
Proxy #1 Cancelled "Glookies"

4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 5
18 hrs
Light Schedule
14+ conditions after
3+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
JinksyGrows JinksyGrows
4 years ago
**Have included a photo of plants in recovery at the very beginning of the gallery to show that everything is okay! We're back on track and they do not look terrible like the rest of the photos* Hello all! It's been awhile but I'm finally back for some updates. It's been a very tough couple of weeks and arguably things have not been going too well with the project and personal health through this time. There was a huge gap in communication between myself and my friend, we made multiple mistakes (but I should know better) and we both had some relatively serious personal health/mental health issues occurring in this time. The plants paid for it and for a week there I wasn't positive they would make it at all. I felt like I was out the door with them in that bad time, but have now regained confidence and have been in the process of bringing these ladies back to health. They will! make it and they will be just fine. That said, the pictures I'm including in this entry ain't pretty. They're visibly angry and in disrepair, but for the sake of transparency, all will be covered in this entry. Glookies is acting as my "Master" diary for this project, so this will be very long as I try to cover all my bases and give accurate information. All girls were affected in relatively the same way, so this makes more sense to do it here. There will be a bit of copy/pasting b/t diaries this round as pertinent info must be shared across the board. This "Week 5" will actually be covering week 5 and 6 (Days 31-41-42) with all the poor choices and problems observed. Here we go! The Deets: The Good: -They're alive. That was the only good part in this period of time, unfortunately. The 'Meh': -It's all Meh. *see below* First Symptoms/Problems/Observable Issues: -By end of week four, there was clearly an issue coming up but I didn't know what yet. Leaves were dark, droopy and growth was noticeably being stunted. -Early week 5 things were getting far worse so I did a light feeding with my first run-off to see what was going on. Result: Soil turned hot on us and was running very low at 4.2-5.0pH. Holy crap. -Symptoms started to add up. Low pH keeping nutrients from being taken, root system, stems and laterals are weak and P/Cal/Mag deficiencies are becoming clear as day. -With the run-off feed, soil is fully saturated and I was handcuffed for 3 days before I could do anything with the hot soil. Expedited dry time with 24/7 extraction and fan circulation. First Attempt to Rectify: -Wait for dry out and move to fresh soil (tested at 6.7) from 2 G to 5 G fabric pots. -Started to apply daily, lower volume feeds of straight tap @ 7.0pH to help raise the low pH core. Did this for several days. Result: -Worsening deficiencies, starvation, stunting, droopiness and very poor color. Raised ph a tad but this leeching was not going to cut it. Hungry and drying out. -Reached out to other growers for their advice on how to tackle so many issues at once. Decision After Discussion: -Wanted to avoid it, but flush. Simple as that. Wanted to avoid doing this, but there was no other option. Plan to give 3 gallons per plant, giving a 50% run-off, applied at 6.7pH and a 3/4 dose of "Week 2" nutrient schedule. Second Attempt to rectify (Started early Late Week 6): -Ran a full 3 Gallons of Tap/Nutes through each girl w/ 50% run-off and nutrient dosing at 3/4 of the schedules recommendation. Nutrients were barebones M-G-B, Cal/Mag, a root stim and Humic acid. Result: -Bang! Clear as day results within 24 hours. They were starving and the nutrients given were taken immediately, pushing them back into vigorous vegetative growth. -Run-off's showed a positive swing from 4.5-5.0pH to 5.5-6.0pH w/ ppm's coming back low (not much in soil at all) Observation After 2nd Procedure: -With a known limited root system and lots of untapped new soil, water logging was occurring and dry outs were going to be 4-5 days. -After feed, stem and lateral growth went through the roof with plant size doubling in 3 days. -Observed more deficiencies occurring as the nutrient feed I gave was far too low to carry them through such a large amount of time. P/Cal/Mag def. all present with the most visibly affected being Aya Purple. Next Procedure to Tackle Remaining Issues (For Beginning of Week 7): -Repeat flush through with an increased nutrient feed (Week 3 of Schedule. 550ppm over 350ppm) w/ a root stimulator and increase to Potassium -Remove all dead/dying plant life and affected fans blocking new, healthy growth. -Train out for aeration and light penetration to lower canopy to encourage positive lateral growth. -Assess and Observe after second procedure and plan next step from there. Conclusion: -Things are far, far better and it's night and day from where they were a short while ago. These girls will make it and Week 7 update will be the week of recovery and how we got there. There are still issues, but confidence is up as we tackle each symptom, knocking them out one at a time while still keeping from over feeding and/or pushing them. Ya, so it was a really tough go and it wasn't just plant related. No pity! but my mind was off kilter and certain unfortunate feelings come on once in a while. When this happens, I'm very low and don't' have much care for anything, even the things I normally love. I'm happy to say I don't feel like that atm and have made solid improvements over the past several days. Back and ready to finish what I started, back to catching up with all you folks and your projects, and back to enjoying myself and the plants. Please give me time to update these things as over two weeks of photos and info to sort through is tasking and I would like to make sure I cover my bases and/or don't mislead anyone with my info and procedures. Much love to you all, seriously. If you're having a bad time like I was, please reach out. Easier said then done, but trust it will get better. Shoot my a line in PM if you're feeling low and need an ear. No judgement, no BS. Just an ear. Cheers all you fine peoples. See you in "Week 6" (Days 42-49)
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TheOldHippiecommentedweek 64 years ago
My mentor found me more than 20 years ago. I was the eager dipshit who wanted to grow the world. He asked me last week how many people I had taken under my wing over the years. 1. One. Just 1. My wife. Sure I've given advice, shared seeds, cuts, etc. But I've never taken anyone through a grow A to Z. And heres why. I learned it takes a special person who REALLY loves to grow. The commitment is huge. The responsibilities are many. The outcome is a long shot. Everyone who smokes definitely would welcome the output. But that love of the flower does NOT carry over to the grow. Real growers who are tuned into their plants are rare. Even here if you can find 1000 people globally who are fully committed and legit, well I'd be amazed. The real ones like you? As rare as they come. I asked my mentor why he chose me so many years ago. He laughed and said because if you asked my partner about tomatoes and peppers again, well he was ready to kill you lol. He said he was waiting for someone who didnt want to grow. He was looking for someone who HAD to grow. Besides my wife, I have never met anyone in real life with a real passion, a need, for the grow. That is something one must have within themselves. It's not a seed that can be planted. Sorry you went through that. We'll all be your grow buds :)
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@TheOldHippie, I like your style man. I'll keep what I know close until or if I do find someone that is wholly willing to grow (needs too). Too many Cooks in the kitchen is what I like to say, just like the CEO analogy. haha. Doesn't work. Oh, and school projects. Only one person does it all😅
TheOldHippiecommented4 years ago
@JinksyGrows, it's my pleasure man. I know how difficult it can be to grow in solitude, know you're doing something off the chain and... no one to share it with. There's a reason each company has only 1 CEO. Because of everyone was an alpha, no one would be left to do the work. Well in our world if everyone was a grower, then there wouldn't be enough people to smoke it all. :))) My best advice is to keep your craft close to you. Don't even let anyone know you grow. Occassionally drop a frosty nug into a close friends hand while muttering the story about your friend who found this wicked shit and dropped a couple on you just because. Your friends will be waiting for your ghost buddy to pass through again lol.
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@TheOldHippie, Holy smokes, well said... "Everyone who smokes definitely would welcome the output. But that love of the flower does NOT carry over to the grow". You see, I associate the two personally, but I wrongfully believe everyone else is like this too. I do see the blunt reality of this, I will not allow this to happen again and am refocused on my endeavors and future projects. "He said he was waiting for someone who didn't want to grow. He was looking for someone who HAD to grow." Maybe this is the difference. I have the need and want to grow. It's built into my daily life now and no plant time in a day is unnatural and uncomfortable. It is beyond the flower and I do have this need to grow, progress and refine. I love to play in dirt, turns out, so it goes beyond the flower for sure. Just the time with them is worth every moment and every lesson learned (vegetables now too, lol!). I will keep my eyes wide open for people that have this Need over a simple want. Cause ya...they all want it, but have no drive to accomplish it. I think the largest red flag I didn't mention in the entry was this: Two weeks into the project they were already asking how long this was going to take, how much weed would we be getting, how much would it be worth, etc... I explained that they're living at the finish line and harvest when we haven't even tackled the adolescent propagation stages. They wanted the end game yield, but no part in the process. This is where I should have walked away...before it even started. Live and learn. Anywho, thank you so much for sharing man. I needed to hear these stories and find some validation for how I feel with this whole debacle. I'm on the mend and am moving on👌. I have some bigger plans here and an expansion, so I'm gong to focus on and do me again. Cheers to you my friend, and thank you again for taking the time and sharing your story and advice... I NEED to hear it. Cheers home slice and happy trails this week✊
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Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 54 years ago
you know that my ears are always opne... just hit me per Pm ,,,
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Thank you Mrs_Larimar🙏. I tend to not take my own advice and need to reach out more when I'm in a bad way. Everything just get's' pretty dark and muddy and I forget all the good things and good people I have around me😟. Very happy I'm out of that right now but will try my best to reach out next time. Thank you again, my friend. I appreciates you✊
Buddha2commentedweek 64 years ago
Really sad to read this comment especially when you see the potential of those fantastic plants!
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@GodzillaGrow69, Indeed😔. We will bounce back but I doubt those people's will. All good👌🙏
GodzillaGrow69commented4 years ago
What a shame.
Buddha2commented4 years ago
@JinksyGrows, they "were" beautiful? At least on those latest pictures, they are still looking next to perfect. Many growers would be happy to have such healthy and happy looking ladies. But hey, life goes on!
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Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 24 years ago
Nice you "spoiling" your new project,,, very courious to this.... happy growing , and following
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Absolutely will.👍
Mrs_Larimarcommented4 years ago
@JinksyGrows, pls tag me
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, It's going to be a fun adventure... Him and I are super excited and everything is set up. Just waiting till Sunday before they move to the big show. He's going be a good grow buddy. Very receptive and intelligent.
Jef79commentedweek 14 years ago
Best wishes for ur babies mate.. 😁👍🍀
Jef79commented4 years ago
@JinksyGrows,-will b watching n keeping fingers crossed for u mate.. Im sure u'll make her up beautiful as always! .. 😁👍🍀
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@Jef79, Thank ya Jef. Hoping these babies are beasts in a couple weeks😃
SommerVirellicommentedweek 64 years ago
I’ve also had this similar situation. Except I refused to do all the work for them and they let their plants die and blamed me for it. I don’t have time for nonsense and won’t be a tool. Instead of taking the time to learn some very basic things about growing, they decide to not grow at all. Oh well. To each their own. No use getting frustrated over it. I’m sorry it’s been so aggravating for you, but I understand.
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@SommerVirelli, JFC, I'm glad I reached out cause all these stories coming in validate that I'm NOT CRAZY! Your scenario sounds exactly like mine, but the plants aren't dead...yet. Don't worry, he's doing a fine job of expediting their death😣. And it appears that is what's happening right now. He would rather let them die then learn ANYTHING, flip them and get fruit. I don't understand how you can drop 2000+ dollars, get spoon fed info and given all the free crap you need for success, just to slap it away and stay ignorant? It's insane to me and I'm glad I'm out. Cheers and thank you for the support man🙏. My aggravation is dwindling now and I'm feeling a lot better about things. Just needed some time to process. Writing this was cathartic and I'm glad I did it. Ready to move on👌
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 64 years ago
Managing people just make grow exponentially harder.
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, Right? I felt they would manage themselves for the most part....buuuut that didn't happen. On to better things now👍👍. They're in the dust.
Grey_Wolfcommentedweek 64 years ago
Hi Mate sounds to me that you did the right thing in walking away from that situation. I have met many people like the couple you mention. They will never learn respect or value real friendships and can only see the things they can get out of any relationship. I had a cousin propose a similiar collaboration where he knew a guy who wanted to buy a heap of smoke so he says to me "you grow a big crop and I'll sell it to me mate and give ya half" and I'm thinking to myself oh great so you want me to risk everything do all the work and I'll get half........ HaHaHa yeh right I says besides I don't sell anything I grow as it's just not worth the risk and defeats the purpose of why I'm growing which is to keep myself supplied so that I don't have to buy it. Back to your situation Keep your guard up regarding these people as bad pennies have a tendancy to turn up again. Good luck for ya next grows mate 👍
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@Grey_Wolf, You know man, that's the worst part. I saw them as friends but they didn't see me that way. I was just the grower and a free ride. That hurts... And what's with these people thinking they're doing us a solid by "letting us" grow their weed for them, and hey, we'll give you a cut. Gee thanks! There's a serious disconnect there and I almost feel like they thought they were doing ME a favor by "letting" me grow in their house😅. I have 3 tents and two are fully commissioned, why would I need your plants? Anywho, rough go, but my guard is up and I'm focused on meself for a bit. A tad selfish, yes, but I do have some goals I need to achieve. These individuals stand in the way of that, so I'm walking away from all of them for now. Lastly, ya, they were talking about selling/expanding to sell, but implied it would be all me and I would 50%. Same as you, however, I DONT SELL! So, the risk of doing this for them is dumb as hell. Why would you or I risk our livelihoods so you can get free dope and make a couple bucks...(?) Such ass backwards thinking. I'm going to bring my truck into the shop and give them "the opportunity to fix it" without payment and they will thank me for it. That's how this works right? LOL!😂😂 Anyways man, cheers to you. Always a solid contact and grow buddy. My focus in on peoples like yourselves. I am surrounded by great company and it's time to take a step back and understand how lucky I am to have this support. Gotta stop trying to look for it, when I literally already have it.... Thank you Wolf🙏. You're the tits man✊
Buddha2commentedweek 14 years ago
Best wishes for your new grow!
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@Buddha2, Thank you!☺️
OimRauschcommentedweek 14 years ago
Here you go my friend... 👍 I'll follow along! Good luck and happy trails for the rest of the way 🤞 Servus Oim.
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@@OimRausch, Cheers dude🙏. Hope grow#4 is a winner👍
Automaniaccommentedweek 14 years ago
Good luck with your grow!
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@Automaniac, Thanks man!😀 I'll do my bestest 👍
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@Automaniac, Thank ya kindly home slice👍. Hoping this will be a fun run! Your first go is looking frigging good brother! Keep it up🙏😅
JP148commentedweek 44 years ago
Looking great. Good luck with the new setup
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@@JP148, Thanks man. Just one more build and we're good to go😀
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 34 years ago
Busy s good. And I also found out that you can’t let up when going out sing weed. A bit of slip invite trouble. And I dream about automated small scale trimming.
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, Agreed man. Busy is good and I'm doing what I love to do pretty much all day now. Spreading plants all around and trying to get as many people into the grow game as possible. Can't let up👊. And ya man...I need a faster way of trimming. I was considering something automated, but I just can't justify a piece of machinery for 8-12 plants😅. If things keep getting bigger and busier, I'll try and find something. Trim bags for now!
WeirdoTcommentedweek 34 years ago
She's looking good!🍃
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@WeirdoT, Thank you kindly 🙏. She's a happy lady😃
Zone6ixcommentedweek 24 years ago
So beautiful! Good luck 👽
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@Zone6ix, Thank you kindly my friend🙂. I accept you luck and will use it for the entire grow😉
grzesiekkuzniakcommentedweek 24 years ago
i like how clean ur tent is
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@grzesiekkuzniak, Always😉. Gotta make the girls comfortable and all that, haha.
Ferenccommentedweek 14 years ago
Happy Growing @JinksyGrows
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, Thanks my dude🙏. Always paranoid in the first two weeks, but a little calmer about ugly seedlings this round, haha.
L_Tetragrammatoncommentedweek 34 years ago
I like the phone control of the bluebird setup. Looking great! Happy Growing
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 54 years ago
Patience my friend.
XoticGROW666commentedweek 34 years ago