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Help My First Grow Ever

4 years ago
3 in 1 Fluorescent/150W
3 in 1
Blurple Light Emitting Diodes/45W
Room Type
weeks 5-18
weeks 4, 6, 10, 12, 19
weeks 4-18
weeks 4, 6, 8
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
45 %
25 °C
4 L
25.4 cm
Week 1 7/15/20-7/21/20: Hey everybody! This is my first time growing. I’m a medical patient and recently moved and prices are way higher here. I’m growing in a super soil called Stonington blend from Coast of Maine. It’s made for cannabis and they say you don’t need to add any nutrients. I find that hard to believe but we will see. Seed sprouted after soaking in water for 12 hours then paper towel method then placed in Stonington blend soil as soon as popped. I placed a water bottle cut in half over seedlings and lightly spraying each day. I don't know what strains they are, I only use Indica Dominant strains so not sure. My Vegetation Light is a 3 piece reptile light that has 2 LED light bulbs and 1 Florescent. I also have a cheap red and blue plant growing light. I open the vents on bottom of tent and have a fan pulling air out from top.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
45 %
24 °C
4 L
25.4 cm
Week 2 7/22/20-7/28/20: Lightly water when top inch of soil feels dry. Nothing else much.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
45 %
24 °C
11 L
22.86 cm
Nutrients 1
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 7.812 mll
Week 3 7/29/20-8/4/20: I will be buying supplies within a week. Please help me as I am learning everyday. Thanks and happy growing! I am leaning more towards organic but open. I am planing to Main-Lining the plant, when should I top?
Grow Questions
HAPPY91started grow question 5 years ago
When should I top If I plan on Mainlining?
Techniques. Main-lining
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CapybaraProbioticTeamanswered grow question 5 years ago
I believe the optimal time is when she has 5-6 total nodes, and you should cut off the top of your plant down to the 3rd node. I leave you a web page where you can check: and the web address of my diarie where I also make the cut. While this time it wasn't for mainlining specifically, I always do it the same way: Happy growing!! 😋
HAPPY91started grow question 5 years ago
Should I use Coast Of Maine Liquid Squid Fertilizer 2-3-0 for every watering?
Feeding. Schedule
1 like
Psilocubensisanswered grow question 5 years ago
It's important to notice that each kind of soil requires a different management! If it's purely coco coir, in every watering, and if it has organic matter on it, you may use only every 15 days or so. And care with the dosage!!! 1/8 to 1/2 is the best option. I would use something next to 2ml/L of water and watch for deficiency, if any emerge i would give more( If the solution is inside that bottle, as it has no Potassium)
HAPPY91started grow question 5 years ago
When should I add the Coast Of Maine Fish Bone Meal to the Coast Of Maine Stonington Blend Soil? I plan on transplanting to 5 gallon fabric pots for final pots.
Feeding. Schedule
1 like
Psilocubensisanswered grow question 5 years ago
How your soil was built? I do believe that adding organic matter as soon as possible is the best option, and for sure later next to middle flower adding more is a great options. It does take a long time to degrade and absorb by plant, so no worry by adding earlier. Also care with microorganism so they can decompose that matter and make them available.
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
45 %
24 °C
11 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 1
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 7.812 mll
Week 4 8/5/20-8/11/20: Day 22 8/5: Nothing much today. Day 23 8/6/20: Slowly watered until it runs out bottom. Seeing white hairs coming from Barrel (LEFT) Missy (RIGHT) is growing faster and thicker. Day 24 8/7/20: Played music. Spray tent every now and then. Day 25 8/8/20: Big day today. I put them both in new 3 Gallon fabric pots. Bought some nutrients. Liquid Squid Fertilizer from Coast Of Maine 2-3-0, I added 2 Tablespoons for 1 gallon of water and watered both after transplant. I also bought another nutrient Fish Bone Meal 5-13-0 Buds And Bloom from Coast Of Maine for later. Please and thank you for all the help! I feel they have been stressed enough for the day. Day 26 8/9/20: This morning they look great! No signs of stress or discolor or droopy or anything, Very happy for my first transplant. I started to mainline today, so I topped above the third node, after having 6+ nodes. I also cut all growth below as well. 75.9F-80.6F 43%-59%. No watering today. Spray the tent a couple times with nutrients in water. Day 27 8/10/20: Just spray the tent with squid water 2 times a day. Soil is still moist from liquid squid watering. 78.1F-81.1F 41%-54% Day 28 8/11/20: Spray the tent once with nutrient water. Soil is still moist. Got a metal circle for training for the main lining, I need to cut it shorter I think but gonna wait to see how it grows out. 77.9F-81.0F 43%-50%
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
50 %
24 °C
11 L
22.86 cm
Nutrients 2
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 1.302 mll
Week 5 8/12/20-8/18/20: Day 29 8/12/20: Just spraying water every now and then. The Coast Of Maine Stonington Soil really holds moisture inside even in fabric pots, so far 4 days without water. 77.5F-80.6F 43%-58% Day 30 8/13/20: Bought a new 2 ft Plant Lightbulb and 2 better LED bulbs. Soil is still moist. Just spray in tent and play music. I definitely think Barrel (LEFT) is an auto. 68.4f-86.4f 38%-57%. Day 31 8/14/20: Today both plants received 1/2 cup Coast Of Maine Fish Bone Meal mixed to top of soil, then slightly watered using Liquid Squid Fertilizer water. Less than half the dosage. 77.4f-81.3f 45%-57% Day 32 8/15/20: Today I added some new soil on top and heavy spray top soil and that’s all. I started LST on Missy and will be leaving Barrel alone since it looks like it’s an auto. 77.4f-79.7f 47%-65% Day 33 8/16/20: Very lightly watered with less than half dose of Liquid Squid Fertilizer water around base area. I hope I am doing good so far. 77.9f-80.4f 47%-57% Day 34 8/17/20: Just lightly sprayed the top soil around stem with water. Barrel is already starting to bud. Missy is taking training well so far. 76.3F-79.4F 43%-50% Day 35 8/18/20: Just lightly spray around stem area and play music. 76.8F-80.6F 43%-56%
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
17.78 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
50 %
25 °C
11 L
22.86 cm
Nutrients 1
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Week 6 8/19/20-8/25/20: Day 36 8/19/20: Today they split 33.8 oz of water with half the dose of Liquid Squid Fertilizer. Barrel is budding and Missy is bulking up. Day 37 8/20/20: Just played music and sprayed the soil around the stem, soil is still moist. I made a training bar for main-lining Missy. All looks good. Any tips are welcome. 77.9-79.9 44%-48% Day 38 8/21/20: Played music, soil is still moist. Just sprayed top soil around stem. 66.7F-81.5F 44%-58% Day 39 8/22/20: Played music. They split 33.8 oz water with 1 tsp Liquid Squid Fertilizer. I topped after the third node on both ends of Missy for Main-lining, then defoliation. 78.3-81.5 40%-50% Day 40 8/23/20: Just played music. 76.6-81.7 37%-46% Day 41 8/24/20: Just played music. 78.8-82.2 40%-47% Day 42 8/25/20: Played music. Watered both with 33.8 oz water with 1 tsp Liquid Squid each. Any Advice is welcome I am new to growing. 77.5-80.2 41%-47%
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
5 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
42 %
23 °C
11 L
22.86 cm
Nutrients 2
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Week 7 8/26/20-9/1/20: Day 43 8/26/20: Just played music today. Day 44 8/27/20: Played music today. I adjusted the ties for Missy to continue Main-Lining. 72.5-79.9 45%-64% Day 45 8/28/20: Played music today. Barrel was watered with 33.8 oz water with 1 tsp Liquid Kelp Fertilizer. Missy was watered today with 33.8 oz water with 1 tsp Liquid Squid Fertilizer. 76.1-81.1 37%-45% Day 46 8/29/20: Played music today. I cut the lower 4 leaves on Missy and continued LST for Main-Lining. 73.0-82.6 38%-47% Day 47 8/30/20: Just played music today. I adjusted the ties on Missy. Some of the leaves on Missy are turning a little brown I think from being to close to the light so adjusted that. 73.0-82.9 33%-48% Day 48 8/31/20: Just played music today. Soil is still moist. 70.3-79.3 39%-43% Day 49 9/1/20: Just played music today. The soil is still moist. There are some leaves trying to tell me something. 71.6-77.5 43%-51%
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 8. Vegetation
5 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
42 %
23 °C
11 L
22.86 cm
Nutrients 2
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Week 8 9/2/20-9/8/20: Day 50 9/2/20: Just played music today. 73.9-79.7 37%53% Day 51 9/3: Missy watered 33.8 oz water with 1 tsp Liquid Squid Fertilizer, no run off. Barrel watered 33.8 oz water with 1 tsp. Liquid Kelp Fertilizer, 1200 PPM 6.5 ph runoff water. Day 52 9/4: Played music today. Missy was topped on all 4 tops and then defoliated bottom growth and I adjusted the ties. Barrel I think is almost done I wish I knew it was an auto, I would have trained way earlier. 73.8-80.1 38%-46% Day 53 9/5: Played music today. Missy was watered today 33.8 oz water with 1 tsp. Liquid Squid Fertilizer. 402 ppm 6.3 ph runoff. Barrel is still moist and almost done I think, any input? 73.8-79.3 36%-46% Day 54 9/6: Just played music today. Soil is still moist on both plants. 71.8-80.2 43%-66% Day 55 9/7: Just played music today. Barrel is looking very close to being done but waiting to see amber trichromes 72.1-79.5 40%-61% Day 56 9/8: Played music. Watered Barrel (AUTO) with 33.8oz water. 2352 PPM 6.7 PH. runoff. 73.8-80.6 39%-50%
Used techniques
Grow Questions
HAPPY91started grow question 4 years ago
How long should I wait to transplant after pruning/topping/watering?
Plant. Other
1 like
Shagrathanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi there! I'd say you should wait until the plant is growing "vigorously" again. If you induce more stress you might stunt her even more and that is not good. When shes healthy and happy its ok to transplant
Week 9. Vegetation
4 years ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
45 %
23 °C
19 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 2
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Week 9 Days 9/10/20-9/16/20: Day 57 9/10: Just played music. Soil is still moist inside using my soil meter. 72-82 38%-53% Day 58 9/11: Wow what a day! Played music. I spent most of it building a new tent and unboxing. Barrel is now in a 4 x 3 Vivosun grow tent with 4 inch inline fan and a 4 inch carbon filter fan for outtake and has a Vivosun oscillating clip fan inside and is under an HLG 300 dimmer is on high 24 inches from canopy . Missy is in the original 2 x 2 grow tent with a oscillating fan blowing air in from the outside vent creating air intake and movement and the top is cracked open and is under the Maxsisun PB1500 dimmer is on low 16 inches from canopy. 70-83 34%-53% Please let me know if you have any notes or questions I am learning each day and loving this fun new hobby. Cheers and happy growing! Day 59 9/12: Played music. Barrel was watered 33.8 oz water run off 1257 PPM 6.4 PH. Missy was untied to let stretch. 69-80 33%-60% Day 60 9/13: Played music. Missy was watered today 67.6 oz. with 2 tsp. Liquid Squid Fertilizer. 1257 ppm 6.4 ph. LST. 68-78 42%-56% Barrel 68-86 33%-70% Day 61 9/14: Played music. Barrel was watered today with 67.6 oz 1391 ppm 6.3 ph. Turned the Maxsisun PB1500 up just a little day by day. Keeping an eye out for light stress. Missy 72.9-79.9 39%-68%. Barrel 68.2-86.0 33%-70%. Before I go to bed I have to check the dehumidifier to make sure it's empty, to prevent bud rot etc. Day 62 9/15: Played music. Moved HLG 300 20 inches from canopy for Barrel. I spray the tent Missy is in a few times a day. I adjusted ties on Missy at the beginning of the day and by the end have to adjust again. Slightly turned up the Maxsisun light on Missy. Missy 66-77 37%-67%. Barrel 67-86 33%-70% Day 63 9/16: Played music. Missy was watered 101.4 oz. with 3 tsp Liquid Squid Fertilizer and 3 tsp Liquid Kelp Fertilizer. 1692 PPM 6.1 PH. I untied Missy a few hours after watering and wow does she look great. Waiting for amber trichomes to appear on Barrel then will put in dark for 24 hours. The Maxsisun light is at 75% now over Missy 16 inches. Missy 65-80 39%-61%
Used techniques
Week 10. Vegetation
4 years ago
27.94 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
1274 PPM
35 %
20 °C
19 °C
19 L
53.34 cm
Nutrients 5
Wiggle Worm Worm Castings 6 mll
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Week 10 9/16/20-9/22/20: Day 63 9/16: Played music. Missy was watered 3/4 gal with 3 tsp Liquid Squid Fertilizer and 3 tsp Liquid Kelp Fertilizer. 1692 PPM 6.1 PH. I untied Missy a few hours after watering and wow does she look great. Waiting for amber trichomes to appear on Barrel then will put in dark for 24 hours. The Maxsisun light is at 75% now over Missy 16 inches. Missy 65-80 39%-61% Day 64 9/17: Played music. Missy is stretching out fast with the Maxsisun which is now at 100%. Barrel is looking and smelling amazing just waiting on her to finish. Temps tonight have been rising and so has humidity, I have already emptied my dehumidifier 4 times today, but keeping it for watering. Barrel 65-86 33%-70% Missy 72-83 46%58% Any hints, tips, or tricks are more than welcome I'm learning and open. Thank you all who help! Day 65 9/18: Played music. I added 2 oz water around stem of Barrel. I added a tomato cage around Missy and cut a few leaves off bottom . I asked and received info about Barrel online and will wait longer till harvest thank you. Barrel 65-86 33%-60% Missy 76-80 37%-60% Day 66 9/19: Played music. Missy was watered 3/4 gal with 3 tsp Liquid Squid Fertilizer and 3 tsp Liquid Kelp Fertilizer. Run off was 1451 PPM 6.3 PH. I sprayed the top soil of Barrel. Barrel 65-86 20%-60% Missy 72-75 31%-60% Day 67 9/20: Played music. Missy was defoliated to focus with the main-lining. I sprayed the soil around the stem of Barrel. Missy 73-80 27%-60% Barrel 71-78 25%-37%. Any notes I am still learning? Day 68 9/21: Played music today. I started more LST on missy to spread colas apart from each other. Barrel 67-76 25%-39% Missy 73-80 29%-51% Day 69 9/22: Played music. Top dressed Missy 2 tbs Stonington plant food and 2 tbs fish bone meal, 2 cups worm casting and 3 cups Stonington soil, then I sprayed the top soil and moved her into the bloom tent. Please let me know any info as I’m learning. Thanks and happy growing cheers. 71-76 28%-42%
Used techniques
Grow Questions
HAPPY91started grow question 4 years ago
Is this ready for harvest? Or wait longer? Thanks! Looking at an indica dominant strain not sure which exact. Happy growing cheers!
Buds. Other
1 like
Mr_Motalovahanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey! I would wait a bit more... Harvest window opens when you start getting amber pistils(hairs). Normally when there's 70% amber and 30% white pistils they're ready to start flushing but that's not always the case. The best way to check is looking at the trichomes. Clear trichomes haven't reached their full potencia, cloudy ones are full of THC and amber are losing THC while gaining CBN. So depending on your preference whether you want more of a head high or body high. I normally start to look at trichomes when there are about 50/50% white and amber pistils. I harvest when after examining and finding 70% cloudy trichomes and 30% amber trichomes. For me that's a prefect combination, depending on the strain as well. Have in mind if you use nutrients you'll need to flush the roots, watering only with PHed water for at least a week. Good luck and happy growing!
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
44.45 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
1299 PPM
42 %
24 °C
23 °C
19 L
68.58 cm
Nutrients 5
Wiggle Worm Worm Castings 6 mll
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Week 11 9/23/20-9/29/20: Day 70 9/23: Played music. 1 gal water runoff 1274 ppm 6.5 ph 68 f I noticed I may have been watering to fast before. I'm still learning but only say this because Missy took a whole gallon of water until any run off and there wasn't much, I updated above. I have already contacted Coast Of Maine and have received more info on a feeding schedule for there cannabis growing techniques and will use there new schedule for my next grow, which I have ready when the time is right. Barrel 66-78 28%-52% Missy 66-77 30%-55% Day 71 9/24: Just played music. At the end of the night I moved Barrel into the dry tent to sit for 24 hours in darkness with a fan gently oscillating air in. 68-78 42%-56% for both plants. Day 72 9/25: Played music. Humidity is very high here and the dehumidifier is being emptied every 8 hours. Barrel was taken out of 24 hour darkness and wet trimmed and then placed on a dry rack in dry tent. Missy grew about 3 inches over 24 hours. Missy 71-82 39%-62% Barrel 73-74 49%-52% Day 73 9/26: Played music. Soil is still moist. Barrel is still in dark drying. Heat and humidity have are still not where I want. Missy 72-84 38%-55% Barrel 73 51%. Day 74 9/27: Played music. Missy took 1 gallon water runoff 823 PPM 6.4 PH 75 F. Missy was untied and by the end of the night grew obviously. Weather still sucks. Barrel is still in dark drying on mesh screen, I flip buds every now and then. Missy 73-84 38%-53% Barrel 77 48% Day 75 9/28: Played music. I pinched each stem on Missy to help focus on upper growth. Barrel is still in dark drying on mesh screen. Barrel: 74 50%. Missy: 76-84 38%-57% Day 76 9/29: Played music. Missy continues to stretch each day, She shows no signs of stress from yesterdays pinching. I started to cure Barrel today, I tried a sample and its fruity, skunk and a balance high but very nice.
1 comment
Used techniques
Grow Questions
HAPPY91started grow question 4 years ago
What to do when ready to harvest? I read some leave plant 24-48 hours in darkness then cut and hang to dry, some cut the plant and then hang to dry whats best? Does any of the little steps really matter? Thanks happy growing cheers!
Plant. Other
Ned_Growsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hello, I have done a bit of research and experimentation with different harvesting methods and there is a really good utube video about the lab results of darkness when harvesting. The video is very interesting it explains a lot about this topic and how the chemical changes happen within the plant when exposed to longer periods of darkness before harvesting but there is also another major factor as well and it is the temperature during the whole darkness/harvest & cure process if your going for max terpenes you have to key in on the evaporation point. Cheers Dan
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
418 PPM
38 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 5
Wiggle Worm Worm Castings 6 mll
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Week 12 9/30/20-10/6/20: Day 77 9/30: Played music. I think Missy is slowing on the stretching. Missy took 1.25 gallons with 1 tbs Liquid Squid and 1 tbs Liquid Kelp Fertilizer runoff 1299 PPM 6.6 PH 76 F. Day 78 10/1: Just played music today. Barrel is still curing. Still no signs of stress. Noticed Missy starting to show female signs, the stem is getting very fat as well. Missy 74-83 F 33%-45% Day 79 10/2: Played music. The oscillating fan stopped working over night so I bought a new oscillating tower fan for the tent. 74-83 33%-53% Day 80 10/3: Played music. Watered 1.25 gallons water with 1 tbs. liquid squid and 1 tbs. liquid kelp. Run off was 418 PPM 7.0 PH 70 F. Defoliation up to the last inch in each cola. 69-81 35%-43% Day 81 10/4: Played music. Very happy with the environment inside the tent. 67-79 33%-44% Day 82 10/5: Played music today. Top soil is starting to grow clover which is amazing. I read that having living soil builds Co2 which cannabis loves but still learning please comment. 71-80 35%-53% Day 83 10/6: Played music. Starting to bud! 68-81 35%-47% Final Week Notes: Very happy with the tent conditions this week. Missy has shown very healthy expressions and no issues so I am very happy and pleased to have a simple easy organic grow. Happy growing Cheers!
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
57.15 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
1122 PPM
37 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 5
Wiggle Worm Worm Castings 7.812 mll
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Week 13 10/7/20-10/13/20: Day 84 10/7: Played music. I tied down all 8 branches again to keep apart since they started to get close to each other. 73-83 33%-50% Day 85 10/8: Played music. Weather keeps changing fast. Missy is staying in a very healthy state I think. 70-79 18%-45% Day 86 10/9: Played music. I topped dressed Missy 1/4 cup Fish Bone Meal, Very smelly stuff but works great! Watered 1.25 gallons with 1 TBS. Liquid Kelp fertilizer. I only get enough runoff for a sample other then that not she drinks it all. Run off 1122 PPM 6.6 PH 67 F. 69-79 30%-37% Day 87 10/10: Played music. Weather keeps changing, can't wait for it to be comfortable 24/7. 70-82 34%-40% Day 88 10/11: Played music. Weather keeps changing. Bud sited are looking nice. 69-77 42%-31% Day 89 10/12: Played music. Tent environment is great. 65-78 34%-42% Day 90 10/13: Played music. 69-82 33%-55% Week 13 Final notes: I am very happy with how she is looking. I worry about the weather and or humidity more than she does. I really enjoy how smooth this is all going. Happy growing cheers!
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
4 years ago
63.5 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
1429 PPM
38 %
21 °C
18 °C
19 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
Wiggle Worm Worm Castings 7.812 mll
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Week 14 10/14/20-10/20/20: Day 91 10/14: Played music. I added 2 cups of worm castings and scratched into top soil. Watered 1.25 Gallons water with 1 tbs Liquid squid and 1 tbs Liquid Kelp Fertilizers. No run off at all. 70-80 34%-46% Day 92 10/15: Played music. 70.9-80.4 34%-46% Day 93 10/16: Played music. Humidity is very high in my area. I kept tent open most of the day to keep cooler. 68.9-82.9 34%-48% Day 94 10/17: Played music. Stem is getting fatter, It split the soil all around top so I scratched top soil. 72.5-82.4 34%-62% Day 95 10/18: Played music. Not much today. 66.9-76.1 26%-47% Day 96 10/19: Played music. 1.25 gal 1.25 tsp Liquid Squid and Liquid Kelp fertilizer runoff 1429 ppm 6.3 ph 64.8 f. Scratched top soil again today. 63.7-77.2 29%-39% Day 97 10/20: Played music. 66.4-76.6 33%-43% Final Week Notes: Very happy with how she is growing. A lot bigger than I thought. Buds are starting to fill internodes and getting frosty and smelly. Happy Growing Cheers!
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
4 years ago
69.85 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
1120 PPM
42 %
19 °C
20 °C
19 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 5
Wiggle Worm Worm Castings 7.812 mll
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Week 15 10/21/20-10/27/20: Day 98 10/21: Played music. Untied from fabric pot and adjusted ties to keep colas separated. 71.6-81.9 42%-56% Day 99 10/22: Played music. 73-81.1 40%-57% Day 100 10/23: Played music. Top dressed soil with 1/4 cup Fish Bone Meal (5-13-0) then watered 1.25 gal with 1.25 tbs Liquid Squid and Kelp Fertilizer. Runoff 1650 ppm 6.6 ph 70.3 f. 71.8-77.7 39%-51% Day 101 10/24: Played music. 71.1-78.3 37%-56% Day 102 10/25: Played music. 66.7-74.1 32%-41% Day 103 10/26: Played music. 65.5-79.7 37%-47% Day 104 10/27: Played music. Watered 1.25 gallons with 1.25 tsp Liquid Squid and Kelp Fertilizers. Runoff=1120 ppm 6.6 ph 65.5 f. 68.4-74.5 36%-55% Weekly Notes: All is looking and growing well. Very happy now that the tent is staying comfortable. No signs of stress or nutrient burn or anything. She is smelling more and more each day and pistols are starting to turn amber. Thanks for checking out my grow hit the like or leave a comment or follow. Happy growing cheers!
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 16. Flowering
4 years ago
71.12 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
1071 PPM
36 %
21 °C
17 °C
19 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 5
Wiggle Worm Worm Castings 7.812 mll
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Week 16 10/28/20-11/3/20: Day 105 10/28: Played music. 66.2-76.8 37%-48% Day 106 10/29: Played music.66.6-76.6 37%-53% Day 107 10/30: Played music. 66-77 29%-46% Day 108 10/31: Played music. 1.25 gal water with 1.25 tsp Liquid Kelp and Squid Fertilizers=128 ppm 5.5 ph 67.3 f. Runoff=1071 ppm 6.3 ph 66.9 f. 68.0-77.7 29%-44% Day 109 11/1: Played music. 69.1-77.4 36%-51% Day 110 11/2: Played music. 63.7-74.5 31%-41%
Used techniques
Week 17. Flowering
4 years ago
72.39 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
1299 PPM
40 %
21 °C
18 °C
19 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 2
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Liquid Kelp Fertilizer All Purpose Plant Food 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Week 17 11/3/20-11/9/20: Day 111 11/3: Played music. Sprayed 2 oz Kelp water around bud sites. 65.3-74.3 24%-50% Day 112 11/4: Played music. 66.7-76.8 29%-39% Day 113 11/5: Played music. Watered 1.25 gal water with 1.25 tbs Liquid Squid and Kelp Fertilizers=154 PPM 6.2 PH 67 F, Runoff=969 PPM 6.6 PH 67 F. Day 114 11/6: Played music. 69.1-80.1 38%-60% Day 115 11/7: Played music. 70.0-79.7 36%-50% Day 116 11/8: Played music. 64.9-77.9 28%-58% Day 117 11/9: Played music. Watered 1.25 gal water no fertilizers=15 ppm 7.4 ph 68 f. Runoff=1299 ppm 6.5 ph 70 f. 65.1-78.8 35%-51% Weekly Notes: Almost finished its all looking great, just waiting for some amber trichomes to show. Thanks for checking out my grow, like, comment, or follow, learning new things everyday. Happy growing cheers!
Used techniques
Week 18. Flowering
4 years ago
72.39 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
1299 PPM
32 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 L
40.64 cm
Week 18 11/10/20-11/16/20: Day 118 11/10: Played music. 66.0-80.4 37%-54% Day 119 11/11: Played music. Starting to see amber trichomes. 69.1-81.0 43%-62% Day 120 11/12: Played music. 71.1-81 34%-64% Day 121 11/13: Played music. 66.9-79.7 31%-45% Day 122 11/14: Played music. 66.4-78.6 29%-40% Day 123 11/15: Played music. 65.8-79.0 27%-40% Day 124 11/16: Played music. 69.1-79.0 24%-53% Final Week Notes: Well I thought that she would be done this week but looks like I was wrong. Waiting to see more amber trichomes. Everything is going great, no worries. Thanks for checking out my grow hit the like or leave a comment or follow. Always learning new things everyday. Happy growing cheers!!
Used techniques
Week 19. Flowering
4 years ago
73.66 cm
12 hrs
21 °C
1299 PPM
30 %
17 °C
19 °C
19 L
40.64 cm
Week 19 11/17/20-11/23/20: Day 125 11/17: Played music. I put ice cubes around stem at lights out, I read that some growers will put ice cubes before harvest to bring winter conditions in and to help final bud production. 66.9-75.9 24%-39% Day 126 11/18: Played music. Today was the last day under lights. I started to see enough amber trichomes 66.7-76.5 24%-43%. Plant was moved into dry tent at lights out. Dry tent is a 2 foot by 2 foot by 4 foot tall tent with intake fan on low and top is attached to exhaust pipe blowing away gently. Day 127 11/19: Played music. Stayed in dry tent all day. Day 128 11/20: Played music. Chopped her first thing in the morning and trimmed her and put in drying rack in dry tent. Day 129 11/21: Played reggae music. Rotated Buds. Day 130 11/22: Played Smoke Weed Radio. Rotated Buds. Day 131 11/23: Played Classic Rock Radio. Rotated buds.
Used techniques
Week 20. Flowering
4 years ago
73.66 cm
12 hrs
21 °C
1299 PPM
30 %
17 °C
19 °C
19 L
40.64 cm
Week 20 11/24/20-11/30/20: Day 132 11/24: Nothing today. By the end of the night buds were dry and ready to start curing. About to sample a joint will check in soon. I will have a weight tomorrow, my scale is not working. Update after smoking joint. Very smooth smoke. Not a single cough. Very mellow relaxing high.
Week 21. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
The high is relaxing and mellow. Taste kinda berry mint and herbal. We made it from start to finish from somebody who has never grown anything. I am very proud to say I have grown medicinal cannabis. Very happy with the amount of bud. The total bud results if I had bought would have been easily over $500 so I know I got what I paid for growing.
Show more
Spent 141 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
57 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes
Negative effects
Berries, Earthy, Mint

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
It grew like a weed lol. Since I put the seed in water it has just been wanting to thrive! No issues growing this plant. Using the super soil made this just a water only with light nutrients.


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MarijuanaFarmercommentedweek 194 years ago
Beautiful bud! They look amazing! Happy grows :)
HAPPY91commented4 years ago
@MarijuanaFarmer, Thank you so much. It's still drying but soon will be able to enjoy. Happy growing cheers!
SimpleMindscommentedweek 194 years ago
Gorgeous bud sticks ! Good job 👌🔥
HAPPY91commented4 years ago
@@SimpleMinds, Thanks, tonight ill be cutting her stem and do some trimming then hang dry.
Mosherd7commentedweek 194 years ago
I'm curious to see how much you get come harvest time. Very heavy defoil done prior to flowering and during week 2 of flowering. I feel the plant could have gotten a lot more growth if it had the leaves to accelerate it. As long as the buds can see the light, and you defoil the ones that get mostly shaded by higher leaves. Regardless its a beautiful plant though and you obviously take a lot of pride in it. Awesome job man 👊
HAPPY91commented4 years ago
@Mosherd7,Thank you very much for the amazing words. So this is my first time growing anything and I agree and learned from my mistake by taking way to much off when I defoiliated. I can see what steps I did that showed positive stress and negative stress. My other journals I have are going great. I also have no clue what strain or anything about the seed. Thanks for checking out my grow. Stay safe Happy growing Cheers!!!!
VeggieTalescommentedweek 184 years ago
Work of beauty my friend congrats! 🌱🎄🔥
HAPPY91commented4 years ago
@VeggieTales, Thank you so much. I am very happy with how its coming for my first grow. Happy growing cheers!!!
Persiankushcommentedweek 184 years ago
Looking good nice buds keep on growing nice work 👍✌️✌️
HAPPY91commented4 years ago
@Persiankush,Thank you so much. Happy growing cheers!!
northernMikecommentedweek 184 years ago
The end is near, Enjoy👌
HAPPY91commented4 years ago
@northernMike, Thanks so much. Just waiting for a bit longer. Very happy for my first time growing. Happy growing cheers!!
Buddha2commentedweek 214 years ago
Garreweedlovercommentedweek 214 years ago
I can help you if you want
HAPPY91commented4 years ago
@Garreweedlover, sorry I don't have instagram . If you want to leave any comments or notes you know where to find me. How long have you been growing cannabis?
Garreweedlovercommented4 years ago
@HAPPY91, follow me in instagram , text to me there
HAPPY91commented4 years ago
@Garreweedlover, I'm always open for growing knowledge.
MarijuanaFarmercommentedweek 204 years ago
do you believe mainlining gave you a bigger yield?
MarijuanaFarmercommented4 years ago
@HAPPY91, you too bud! happy grows!!
HAPPY91commented4 years ago
@MarijuanaFarmer, I can't say as this was one of my first grows. I can say mainlining made things much easier on the trimming and drying equally. Helps keep humidity from forming around bud sites during flower stage for sure. Overall I really like mainlining. Thanks for checking out my grow. Good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!!!!
MuddyWatercommentedweek 214 years ago
Looks amazing, well done
HAPPY91commented4 years ago
@MuddyWater, Thank you very much always learning something new everyday. Cheers for checking out my grows.
Mz876commentedweek 214 years ago
Looks really nice . Beautiful buds
HAPPY91commented4 years ago
@Mz876, Thank you very much. It was a very exciting and fun learning experience. I never knew I would love growing so much. Thanks for checking out my diaries. Good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!!!!
DreamOncommentedweek 174 years ago
Looks amazing! Enjoy the puffs! 😎
HAPPY91commented4 years ago
@DreamOn, It was amazing just wish I had better yield but for a first time I can't complain, at least I made it from start to finish.
Mosherd7commentedweek 94 years ago
Still looking great. PERSONALLY, after the first topping and you get 2 mains, I leave the first and third node on each of them. Cut the second off (After 4th appears top it off) After reading online and trying, I find its a quick way to get the shape you want for 8 colas and reduce the time it takes by a couple weeks. (As long as you don't have autos, you can always just veg for longer though) Food for thought: But otherwise they look real healthy. 👍 Keep it up!
HAPPY91commented4 years ago
@Mosherd7, I am following and the lights I had were not the best for cannabis. I love checking your grows out and cant wait to see more! I am learning day by day and read journals and info most days during these times. Such an amazing hobby to be able to grow my own medicine. Happy growing Cheers!
Athoscommentedweek 35 years ago
Depends. If it is an auto you need to top removing either the 5th or 6th node, anything later and it will start flowering; keep in mind that once the 5th pair of leaves fully open flowering will start, so the TOPing needs to be done when the node is just appearing. On photoperiods you can top much later, depending on how big you want your plant before flowering.
HAPPY91commented5 years ago
@@Athos, Thank you very much, How do I know if its an auto? I will post another picture of a close up of each. But 1 of them, Barrel (LEFT) is showing white hairs already.
Wyregrassercommentedweek 213 years ago
Nice job! Beautiful cannabis! Enjoy!😶
Grow420picecommentedweek 213 years ago
Schönes Material mate! 🌱💪👌😎
DoDrugs420commentedweek 214 years ago
Picking Indica hybrid was a wonderfull choice!
MOSS_FIGUREcommentedweek 214 years ago
57grams. Fantastic nice diary
heizencommentedweek 214 years ago
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
Ts1Kocommentedweek 204 years ago
Keep up the good work 💪 Happy smokes 👽💨
the end.
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