All looking decent so far, expect the plant #1 which is kind of odd, taking in account the fact I've given both plants the exact same amount of water and nutrients.
The leaves in plant #2 are drooping a little bit and some parts of the leaves are getting light green color. Nitrogen deficiency? I was thinking about over watering as well but it's coco perlite mix, so i highly doubt it.
If you have any suggestions, hit me up!
Urm.. i honestly dont have enough experience with growing to say if the mars ts3000 is good or not. I mean so far its doing really nicely on my girls. Keeping the nodes nice and tight. Ive just flipped ro flower so we will see what bud production is like!
Thanks, your plants seems to be doing fine as well. Would you recommend Mars Hydro TS3000? I'm considering about ordering the TSW2000W model.