Fruit spirit is a great addition to my grow experiences. I had a crack late in the season last year and did not do well, so it was sweet to get some revenge and get an improved result. Although small in stature, it surprised me with a better than expected yield in the end. I made mistakes along the way, and could have done better with the soil which may have helped the overall result. Aside from my own mistakes, I am happy to score the Fruit Spirit a 9 out of 10 because...
Seeds 7/10 - This was the only real let down. Of 3 seeds this was the only one that worked well. In the first few weeks I could see some unusual shapes of leaves and branches. After topping and LST some branches had some unusual development, some didn’t develop well, others were perfect. One of the buds was so different to the rest, really dense and shaggy looking.
Grow 8/10 - Apart from my own mistakes with getting the soil right, it was pretty much hassle free and on track. It is only small, but it was 12/12 as I planted early in the season to get it through quickly. It handled all weather conditions with not a shred of mould and no bugs!
Buds 10/10 - Overwhelmingly the best part of Fruit Spirit is the awesome end result. Nice thick buds with a lovely smell. The yield ended up quite a bit more than I was guessing. But it’s the taste that gets a clear 10/10. With white widow and blueberry heritage, it could possibly be the nicest tasting bud I’ve tried to date. So smooth and sweet, even before cure. Packs a real punch too. The next morning, very clear and no stoneover. Can’t say enough for that beautiful taste.