Week 6 !
Last Week of the long Days for my Ladies...changed the light to 14/10 Started with some Defoliaton and some HST on 2 of them also got them another Ventilator for Flower bcs the Lamp churns out some more degrees when in flowermode.👹
So yeah apart from the obvius stress from the Scrog and HST no problems so far all seem Stable and are ready to go into Flower mode.😊
The Ladies this Week:
Kalini Asia:
Bit of Defoliation here think i even left to much nodes but meh well see...👻
Tropicanna Poison:
Oh boy this Plant just Stretches and Streches, did some Suppercropping on the main Stems and some heavy scrog ( 70degree turns and so on...) didnt need mcuh or any Defo at all due to the sparse and few leaves she got anyway. Very Sativa this one...👽
Passion Fruit:
Just a Beauty got a bit of defo on the lower area and yeah.😘
Bit of Defo and some SC on the main stems, looks strong and healthy so far.
So yeah this was is basically for the Week Time to Ripen up my Ladies now over the Weeks hoping to fix the Temps i guess...
(May overfed them with Mycos and burned them for some hours with the new light....👺 lets see tommorow. )
Have a nice Week see ya Next Friday or whenever you stumble upon this Report.
Leave a Like, Comment or Question that would be nice i guess.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i82B6BWSjww 👽
@Sweet_Seeds,Thank you guys for that Crazy Strain ! 😉
If the Colours get more intense( later in flower) i try to get some nice pictures for sure 😋
@@pepitogrillo, I think i should remove the weight completly since i measured it before it was completly dry and the pictures taken are missing 2 Main stems...
But she filled my Jar and gave the biggest buds so yeah...
Congratulations for finished your diary! 👏
Thank you very much for trusting our strains, and sharing your experience.
And thank you very much again for the score of 9 out of 10!! 👏😍❤️
We hope you enjoy the harvest 👌
Sweet smokes!
Thanks for sharing a new diary with one of our strains.
We hope you enjoy it :P
Once finished, with the final notes of the strains, you can ask us for more seeds to share another diary.
Sweet smokes!