14 Days - No notes
15 Days - Been trending down since the topping. Assume it’s sucking the leaves for the little axillary buds to grow asap. They were a bit too small for a topping, but time constraints and impulsiveness / irrational compulsion ruled that day..
16 Days - Top two axillary buds took off. Will tie them out until other 2 catch up. If needed, will tie up ‘other’ 2 growths so they grow more vertically once they get a bit more leggy.
17 Days - Still trucking. Tied top 2 axillary growths down. Allowing some stretch until lower node surpasses slightly and fine-tune with slack. Will increase light intensity at that point. After 2-3 nodes of vertical/even growth out of each, I’ll switch to 12-12 schedule. ETA 23-24 days?
18 Days - Irrigated in AM. Top was not dry, but since lower 2” is hydroton, I figured it was just about dry down in the reservoir area. Method: water until a good rinse through to create a good equilibrium in the substrate. Decant reservoir, then water a bit more to fill back up with fertigation. Further bent and secured plant. Tied slip this time to resist more hydrostatic pressure.
19 Days - Growth has surprised me. 21-24 days is possible, but plenty of room for error if it takes a bit longer. May need to tie up lower nodes toward center to hasten their growth slightly. Give it another 24 hours and reassess. 2nd nodes are stretching out. Once it goes completely vertical and even with other 2 axillary shoots, get light intensity dialed in for roughly ~1” between each node as a goal.
20 Days - Tied up lower axillary shoots to give apical dominance. Adjusted ties on other 2 to keep them a bit lower. Once it evens out, I’ll remove it and bend it out a bit, if needed. Removed single-bladed serrated leaves. Still heavy, but may try to fill up reservoir tonight. Growth has been much better. Clearly topped a tad early out of impulse. Expect it under 12-12 by end of 4th week at latest.
20 Days PM - Looks good after tying it up. Can already see a visible difference from morning. Can inspect and adjust ties as needed to maintain shared apical dominance - or rotate it around as needed.
Latest pictures are 21 day-night cycles completed -- early morning of 22nd day.
@@NobodysBuds, just in awe brother 👏 your bench system with the fans on the bottom are genius as well! Thx for amazing idea. Love the Solo Cup btw, we have something in common 😉 🌱🔥🤤