So Week 2 of my Ladies seeing their fake Sun for the First time and so far all fine as i can see😋
And i learned that cheap plastik cups are even better than those biodegrable growcups to grow your little ones since i had to water the other ones twice as often.
Those Biogrowcups are good for beginners i guess since you can easily check and water them and just plant them into the earth as your plant grows...but those plastic cups gave more growth and im not a beginner soo👻
Out of the four Kalini Asia just raced ahead to get more matter wich is good but a bit scary if she keeps up that pace , my tent isnt the widest sadly...
Second is Passion Fruit wich was in a Plastic Cup also.
Critical is third and a bit sided but that might be just the wind from the Venti i changed the direction a bit so it can go normal again if when.
Tropicanna Poison is still the little one but that just might be bcs she needed a day longer to germinate i guess so no worries there ether.😋
After i saw that all of them got some decend roots i repotet them into their final pots after digging a fitting hole for each and spraying the hole wet.
I also used some Mycos for the first time so i just got a bit of that bactopowder on a spoon and just sprayed hopefully not to much over every hole ,,evenly,,.
After that i just made the Biopots wet and put them in their holes and gave some extra water to the whole pot (more in the middle since there is nothing to use that water on the outsides obviously), those plasticpots were a bit more tricky since i had to carefully cut or tear them to not destroy any roots.
This basically concludes Week 2 of my First Online Grow 😇
And if you stumble upon this Dairy for some reason and even read this far...
Congrats and thanks for having you here ! You might just throw a Comment or a Question, that would be very appreciated.😎
cheers 👽
@Sweet_Seeds,Thank you guys for that Crazy Strain ! 😉
If the Colours get more intense( later in flower) i try to get some nice pictures for sure 😋
@@pepitogrillo, I think i should remove the weight completly since i measured it before it was completly dry and the pictures taken are missing 2 Main stems...
But she filled my Jar and gave the biggest buds so yeah...
Congratulations for finished your diary! 👏
Thank you very much for trusting our strains, and sharing your experience.
And thank you very much again for the score of 9 out of 10!! 👏😍❤️
We hope you enjoy the harvest 👌
Sweet smokes!
Thanks for sharing a new diary with one of our strains.
We hope you enjoy it :P
Once finished, with the final notes of the strains, you can ask us for more seeds to share another diary.
Sweet smokes!