@Gentlesoft, I had the same issue with six shooter in dwc twice. Now I'm running an ebb and flow system with six shooter and the roots look like snow! I think it was just a temperature, oxygen issue in the solution.
@Fast_Buds, mold specifically on these bushes was not noticed, the problem was visible precisely on the dead lower rusting leaves, rusty specks on the middle leaves and slow growth. Now the situation has more or less stabilized, but the result, of course, will be less impressive. The strangest thing is that on another strain under the same conditions, such problems were not observed, so I ask, maybe some peculiarities are required when growing your genetics in hydroponics or when feeding, because there were no such problems on coconut.
@Gentlesoft, Thank you for asking. If you had mold and those other deficiencies combined, that is why she is behind now. Are you still having problems with her?
I will say I have grown two Six Shooters and never had any problems and actually both times even my earliest fan leaves stayed green the whole time until harvest and growth was amazing.. Currently growing Six Shooter now and so far everything is great
@Gentlesoft, yea each time I have grown Six Shooter it was in soil, I always use a foxfarm type of soil, I have dwc as well but I don't use on autos just never turns out good for me. But still man you have a good looking grow, i meant to say that in my last comment, and Six Shooter is a great smoke
@Cultivators_Dream, did you grow on coconut / soil/ hydroponics? on the coconut, I also had no particular problems with the shooter, all the problems were on the dwc.
@burittomizzle, before curing the smell was spruce, after curing there was just a pleasant smell of cannabis, maybe I did not dry and cure correctly, so I lost terpenes