Day 17 - Into week 3 with this girl now and all is doing pretty good so far. I did give her a little spritz of water and poured about 100ML about 3-4 inches around the stalk to get the roots to work a bit more.
Day 18 - Looking good so far and starting to get a little growth going on underneath so not much longer, I’ll be starting a little LST with her. Other than that, just gave her a small spritz of water just to keep the soil slightly wet. So far she really seems to like the SoHum Living Soil, first time using this stuff so we’ll see how it does in the long run.
Day 19 - All still going well and not much new to update. Just really took her out to look her over and get some updated daily pics.
Day 20 - Went ahead and started with a little LST today. She was standing about 3 inches tall and tied her down and she’s at 1.7 inches now. Hopefully the little bit of lower growth starts coming up now and then will start tying them down as well.
Day 21 - The end of week 3 and all is looking good. She’s standing tall again after tying her down. Gonna give her a little more time to get more vertical growth then will tie her down again.
@The_Bearded_Grower, I think early on I stunted her with lights being to close and the fans on high blowing right on her but not entirely sure, still a fairly new grower. Had some grow amazingly and some not so much.