42 / 12 Days - 18-19” with the cup in AM. About 10” zone of potential buds at moment. Rotated cup to try to even out the growth.
43 / 13 Days - Still growing… autopilot is engaged.
44 / 14 Days - Closing in on 20” including the cup. May do some late pruning. Lowest growth looks horrible. Bending 2 primary shoots isn’t enough. Further measures taken with a paperclip and duct tap.. just kidding I’m not macgyver, but a paperclip is a useful tool.
45 / 15 Days - Removed some lowest, stretchy growth on the 2 primary shoots. Dumb-shit was moving a plant around to water more easily and solo cup fell anywhere from 12”-18”. Luckily, substrate remained solid. Slightly bent a terminal bud. Otherwise, it was okay. (only 1 person works on this garden, if that isn’t clear.)
46 / 16 Days - Tufts easily visible. Very similar to all other ggxww seeds, but not the fastest of them. 47+ days left… Approaching 2’ with cup.
47 / 17 Days - Little budlets all over. On a familiar track.
48 / 18 Days - Good thing I take notes in AM after watering. I forgot to water this little guy and need to do so. Probably nearing end of vegetative growth, but could have a few more days too. If not 24” including the cup, it’s only a hair short in morning. 6” since last Sunday.
Removed some lower growth I thought was going to be fluffy trash.
Seven weeks complete and nearly 3 full weeks of bloom. Things are going well. The internodes are too large, but it’s no big deal.. We’ll see how they fill in before any final judgment on that. Should be able to give more optimal light most of this coming week and beyond as Gorilla Blue will leave a nice gap to fill. This may be too late for vegetative growth, but will help power the bud development. Maybe, that will allow it to fill the gaps better?
@@NobodysBuds, just in awe brother 👏 your bench system with the fans on the bottom are genius as well! Thx for amazing idea. Love the Solo Cup btw, we have something in common 😉 🌱🔥🤤