Hello people from GD!
We are into full bloom during this week. The stretch has stopped and the buds are finally growing. Let's see how they developed. I want to go for 10 weeks, 70 days, what do you think?
Thanks for the visit and keep following!
Tchau, do Brazil! =]
@amazongrow, 25gs!? Man you can make it! Just have a 1 to 2 week break or taperoff for 1 to 2 weeks then you'll be fine to blow trees 🌳 5 weeks is all u got left man! Do it!!!!
@Visions, yeah! she is already super stinky.... i want to go to 70 days, end of week 10.. but I dont know if I can... just got like 25g left... haha! but I willl try... she gains a lot of weight in the end....
thanks for the visit, bro! =]
@Island, rapaz... tiro uns 10 galhos e deixo em um copo preto com agua... 10-14 dias ja tem raiz.. ate antes... claro que nem todos vao dar, mas so preciso de um.. tenho feito assim. dessa vez saiu raiz de uns 5-6.. mas so precisarei de 1 =)
mandae no chat a receita do solo.. pensei em algo simples. humus, azomite, myco, farinha de peixe, acido humico e fuvico .. tenho uns que peguei da down to earth uma vez... q acha? vc preparou o solo antes, deixou esquentando e tudo mais?
@amazongrow, se precisar de uma receita de solo de orgânico, eu testei uma no cultivo anterior q foi sem stress.
E a clonagem? vc tem feito como?
Antes vc me falou q tinha dificuldade pra clonar.
@Island, que nada mano, só tinha uma semente de LSD.. e foi a primeira que eu vi que bate mesmo, sem ter dúvidas hehehe... nossa eh muito boa essa genética, se tiver oportunidade de testar um dia.... vale muito. dai to tentando manter. agora vou dar uns clones a um amigo, espero que ele consiga perpetuar... a proxima vai ser uma Super Lemon Haze da BFS... e to pensando num organico tbm.. =)
@Island, sim, deixo no grow em luz fraca... nao mexo... so troco agua de 2,3 em 3 dias... geralmente tiro uns 10 ou mais.. pega 2,3... dessa vez pegaram quase todos hehe
@Island, nada. apenas água. trocando de vez em quando. corta, joga no copo preto na agua e deixa quieto. tem dado certo e de qq forma, só preciso de um. rsrs.
Hi brother. Good diaries. Thanks for all the likes! This web site runs on them and with yours I'm now 25 likes from becoming an apprentice. Thanks again. Yes I tend to jump pretty hard on my plants and I expect them to preform for me. I'm also trying a new nutrient so I might be a bit high. I also still believe in flushing. And I flush for 2 weeks, to get what I can, flushed out in that time. When I grow in soil I don't get burnt tips. Hope your grow goes well. Chuck.
Hi mate! I have been watching since a few months your work. This is fantastic!!! Now I plan to revedge one of my plant, for the first time! What is your ultimate advice about doing a revedge?
@sativaman, let her have some leafs.. take the buds out after some days as it start to show leaves with 3 leaflets... and wait until she is growing 5 leaflet leaves at least before flowering again! =)
tell me when you start, I will follow up! Thanks for the comments =)