@Ferenc,thanks. I’ve been putting everything I know into this grow, hopefully it all turns out good in the end! Was really, excited to get my hands on this strain after so long, big fan of alien 👽
Deal with droopy this week, doesn’t respond to water, doesn’t respond to temperatures, although it pops up a bit while in a warmer temperature, it does respond to getting misted with distilled water, my guess, it has a salt lockout, can’t uptake water from the roots, so it’s taking it in through the leaves! This weeks I’m reducing the EC down to 700us/cm and keeping it at 700us/cm !Plants sort of picky on temperature
Got really cold in the spare room, so I move the entire opt to the utility area, much more stable in temperature and humidity , and I have the room to veg outside of the tent, and keep the tent up for flowering, better overall space! Plants will be very happy!
Gonna increase the EC to 850, new growth a little yellow and growth is starting to accelerate, so a bit more food for them. A nice bloodmeal tea will be prepared tonight, keep it on air till Sunday. Sunday, will be organic tea day
Nights have been a little chilly in the room of late, about 20c. No signs of cold stress thought, being native to Afghanistan it should be cold hardy, perhaps prefer cold nights, I’ll keep the temperature at 22 for now, to avoid any pM. I’ll be reducing the on time down to 13hrs (30minutes every 3days), I usually do GRL, I’ll avoid any stress right now by making it 13/11.
Steady grow, looks like some are slightly different, as per the strain being a landrace. Likes a cool temperature of about 25/26 Celsius, that seems to be the happy point for them.