #1 is still ahead slightly, too. More certain it is a typical 55-65 days flower period each day. 73 / 39 Days - I smell oranges as I get in for a close, early scope on #2 -- Amended: Weird what a difference in a day as it smelled creamy after 40days. Won’t be bud-like by 42 days unless a miracle happens. Pictures will be 42 24-hour cycles. Can only sit and watch, so no big deal. 74 / 40 Days - #2 is trying to make me eat my words, but not likely. See a hint of cannibalization of canopy in spots, but it’s thick. I’ll let it shed some leaves before cranking nutes. I hate to give a ph’d only dose at this point in flower, but without proper drainage the minor issues I see could easily be lockout-related. Should take longer for next irrigation than previous as it was a bit early, but I don’t think the sealer will be dry in time. 75 / 41 Days - Looks great. Think any issues I saw are normal shedding and a bit too long between watering. Adapt and move forward. Still quite heavy today.
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
24 °C
60 %
21 °C
11 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 3
Magnesium Sulfate 0.264 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
5-12-26 Hydroponic - J.R. Peters, Inc.
5-12-26 Hydroponic 0.925 mll
Summary: Some symptoms creeping up on me, but I don’t foresee problems. Very limited and isolated at moment. New drainage setup complete. After previous dilution, they got a thorough run-through of fertilized water with excess runoff of ~30%. While this plant will benefit, I expect even healthier plants to follow. We’ll see how it progresses. Fairly certain what issues preceded were caused by lockout and things should improve over the next few days or stop any potential degradation. Trichomes look like they are ahead of the plant's outer appearance. ------------------------ 76 / 42 Days - Gave a pH’d-only irrigation. Little over 1 gallon each. We’ll see how they look tomorrow, but based on my behaviour it must be building up. Once I affix tarp to bench, I’ll give each of these a nice run-through of a well-balanced feed. Extra runoff to reset the contents of the substrate. Should get that done today. Purchased some stuff after lights out last night to complete it. 77 / 43 Days - Looks great after pH’d-only dose. Still deciding how the water will drain in the safest and most robust way. Think I’ve settled on simplest way. Test it out with other bench and then repeat with bloom area. May have to order some accessories. 78 / 44 Days - Good progression. Slightly different blanket of light lately, so I’ll have to pay a little closer attention the next 2-3 weeks. With fewer photons flying around from reflection and reduced spread at 12-15” from canopy, I may want a higher intensity. For now I’m sticking with similar intensity for now. I’ll more easily discern the sweet spot when I manage stretch of next plants that enter bloom box. PM - my minor problems were definitely lockout. 79 / 45 Days - Some symptoms on isolated leaves here and there. PH’d feed was right thing to do. Next irrigation will level substrate nutrient content and should take care of lingering self-inflicted problems related to poor watering habits. While I know it works, the new drainage in bloom will have a good test run tomorrow. 80 / 46 Days - Plenty of runoff to restart cycle after some dilution 4 days ago. Limited new symptoms showing after an initial improvement, confident they are deficiencies. Substrate should have a well-balanced nutrient content for home stretch. While the nugs are clearly not ripe, scoping #2 lately and not an over-abundance of glass, surprisingly. Based on response in vege tent, I expect only good things in the bloom box. Humidity will not rise as much, though. PM - might look bud-like after 49 nights, but likely needs more time to ripen. 81 / 47 Days - Minor issues presenting themselves - slowly and isoated. No concern relative to harvest at this point. Canopy is thick and robust, otherwise. 1-3 weeks left. How much of the problem is from improper drainage and how much is the new formula? More likely too much K than too little Ca given what is fed and fairly hard water. So, I’ll drop back to 3.4g/gallon (maybe...) on Part A and adjust Cal-nitrate up a tad to retain N levels. Will see a few more days of progress before next irrigation. Letting it ride out a bit longer than next irrigation to be more certain, if i can. 82 / 48 Days - Faily nug-like but a long way to go, yet. Trichomes look further along than the plant.
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
21 °C
60 %
21 °C
11 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 3
Magnesium Sulfate 0.264 mll
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate - J.R. Peters, Inc.
15-0-0 Hydroponics Calcium Nitrate 0.555 mll
5-12-26 Hydroponic - J.R. Peters, Inc.
5-12-26 Hydroponic 0.925 mll
Summary - The theme of this week is “1-2 days away”… Improved airflow through center of plants - a bit late, but oh well. Glad to see these are closer to 8 weeks than 9 with excellent late progression. 90 days at end of this week, and I can shave at least 7-10 days off the vegetative period - excludes cloning time - irrelevant / zero space / overlaps easily, if needed. ~12 weeks and a bit bigger than an average autoflower. Think i can push 75-100g per 15"x15" plant depending on resulting density of nugs. Awesome plants -- Super healthy, super easy to grow, vigorous, consistent genetics from 4 different seeds. The physical differences in my 4 can easily be attributed to different intensity of light and its impact on internodal spacing. Simply put, i torched 2 of them while still fine-tuning usage of newer lights. Daily Notes: 83 / 49 Days - Well, these have put on the jets. While #4 has the worst leaves, relatively speaking, it has the chunkiest buds. All of them look fairly similar, but #2 still looks ahead of others a tad. Since trichomes look the part, once the buds ripen a bit more, I’ll chop these down. I like surprises, and the very fast, late development is great to see. Some areas trichomes are a bit sparse, other areas are densely populated. 56 days or less is within realm of possibility. I like the smell on these. Something different than what I have already. By the eye, consistency of each seed is incredible. The physical differences seen in the 4 I germinated are due to differences in light intensity. That’ll make it more difficult to discern which is the keeper, but not a bad thing, obviously. Shouldn’t impact taste or potency which are the two primary concerns. This can be paired with Gorilla Blue runs in future. 84 / 50 Days - At this point I can’t tell which is more developed than others. #2 still looks the happiest as judged by leaves. These need an irrigation after 4 days - same as last 3-4 times considering context of an early irrigation followed by a delayed irrigation - averages 4 days. 85 / 51 Days - Degradation continues, but still very isolated. A few tips look bad. Some yellowing in various locations of a couple isolated tip-in yellow. Some blotches. Even so, extremely happy with health of all 4 plants approaching 8 weeks into bloom. Proper runoff and a far superior substrate than before are clearly having a positive impact. #2 is still the most robust. Back/left is starting to look the most developed - ahead of #2, but I can’t easily scope her. Seems a bit more ripe all of a sudden - when things retract a bit and look more nug-like. These will pair well with Gorilla Blue, if 53-56 day bloom period. 86 / 52 Days - Can see progression each morning. Ripening visually as the trichomes ripen. Most strains I’ve grown look ripe and take 10-14 days for the trichomes to finish. Think this will be ready as soon as it looks the part. PM Swear I see more glass today than yesterday. Pulled out front left to scope back left - similar. Looks equal or ahead of #2 at this point (front/right, others are labeled too). 87 / 53 Days - #2 doesn’t look the most robust anymore, yet still very strong. #4 is ugliest, but possibly the largest nugs. Back/left (think#4) and #2 look the most ripe. Trichomes show daily progression. Still more glass than I prefer. This will come down to taste test and potency as one would rationally conclude. 88 / 54 Days - Starting to see more blemishes in canopy, but very limited. Strongest canopy I’ve had in a bit. Glad to get back to normal with a good substrate. Got a good look at the back/left’s trichomes. Still needs time. #2 is a hair closer. Since there is no major difference in bloom periods, winner will be 100% about quality as usual. I don’t foresee more than a 1-2 day difference, which could be as much about a lack of rotation (start doing that, dummy) as about genetics. Bent 2-3 shoots from center and weaved down below for better airflow. Raised bench gives a nice view of the undercarriage. Bent 1 branch that should have remained up top, but, meh. Before thise I’ve been bending each branch outward a bit. They hold up well to weight, otherwise. I’ve made them a little weak last week or more. 89 / 55 Days - Senescence… as strong as canopy is, it is showing cracks in the armor. Expected to water today, but they aren’t ready.
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
23 °C
50 %
21 °C
11 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 1
Water 1000 mll
Summary -- As of this posting, 63 bloom days completed. 3 of the 4 looks like they are begging to be chopped down. Still waiting on a bit more amber, but may pull the trigger tomorrow. The one i'm not sure about i'll give a good look over. It had some stigmata pop later in bloom and that may be the only thing throwing the eye off. These should stay alive for quite a while after chopping down, so I expect some progression even after that point. They will be large mostly contigous chunks of plant material. I may thin out bas a bit of larfy buds, but will keep more on the limbs than lately due to reduced humidity as the months get colder, and I use the furnace more. Glad i didn't jump the gun. These plants are forming some nice crystalization, i think... Can't wait. they need an irrigation today. Will try to limit runof with water-only and still fully saturate the substrate. This will be second irrigation of this type. Taking 6-7 days between irrigations -- nearly double recent weeks. Even so, canopy is strong, but showing more than a couple blemishes as it is near death anyway. _____________________________________________________________________ Daily Notes: Yet, another "1-2 day" theme... I just don't learn. 90 / 56 Days - Think #2 is ready tomorrow. Gave a little water to all so #2 and any others harvested tomorrow. are not bone dry. The rest will be watered properly tomorrow. After a steady every 4 days recently, it will be 7 this time. 91 / 57 Days - Didn’t like second look. A pH’d irrigation with a top-off of fertilization. #1 and #2 look ahead of others under scope. Others are very similar though. I like the top 6” or so on each. I might have a perfect reason to do a staggered harvest. The tall stalks when ready will be chopped off. About 6” on the middle ones and 8-10” on the side plants. Even out bloom box canopy and lit the rest ripen up with much more intense light. PM - By end of day it was easy to tell I gave it pH’d water. Leaves showing a little fade. I like that I’m not overdosing and only giving what they need. If picky, could try full 3.6g part A to up the potassium in future runs - maybe just 4-5 weeks into bloom and later. Flushing these plants purely out of laziness and no other reason. Leaves are robust. The end is nigh. 92 / 58 Days - Plenty of glass still seen. Top nugs are nearly there. Chop top 6-8” off soon? 93 / 59 Days - Letting her finish in her own time...impatiently. Okay, front two are definitely chopped tomorrow. Likely the back/left too. I’ll order it 1-4 top-down in mesh rack. Back/right might need a day or two. 94 / 60 Days - Either trichomes look much different in evening vs. the morning or I am nuts… Delayed again upon inspection in morning.. been a common theme the last 2-3 days. No idea why I don’t see as much glass at night, but it is there in the morning. Crossing my fingers. This ends up being what I predicted based on early development - budlets-expansion along stems, cessation of vege growth, when buds fattened, etc.. => 9 weeks. Worth the wait, though, as they’ve really packed on the trichomes last couple weeks. I had made an early comment regardubg kacj if triches, and I think the plants took it personally. All but back/right look done by the eye test. 95 / 61 Days - Got distracted this morning, so no harvest today. PM - only top bit is showing consistent amber. Need to check back plants individually, if this goes much longer. Back left looks pretty. Back right has white stigmata remaining, and buds are a bit knobby, but not some loose spiral trash. They aren’t as upright after I bent them outward, but that back/right’s shape preceded. 96 / 62 Days - Looking pretty. Clearly drinking less, now. Still quite a bit of galls visible in trichomes, but wow do 3 of them look ready. So close. Fun guesstimations - 15g per cola, and 20g underneath? 80G each? Can definitely push more out of these, whatever it ends up being.
Week 14. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Go to the following diary for a better representation of this strain. Better habits; better grown: Had a little fungi problem on 1 of 4 plants -- my hunch is that this is mostly due to a canopy that was not thinned out properly. Otherwise, this is a pretty plant. The colas looked great while trimming. A nice green with the orange, retracted stigmata giving it a nice highlight. Potency is fine. If you are a very heavy smoker, you may want a little bubble or similar to top off bowls, joints etc. Smells like oranges. Taste is a little spicy but fruity/citrusy. Yield -- excluding an entire plant thrown out, I filled 6 32ounce mason jars with solid nugs, no larf. I also had another 120 grams of decent buds and larf that was made into 15 grams of rosin (low yield in part due to second attempt, but even probably not a ~20% yielder, nonetheless). So, another 33% more with a 4th plant to all of that. This is a heavy yielding plant. Estimate in 30x30 with that 4th, 240grams solid nug, no air. 140g of lower quality that i care not to smoke. Pruned better I am certain i can push 320g of solid nugs, but reduced or eliminated lower quality amounts / overall yield too. This is a very pretty plant, i think. Heavy coating of trichomes by the end. Nice solid nugs that i enjoy breaking up. Not much lumber nor leaf.
Show more
Spent 99 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
900 g
Bud wet weight per plant
227 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Hungry, Relaxed
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes
Negative effects
Citrus, Fruity

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Go to the following diary for a better representation of this strain. Better habits; better grown: Okay, good news / bad news. I did throw out the #4 plant upon seeing fuzz inside one of the large colas. I cut all the other larger colas down to their individual nugs at that point, after cleaning snips. The top bits are fuzed a bit too tightly, but they are much smaller chunks all around. Ignoring that, this would easily be a heavy yielder. Think this is ~250 g with 4 plants and can do better on the pruning. Way too much larf (user-error). In my 30"x30" space, i'd expect 300 g at a minimum going forward. These have a really nice look to them. Vibrant colors #1 is the keeper. Best yield. Best look. They all smell and look the same as far as that is concerned. Smoked a bit. Surprisingly not harsh after 4.5 days. Smokeable in a hemp wrap but not likely a zigzag. Updated review above for taste, potency, etc. #1 is still the best smelling of the bunch. Salvaged a lot more than i expected. I found and threw out 2 nugs with a hint of bortytis peaking through from inside. New 2-way packs showed up and all is well. Had fun with a big rosin run. Can read that diary for ongoing learning curve in regard to pressing rosin. Not bothering with weight anymore. you'll see me using loss of mass to dictate jarring, though. ------------------------------------- Daily notes / Drying notes: 97 / 63 Days - another day? 3 of 4 begging me to cut them down. H2O today… Definitely drinking less last 2 weeks. Pulled them out for irrigation. Got a pretty good lock at all of them. Chopping tomorrow. 97 / 64 / 0 Days - CHOP! Still refining routine, but this is how it’ll go: Dry the buds to ~30% of original mass, based on largest nug or 2 from each plant. Toss into 58% ambient enbironment as it loses the last bit of unwanted water weight. If I went by looks, I’d choose the back/left plant (#1). Crystallization looks to cover entire surface well. Colors are great. A good look for sure. It’ll be nice getting back to green buds. #4 got thrown out. Have some fungi among me… We’ll see… possibly saw some earlier but scoped #4 and I see hyphae or whatever the fuck that nonsense is called. Inside largest colas had white fuzz on #4. Not sure how bad the contamination is. Think F#1 spread it, as it sat there doing nothing for over 1 month. I threw that plant’s harvest out too. Turns out it has been a problem for the past few crops -- lurking underneath, ruining my boveda packs... Too late now to figure out if it was separated or not, if there’s something growing it’ll be tossed. 101 / 64 / 3 Days - Well, I don’t see fuzz, and it smells fine so far. Spot checking nugs on each level -- corresponding to plant #1-3. this stuff was mostly dry after 5 full days. I did not have 2-way humidity packs to start, so i removed them after the first ~12 hours. Did so again the next day. After that, i had the 2-way packs and they probably gained a bit based on solo cup outcome that was weighed. I dont see a difference between 5days and 7 days drying time, so not going to worry about that anymore. In fact, the harvests that have dried in 5 days seem to taste better sooner. Could just be the differing strains too.


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BudXscommentedweek 15 years ago
Rooting for you. Lets see a fully ripened plant by day 70
Ch33cHcommentedweek 55 years ago
Been checking out a few Sweet Seeds grows as this is my first time running there strains and i have been very impressed during veg. Can see yours isnt letting you down either.
Ch33cHcommented5 years ago
@@NobodysBuds,Makes 2 of us :D
CenturionGrowercommentedweek 45 years ago
Wow is all I can say, amazing plants and even more amazing diary!! This deserves a follow 👊🏾👌🏾
CenturionGrowercommented5 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, Highly doubt you'll disappoint. These girls are preme crop 🙏🏾
Ned_Growscommentedweek 45 years ago
Further thoughts on timing -- Going to see what the trichomes look like tomorrow in the AM (same time of current pictures) before making final decision on topping. Hi mate, why do you check the trichomes before topping.
Ned_Growscommented5 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, Ah okay understood, thanks for clarifying.
L_Tetragrammatoncommentedweek 15 years ago
Just received four of these as testers. Can't wait to see the progress. Only one person has made a decent diary with this strain. Happy growing!
L_Tetragrammatoncommented5 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, I love watching the new diaries from seeds. I catch myself checking back waiting for the next update. Good luck! Mine will be a couple months as my tent is currently about to be switched to flower.
MrJonescommentedweek 15 years ago
You are getting closer to rolling with full organics, sounds like a fun diary to follow - good luck my friend!
MrJonescommented5 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, I have been looking at Earth Dust - it is a 2 component organic dry amendment check out the website - I am with you, mixing nutrients is a pain!
BudXscommentedweek 15 years ago
Grew the xl version. It is very sticky. Smoke report in 5 days or do
Ned_Growscommentedweek 115 years ago
Nice development, they are looking very solid. Good work 👍
MrGr3encommentedweek 25 years ago
High buddy 👊 , Looks great, continue so 👍 . Hope she performs as you hoped for 🤞 . Stay safe and Keep it gr3en 👍 😁 💪 💨
GaiaGreenGiantcommentedweek 15 years ago
Coco is overrated anyways. Was never a big fan of that hippy fad. Pro-mix HP w/m is where it’s at for soilless as far as I know. All that’s missing now is to ditch jack’s and go organic. I used to think I needed “soil” for that. Never looking back at chems again though still looking around me. I can’t say enough good things about Gaia Green personally. It was a game changer for me. None the less your plants are looking great regardless. Cheers 🍻
Tryhardcommentedweek 144 years ago
She looks fire nice job
Tryhardcommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds,bro i hope it only a bit of the plant absolute stinker when all that hard work goes to waste. My mate recently ad same issue but thankfully it only affected one branch which was in corner
AsNoriucommentedweek 35 years ago
My next run is with SweetSeeds, when looking at yours - cant wait... ;)))
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, if i ever will go with autos - it will be @FastBuds first ;)) @SweetSeeds provided me with 3x strains, 4x each, will have nice run to valuate theirs beans ;)
MrJonescommentedweek 144 years ago
Great looking harvest!
MrJonescommentedweek 144 years ago
Moving along nicely My Friend! Great Progress with your Garden! 🙌🙌👏Please Check Out My Newest Diary's👏🙌🙌
MrJonescommentedweek 124 years ago
These look amazing - can't wait until the harvest report!
Ferenccommentedweek 124 years ago
Beautiful! @@NobodysBuds
GrowGirl419commentedweek 114 years ago
You've been busy! Very nice!
FoTwennycommentedweek 115 years ago
MrJonescommentedweek 115 years ago
🙌🙌👏 Rock On Brother🙌🙌👏
MrJonescommentedweek 105 years ago
👍Happy Sunday! Nice Update!👍 🙌🙌👏Please Check Out My Newest Diary's👏🙌🙌
the end.
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