Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn! Finally Cthullhu is at peace! Harvested and dried, the two Red Pure Auto CBD®️ plants served their purpose!
This 2 Red Pure Auto CBD®️ plants were a small magnetic experiment. All of the factors (e.g. light intensity and schedule, quantity and quality of water, time of watering plants, type and quantity of fertilizer, etc.) were kept constant except the orientation and placement of magnets. Also, a constant watering time was maintained to reduce unexpected variables that affect the growth of tested plants therefore the treatment and watering times were properly scheduled.
The two plants shared a 22.5L volume Airpot filled with Plagron Royal Mix organic soil and were fertilized with Plagron Nutrients, the organic range, according to manufacturer instructions. The only difference between the 2 seeds - when germinated 1st plug had an axial neodymium magnet (NdFeB) oriented North pole up, the 2nd plug an axial neodymium magnet oriented South and plats grew through the magnets.
Magnetic field was reported to affect phenotypic, genotypic, growth characteristics and different functions of the plants like root and shoot growth, germination of seeds, yield parameters, productivity, reproduction, growth of the meristem cells, mRNA quality, chlorophyll contents, enzyme activities, gene expression, protein biosynthesis.
One plant, the one growing through the neodymium magnet oriented North, was visible stronger and grew bigger. The colors were much more pronounced. The one growing through the neodymium magnet oriented South was slightly smaller and the red/dark colors were not as pronounced, but a spectacular plant to observe as well. Total dry weight - North pole 47 g dry bud and South pole 36 g dry bud, total 83 g
Overall Red Pure Auto CBD®️ was a very easy plant to grow, robust and healthy growing for the whole duration. This one is a CBD strain with very little THC. Personally, high concentrate CBD plants should be encouraged as much as possible for their medical values and properties. This strain is great for people who are producing their own medicines (i.e Phoenix Tear) and need a greater CBD content in the mix and/or also it can help reduce some of the unwanted psychoactive effects of THC in people who are not yet used with the strong THC strains but need the plant to help with their symptoms.
Absolute wonderful and great strain with medical properties.